He then turned to the historic question the Communist movement has always asked, “What, then, is to be done?”
Oh hell no. Do not go there to justify voting for a fucking genocidal neoliberal ghoul
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He then turned to the historic question the Communist movement has always asked, “What, then, is to be done?”
Oh hell no. Do not go there to justify voting for a fucking genocidal neoliberal ghoul
Who can forget when Lenin arrived to russia from exile and told the bolsheviks to
Revisionism of the highest order. If only Lenin would come back to let them know how he'd feel
Bolsheviks in 1917: hell yeah we're voting!
Bolsheviks: for revolution, that is, at the congress of soviets!
If Lenin was alive he would vote for Biden
How the hell are communists inviting an Israeli political party to a convention? Hell I can't even imagine the radical liberals or centre left in South Africa doing that. I don't even think most centrists would do that.
Surely this must hurt whatever legitimacy the party had.
But we’re not at fascism yet, of course, Sims said.
Why is every non tankie like this? It's never actually
I don't know why JT from Second Thought continues to associate himself with these people.
the local chapters are far far far more radical than the party leadership
If your ML party can't do democratic centralism what's the point
If your branch is far more radical than the leadership why are you in that org at all
Strange, he's def left of them and calls genocide Joe a fascist... I'd assume he'll break it off after this.
Wow this is terrible, fuck CPUSA
how do you manage to be on the Right of the DSA??
One of DSA's co-chairs (highest elected leaders of the org) is a member of the caucus that wrote the "Do you commend Hamas?" article.
That is really cool, but let's not pretend that DSA as an org isn't often times extremely lib and that any actual communist party should never find themselves to their right. Did anything ever happen to those DSA caucus leaders who snubbed the president of Cuba and went to meet with the Gusano opposition instead?
DSA has major problems. However, in its defense, I'll quote myself from another comment in this thread:
In contrast to my perception of CPUSA, DSA hasn't devolved into false demcent (i.e. "bureaucratic centralism"). While DSA has big problems (and needs more centralism), it does actually have sufficient internal democracy necessary to engage in two line struggle, because of that it has the potential (however small) to build consensus among the US left cross-tendency.
You cite actions taken by significant elements of DSA that are bad. I agree this is concerning. However, structurally DSA has greater capacity to critique this due to its internal democracy (which still needs improvement). I'm not sure any other left formations in the US have this capacity developed to the same level.
“On the one side, there’s the ruling class forces of white supremacy and MAGA pulling the country apart. On the other, there’s the working-class forces of democracy pulling the country together.”
I have some bad news for you about which side Joe Biden is on, my guy.
Also the very next part too:
“First, they tried the wall,” Sims said of Trump’s scheme to keep migrants from entering the U.S. across the Mexican border.
And who provided funding to continue building the wall?
“Then the Muslim ban, now they’re planning concentration camps. That’s right, we said it.
They literally have concentration camps on the border right now. And who was it that expanded the camps after Trump?
And if they come for immigrants in the morning, they’re damn sure coming for us at noon.
So the solution is to vote for the Biden, who continued building the wall and who expanded the concentration camps after Trump, in order to stop Trump, who plans to continue building the wall and expanding the concentration camps?
The math ain't mathin'
Yeah, I don't get it. There's a very reasonable argument to be made that picking Biden over Trump won't make that much of a difference in real terms. This honestly seems like one of the best times in recent history to directly address the legitimacy of the system, rather than pretend that it matters which demented old man gets to be president.
That's definitely the clearest and most effective strategy for advancing class consciousness.
If we drop our expectations lower though and we just consider that this person is the leader of the largest communist party in the US and, as such, his role is to engage in political analysis then the next step from that is to consider his political analysis of the situation - that Biden is significantly different to Trump, that Biden is both capable of stopping Trump and willing to do so, and that Biden is not doing what Trump did which he believes makes Trump bad/an existential threat etc.
I can't even put words to exactly how that leaves me - I'm not speechless or aghast or disappointed. If I was in a room with him, there would be nothing that I'd want to say to him or to hear from him because I genuinely believe that there's more value in shitposting on some little corner of the internet than there is in engaging with someone who is either so politically disconnected that he genuinely believes these things that he has said or who is very consciously attempting to deceive the masses by using convenient fiction in order to achieve a deeper political goal in the most cynical way possible. I nothing him, y'know?
Imo what that boils down to is either he thinks that people like me are completely stupid or he is genuinely this stupid. Either way 🤷
If there's no mechanism to rid the party of this moron then I don't see why there are any comrades still organising through it. If the existing leadership won't get rid of him then the whole bunch are reactionary. How many decades of dedication is it going to take for any group of real and dedicated communists to root them out? It's a lost cause.
