With a dude like this we're definitely gunning for a farce
Which country will be our Ethiopia?
Banned? DM Wmill to appeal.
No anti-nautilism posts. See: Eco-fascism Primer
Slop posts go in c/slop. Don't post low-hanging fruit here.
With a dude like this we're definitely gunning for a farce
Which country will be our Ethiopia?
Canada has been invading the US in the form of the absolute worst war crime loving media figures. David Frum (guilty of enough propaganda to be hanged, legally speaking only of course), Crowder (re-enacted George Floyd's murder among an infinite well of other racist shit, Ted Cruz (Cuban-Canadian... no further comment), and a lot more that I can't will myself into thinking about
Too Fallout. We need fresh slop for the Blackshirts.
Remember to properly dispose of your Blackshirts
I feel like an invasion of Mexico as a way to 'combat the cartels' has been in the consent manufacturing chute for a few years now
In 2004 his unit was called to Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, where he served as an infantry platoon leader
Hegseth volunteered to serve in Baghdad and Samarra, where he held the position of infantry platoon leader
He reportedly persuaded Trump to pardon three American soldiers accused or convicted of war crimes related to the shooting of non-combatants in Iraq.
I hope one of his murder buddies has a ptsd induced psychotic break and decides to kill him with a rusty MRE spork
was at Guantanamo too
I didn't quite think the Amerikkkan dekline had progressed to the point of having a governmental agency named after a decade-old meme led by a scam artist and having a 4ChaNazi as secretary of defense. lmao.
Vince McMahon's wife is possibly going to be in Trump's cabinet too.
Vince McMahon's wife is possibly going to be in Trump's cabinet too.
Can’t tell if this is real or not
She already led the Small Business Administration (lol) during Trump's first term.
She was last time. Small business tzar or something
here are all the reactionary symbols i recognize so far:
jerusalem cross, "devs vvlt" and chi-rho: neo-crusadist iconography, with the later two also being associated with opus dei and the fascist regime in spain
and "we the people": iconography associated with the illegal settler-colonial occupation of northern America
emblem with the inscription "Ne Desit Virtus": symbol of the 187th Infantry Regimen of the illegal yankeestani so called "military" (actually just a gang ofremoveds and murderers). responsible for a shitton of war crimes.
what did i miss?
I think MDCCLXXV is supposed to be 1776 even though it actually means 1775, that would also go under the second bullet point
Battles of Lexington and Concord were 1775; the shootiest Americans tend to highlight that over the declaration.
Fun fact! That's the birth year of the US Army. So it was likely on purpose, unfortunately.
Deus Dolt.
I've got dead pets, anime, and comics on me, why's this guy have a bunch of nationalist stuff 🤔
read it as "dead pets anime" and got very excited
Yeah I watch a bunch of JoJo what do you want from me? 😜
Those poor dogs :(
As soon as I watched the first episode I decided to stop, lest I pop a vein from my uncontrollable rage against Dio Brando
"He's just a fan of Latin! Guys! Can't someone tattoo the Catholic motto used during the crusades on their arm!? CANCEL CULTURE WHAT THE FUCK???"
But for real, I thought this was a "joke" someone put out? (The guy not his Nazi tats) He's some low level rando from Fox News...?
I can't believe a random Fox News host is our next Secretary of Defense. It's like an onion bit.
I can't wait for Gavin, the random valet guy who complimented Trump's tie, to be our Secretary of Energy and control all the nuclear stockpile.
I appoint myself to be Trump's new "Shit Czar" in charge of reversing all the EPA (or whoever makes those rules) rules/laws/whatever mandating "low flow" faucets and toilets.
A "problem" that was solved 20 years ago. Easiest job ever. Just pretend I'm still working on it for 4 years then show him a Toto toilet. The Japanese really know how to suck human feces away with minimum amounts of water usage. (No, I'm not paid by Toto... but I'd like to be)
Considering he 'served' as an officer at Guantanamo Bay and in Iraq, I don't think he's just a random Fox guy.
It's like an onion bit.
has the onion run a headline along the lines of The Onion Shutting Down The Presses Due To Real Life Being Its Own Satire yet?
This is the one appointment I’m hopeful for because if he can mismanage the armed forces into being even more incompetent than usual, I see that as a win.
As long as we don't get someone so incompetent that they throw the nuclear football
My Catholic grandfather said that people with tattoos are going to hell.
People with these tattoos certainly are
why does he have the Georgian flag on his chest
well, i guess continued support for
is now proven beyond a doubt
It is time for the biggest nephew to get his due
The crossover between crusade guys and zionists is kind of interesting in a way. You'd think they would aim to make it a christian state again, but maybe that is stage 2 of the plan.
It is actually worse than that, they want all the Jews back in the holy land to fulfill their apocalyptic death cult bible fanfic. After the final battle all the "good ones" will repent and become christian and the rest will be murdered by burger Jesus as all the most burger worshiping "christians" get taken up to heaven where they will have unlimited fountain drinks, McRibs and hooters girls serving them, not unlike their caricature of what they believe about Muslims and the 40 virgins bullshit.
Just 100% :projection:
He has a Kingdom of Jerusalem tattoo and a load of crusader stuff on him though, which is a different flavour to the other evangelicals at least in my experience. But maybe that is just outside of the US.
You are giving him too much credit (i.e., assuming he has a well thought-out coherent connection to those symbols instead of the being vibes based history). The original crusaders were Catholics, which Pete is not. The current Crusade is a Protestant Crusade and he sees himself as a Protestant Crusader (notwithstanding the catholic imagery he got permanently etched into his skin). The Protestant crusade is along the lines of what Nakoichi laid out - they conscript Jewish foot soldiers as functionaries within their Protestant theology to crusade the holy land for the protestant end-times which requires "Jewish" control of the land.
My point is that he doesn't have any serious belief in anything that you're describing, just that he is incredibly racist. They also tend to hate jews, only slightly less than muslims. At most they are "culturally christian" in the same sense that Dawkins is now, it is just slightly rebranded white supremacy.
Trying to see it through scripture at all is already giving him too much credit.
It looks like the next season of America will feature some cartoonishly evil but also extremely comedic characters.
he looks like the type of guy who is so coked out he can only make "eye" contact with cameras.
the death stare on him is pretty funny
Also oh fuck he's from MN
of course this fucking fascist is from Forest Lake
Apparently he also almost killed a drummer with an axe on live TV
Lmfao Jesus Christ that video is insane
Ahh. Perhaps trump’s win was much worse than I could’ve expected