I eagerly await your angry downvotes
boruto is simultaneously an ipad kid and a /r/im14andthisisdeep settings-pill cartoon sharer
reading Boruto simply because I’m operating on the heuristic that I can no longer criticize works that I’ve only experienced through osmosis (barring obvious exceptions like the Turner Diaries and Rand drivel, of course)
naruto is desperately missing a Hody moment where they acknowledge there are some people who don't have a relatable tragic reason to be a piece of shit, I feel like Danzo almost was that but the manga didn't give the idea much room to breathe
give us a zillion dollars
>north american
>notably verbose
>wears glasses
>5-o'clock shadow
>used to be a teacher
>addicted to balatro
close enough. welcome to my house Ryan Gary Letourneau
bleach better imo, peaks of bleach are worth at least half of naruto
finished naruto. light to mid 7. very trite, but well-presented and really well-executed. almost redeems the tedious beginning, patriarchal/misogynistic undertones, and abruptness of the whole thing at the end.
it's like if we measure politics as x as intangibles and y as tangibles, you are moving no meaningful distance on the y-axis. insignificant figures. you are approaching a limit and you are comparing points along an asymptote.
0.99999... is equal to 1. there is no meaningful difference that you can find.
genocide is the planck length of lesser evil calculus in that once you get to it there is no meaningful measurement to be had between two executions of a genocide
yuri manga Kapital jumpscare