
joined 4 years ago
[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

Lucas dismissing them as "kid's movies" always came off as deepling disingenuous. My dude you made a movie about the Weimar Republic falling to fascism where half the scenes are people talking to each other in a giant legislature hall. I know you're a dork but you 100% do not believe it's "Just a kids movie".

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

One of my main critiques about the OT, and almost all subsequent media. You can't do anything bigger than a Death Star. Narratively blowing up a planet in one shot is the biggest bad thing that can happen that's still on a scale people can make sense of. So many Star Wars products have focused on a Big Dumb Object.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

What's that line about how the US constitution is hypocritical because something something preaching about freedom while holding a whip over the afrighted slave?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 hour ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

This is a real historical transition and i was there when it happened in the early 00s. The release of the X-box and Halo rapidly changed gaming from a slightly embarassing hobby to a very bro-y frat boy popular social thing. It was a dramatic sea change. It accompanied the shift of "nerd stuff", sci fi, comics, fantasy, being aggressively mainstreamed.

It was deeply weird watching nerd shit rapidly change from being slightly stigmatized to extremely mainstream in the course of a few years.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

More or less, yeah. They don't know what communism is and don't know what capital gains are but they know that taxes are bad and harris is bad and all bad things are communism.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

For me - making sure i've eaten and i'm eating protein and fats. Making sure i've got enough water. And then, if possible,self reflecting on my agigitation and excusing myself from situations that are upsetting if possible.

Food is a major component for me. I'm much more in control when i'm eating regularly through the day.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

Right? Back in 200 when i was in high school we were just getting to the point where it was questionable for all of your jokes to be bigotry and slurs.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 7 hours ago

Diagnosed and proud. Libs eat shit and die.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 hours ago

She's irresponsibly risking frying the mainboard, is what she's doing.

Ritual nudity when building computers has material as well as spiritual purposes. No clothes, no cats, no carpets, no exceptions. It is your holy duty to keep the magic smoke inside the thinking rocks!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

Yeh. "Porn addiction" afaik is mostly a catholic and mormon anti-sex thing that encourages people to pathologize normal sexual interest and behavior.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 7 hours ago

It's extremely weird and pathological. Like if you left moldy mormon and catholicism ant-sex ideology in a damp bathroom for a year.


CW: Tom uses the term "Hotentot" which is an old slur/exonym for San people, as well as "Eskimo" which is a slur among Canadian First Nations (though accepted by some Alaska Natives.)


CW: Tom uses the term "Hotentot" which is an old slur/exonym for San people, as well as "Eskimo" which is a slur among Canadian First Nations (though accepted by some Alaska Natives.)


Disco Elysium; Covid Edition. Take II


American politics are an absolute goddamn carnival show. Look how fucking normal everyone looks here. Bored, upset, many of them clearly need to shit. And there's John, doing his best to make audible noises using vocal chords like he's one of them. Actually making an effort. Something did change in thee last 50 years. The bizarre creatures that run this country used to be able to actually pass as human for a few hours at a time. What is the secret? What did our ancient kings know that their D(banned word those canadians say on the show) descendants today have forgotten?


Since I encompass knowledge of all things I prepared this meem for you 9 months in advance.


I can only follow some of this, but it seems cool. There are a number of martial arts in central and south America that were developed by enslaved people who were denied any arms except the machetes they used for agricultural work.


I am! train-shining


I have defeated the internet, comrades. The curse is lifted!


What the fuck level of cult of personality even is this? They're writing fan fic about their fucking overlords. What the fuck I cannot emphasize enough what the fuck?


Democrats have negative intelligence. They are intelligent tool using homonids just like normal people, but they diligently use their intelligence to find new and exciting ways not to understand a single goddamn thing about the world around them.

They just do not fucking understand at all, in any way whatsoever, who the fash (well, the other fash) are and why they believe what they believe and behave as they behave. The amount of pig-headed ignorance, the absolute refusal to understand the enemy, is FUCKING INCREDIBLE.


There's a quick shot where Neo, the one, the christ figure who sees the world in it's true shape and delivers the people from capitalism/the demiurge, has a pair of doves, a traditional symbol of peace, liberation, and the catholic holy spirit, framed above his head. And opposing him is Agent Elrond, holding a gigantic Israeli designed Desert Eagle Pistol, and directly above that pistol flies the red, white, and blue flag of the united states. In a scene where every single person except the lady in red is wearing black and white that flag is the only other thing with bright colors.

Placed over a gun pointed at the savior.

This movie is so fucking incredible. If you weren't their in the twilight hours of the end of history, the last days of the century of atomic bombs and digital computers and slinkies, I don't think you'll ever really understand.

Also notice how a cop writing traffic tickets is clearly, unambiguously, and explicitly framed as the enemy. They shot so many fucking cops in this movie it was glorious. In the Matrix the terrorists were wise, enlightened, principled, and absolutely correct. They shot cops, blew up buildings, hacked computers, and they were unquestionably the good guys. Their cause was righteous and their means were justified.

Also, compared to Keanu's role in Cyberpunk 77 decades later; a dreary, vapid story where revolution is unthinkable, liberation impossible, and there's only empty violence and fancy graphics. And you work for the cops.


I've tried and tried and tried to hammer this in to Libs; It wasn't Trump who sent the US Army in to my city to crush democratic organizing and political unrest, to protect a white cop and uphold white supremacy, to hold the population at gunpoint while the deeply corrupt and illegitimate judiciary did it's thing.

It was Tim Walz.

He deployed thousands of US Army soldiers throughout Minneapolis in the days surrounding the reading of the verdict of one of the George Floyd murder cases. If the judiciary let that cop walk free he was going to maintain order no matter how many (black) people he had to murder to do it. I was trying to reassure my friends that the feds probably hadn't issued ammunition to all the National Guard pukes marching through the streets, that the armored cars didn't actually have machine guns fitted, but idk what the fuck they would have done if people had risen up in the aftermath if what's his ass had been allowed to walk. I assume they brought in a military occupation because they intended to use it.

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