Hot dog and ketchup? Aren’t ketchup and mustard like, the standard condiments on a hot dog?
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i'm convinced this ketchup and hot dog hate is some ironic thing USians started dreaming up five years ago. what else can you put ketchup on but a hot dog? it's like one of two possible uses for ketchup, besides dipping fries in.
nooo don't put the hot dog condiment on a hot dog that's weeeeird
Yeah like hot dog, burger, and fries are like the only things ketchup is even used for
Hot dog and ketchup is weird then I don’t want to be normal
"Hot dog and ketchup? What's wrong with hot dogs with ketchup? I like hot dogs with ketchup! ...Hey, that fellow's talkin' about me!"
"And that makes a difference, doesn't it?"
It's weird if you're a Chicagoan
Hot dogs traditionally should be served with like onions, relish, tomato slices, pickles, etc. They are depression-era food where you take the cheapest processed meat sausage and then pile it with cheap garden vegetables and canned goods.
Eating the hotdog with only ketchup is just covering your cheap processed meat tube with high fructose corn syrup.
It's a conspiracy to make something as normal as jam on toast seem unnatural
jam on toast? preposterous. in cincinnati, where toast was invented by Coriolanus Toast III, it is customary to have navy beans, hubbard squash, and chili oil on toast. in fact, if you go to the community theater and get jam on your toast, the MC will squirt you with lemon juice and paddle your bottom with a bible.
The "ketchup on hot dogs is wrong" thing seems mostly unique to USAmericans
It makes no sense to me because I'm an older U.S. millennial and growing up you put three things on yer dog: ketchup, mustard, and relish.
Where's the onions, chili beans and cheese you filthy animal?
I actually don't like cheese on a glizzy.
can't believe you betray sonic the hedgehog like this
I agree with this.
I'm not wrong, it's the westoids who are wrong.
it's a Chicago and New York thing pretty exclusively to think ketchup on a hotdog is weird. but lots of media comes from those places, so it gets conflated with "all the sophisticated people on the continent feel this way".
Imagine believing anything about a hot dog could be considered sophisticated. Like eat the left over meat chunks we crammed into a meat tube and dump like 15 dollars of condiments and vegetable toppings, but don't use the wrong one or else it'll become gauche!
I feel like the apple pie one has got to be one of those engagement bait things.
I've heard of the other three, but surely that's not actually a thing.
Whenever I heard about apple pie with cheese, my brain always pictured cream cheese or ricotta/mascarpone or whatever. People are really out here melting cheddar over their apple pies?!
Where in the US is it abnormal to have ketchup on hot dogs? This is completely standard where I live. Like if you order a hot dog and don’t specify anything else, you will get ketchup on it.
Chicago and New York pride themselves on hating ketchup
Chicago will serve you a salad on your dog and New York will give you onion relish
In fact, if you go to a Chicago White Sox baseball game and you ask for ketchup on. your dog, they ring a Bell of Shame
All of these are actually good and mostly rely on combining sweet and savory flavors to different degrees. Three of them are also foods that are associated with being poor and déclassé.
Personally never really been into ranch on pizza or in general, but I begrudgingly respect that it works.
The one I'll really stick up for is apple (or other sweet fruit filling) pie with cheese. It's really tight to have something like a swiss to cut the sweetness and round out the flavor profile there.
Preach. I'm weirded out by how judgy people get about food, especially mixing flavor profiles. Pineapple on pizza is another big one.
I'll eat all these in one full-course meal
The coastal elites will never understand our Midwestern appreciation for ranch on everything
Also Alaskans. For some reason.
Milkshake & fries is so good though
You'll have to pry my hotdog and ketchup from my cold, dead butthole
I prefer those Buns warm tho
Apple pie without cheese is like a kiss without a squeeze
Ranch belongs on nothing, it belongs in the trash.
hell yeah, trash ranch is the best.
/pulls out spoon
I once did a spicy food challenge after which they brought me ranch to cool my mouth. I chose to continue burning than to suck down that leaf-filled buttermilk cum
People: have you tried this cheese with a Ritz cracker and some fig jam? It’s so wonderful and high class
Had 4/4 of these and they are all decent food combinations that exist for a reason, even if they won't be mainstream.
I've had weirder combos, like peanut butter and pickle sandwiches.
ranch on pizza can go because growing up, I used to get joked on because I thought it was DISGUSTING and all my cracker ass friends would be like "no you just haven't had it with the right ranch it has to be a HOUSE ranch" (wtf do you mean by 'house ranch' Steve, literally every restaurant is probably using the same goddamn hidden valley packets or whatever)
they'd order breadsticks with ranch??? no dip them in fucking marinara or spaghetti sauce, not fucking ranch what is wrong with you
Dude, nah, restaurant ranch hits different. It's not just some Hidden Valley powder, there's a recipe for that shit, and you know when it's done right. Totally different flavor profile, Ken's is the closest I've tasted a store brand get.
I've been the bitch back there makin' sauces. You gotta get your mix down to a fuckin' science, and you best be usin' buttermilk for that shit.
I hate ranch, but will say that good restaurant ranch is way better. It's made with fresh buttermilk pretty much always, and many restaurants will add fresh herbs to it.
I work in a Midwestern fast food restaurant RN and see people order ranch with anything. Corn dogs, mozzarella sticks, fries, I swear to god white midwesterners will put it on fucking anything.
There are ways to make any of these work really really well, aside from a hot dog with only ketchup. I'll ketchup a dog but mustard NEEDS to be there, I hate the taste of solo ketchup. Ranch, like just about anything else can be made good and also it's about the pizza. Trash pizza (chain takeout or frozen) demands some other bullshit with it and it should be equally crappy. Before being vegan I would for sure smash a really shitty 4 cheese frozen pizza and add ranch and Sriracha. Shitty food can be delicious and has its place. I'm an amazing cook, been doing it for 14 years as a job and have mostly done higher end stuff, I can whip up amazing stuff from scratch pretty quick...but sometimes that isn't what you're I'm the mood for, and I'm not even talking laziness. Sometimes the hankering is for the shittiest version of a food. That's fine, eat bad good from time to time, it's fun.
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