People gotta sit down and ask themselves exactly how long it will realistically take to achieve and whether that's a timeline worth doing or whether it's better to be organising through alternatives.
CPUSA was literally half (or more than half on the high end) feds in the 60s. You can't fix that.
sadly there is no democratic mechanism to get rid of him
WHEREAS the perversion of democratic centralism that prevents full discussion of proposed resolutions and limits new resolutions to those that have been pre-approved by leadership places revisionism and opportunism fully in command of the party apparatus, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the convention rules be amended to: i) permit each speaker to hold the floor for 10 minutes, ii) adopt in full Robert’s Rules of Order to govern procedure, and iii) be explicitly permitted to offer new resolutions on the convention floor.
WHEREAS the revisionist drift of the party for the past fifty years has caused it to fall away from the masses, tail the Democratic Party, and lose its character as a proletarian institution, LET IT BE RESOLVED that this convention hereby enacts a self-denying resolution which shall disbar any present members of the National Committee or anyone who has served on the National Committee in the past decade from appearing on any slate before this convention or being elected or appointed to the National Committee or its subcommittees for at least four years and LET IT FURTHER BE RESOLVED that any candidate for the National Committee shall be required to take an oath of commitment to the proletarian revolution before the convention prior to being placed on the slate.
Also Joe sims and his friends are the owners of the all the assets of the CPUSA
Lastly, however, and most critically, the millions of dollars of resources controlled by the leadership of CPUSA isn’t owned by the party. In fact, the party, as an entity, has no legal recognition in any state and is not federally registered as anything. Each state “party” is an “unincorporated club.” This means that the party is, under bourgeois law, incapable of owning any property or money. So who owns all of these things?
Individual party leaders. John Bachtell runs Longview Publishing. Advance Realty is run by Libero Della Piana, who is also the managing director of the Drug Policy Alliance, an NGO. The party launders its money through a number of NGOs, of which the Drug Policy Alliance is only one. By maintaining them primarily in NGOs, which receive grant money, the assets are required to report directly to their federal backers and managers exactly what every penny is spent on. Even further, party leaders employ their own significant others and children in those NGOs, from which they draw a salary. John Bachtell lives from the donations of party members to People’s World, even though the party does not own, control, or manage its own newspaper.
Extremely well written link.
This seems like a lot of effort when the people that aren't revisionists could simply migrate to another ML party that isn't clearly fucked up procedurally in so many ways. What's the point in spending one to three decades fighting this out and waiting for these people to die when people could simply move.
All this agitation and trying to fight things out procedurally and for what? What's the outcome going to be? The outcome will be that these people stay in place until they're dead and they get to appoint whoever follows them so those people are almost certainly going to be exactly like they are.
Fighting in CPUSA appears to be a dead end to me. The mechanisms are what matter here. Really lay out to yourselves how many decades this will take vs how immediate moving to another party would be. It's really fucking obvious what the correct path is.
He then turned to the historic question the Communist movement has always asked, “What, then, is to be done?”
Jfc, Lenin would run roughshod on these clowns.
How does the U.S. fail in every way to have some sort of strong communist party. Each large one has so many issues and some are just too small or are clones of larger orgs. We've reached the point where a consistently red star controlled DSA is the best bet for a communist org, and while that's not a bad thing, DSA as a whole is still filled with libs.
100-ish years of the feds doing their best to prevent such a party from existing.
They're pretty damn good at their jobs 😓
Its easy when you have near infinite money and resources.
I would say both the and the FRSO are doing decent but yea in size the DSA marxist caucuses do seem to have the most reach and influence
What concentration camps Joe? The ones Biden kept open?
Deeply unserious party
CPUSA? Co-opted party USA?
Clown Party USA
social democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism
But we’re not at fascism yet, of course, Sims said.
There's a communist party of Israel?! Holy shit I support Hamas even more now.
Link to @[email protected] take on Joe Sims tailism
Pretty sure I've got like a dozen of polemics against Joe Sims and CPUSA on hexbear after 4 years of dunking on them nonstop
I see they're still committed to the popular front...after nearly 80 years. Surely they'll do something relevant this time around.
Its honestly not even a popular front. You need actual political and material power to act as an independent political movement that can call for a popular front.
Its popular front in name only, unmasked it's radical liberals training the next generation of DNC organizers, door-knockers, and phonebankers
lmao amerikkkan "leftist" parties are such a joke