
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 19 hours ago (2 children)

A fingered butthole:

[–] [email protected] 12 points 19 hours ago (1 children)

"If you love me why do you want me to sign this paper entitling you to half of my stuff?"

[–] [email protected] 17 points 19 hours ago (2 children)

Furries with a thing for Scar from The Lion King get real careful hitting the R and not the key just to its right when they are searching for "scar porn."

[–] [email protected] 8 points 19 hours ago (2 children)

I have never once seen "fuck goblin" but this chart indicates it's not unsaid, just that it's not used quite as frequently as the other combinations.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago) (2 children)

Is keeping Lemmy's comment section active not a worthwhile endeavor?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 19 hours ago (2 children)

I assume everyone is at least as smart if not smarter than me, so it's only really apparent when they are not even as smart as me. Cuz I'm hella dumb.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago) (3 children)

Oh man that weed looks tasty af... 🤤

I need some flower and a blunt wrap; getting bored of dabs.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

Cool sidenote: the Dreamcast controllers had two slots. I wonder if they had cool interactions, like the MSX, the SuFami Turbo, and the relatively more modern but more distantly related Metal Gear Solid where Psycho Mantis comments on what other games you've been playing based on the saves on your memory card.

They could probably read the card data (I mean, they would have to in order to load saves off 'em anyway) and do the Psycho Mantis thing. Though I can't recall any of the games I have for it doing it. I do remember one of them being able to determine if the VMU was a full VMU or just a memory card because it wouldn't let you install the little VMU game it had to anything but an actual VMU with a screen. Trying to put it on a 3rd party memory card that didn't have the screen would give an error.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 19 hours ago

So is it just for 2D games? It sounds and looks a bit like RPG Maker.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 20 hours ago


[–] [email protected] 4 points 20 hours ago

A bum gardener, eh?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 20 hours ago

A 24oz can of NOS.


She dieded for pretend.


You do. It's all you can afford and the sea levels have risen.


There's no sales tax on unprepared food in this state (I'm also paying by EBT with food stamps) and the CRV for the can is only $0.05. where the fuck is the other 41 cents coming from? 😬

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Just as the title says: Have you ever clicked on an ad, knowing it was an ad, on purpose? What ad was it? Why did you click it?

Curious because I realized I have not once in my life clicked on an ad shown online on purpose. Accidentally, and being tricked into clicking the wrong thing sure; never with intent though.


Think of the universe as a painting. There's the image made in paint, and the surface it was painted on. The canvas.

The stars, the planets, the gasses, the matter and energy and even the space between are the paint. What's the canvas? Is there a canvas? Would the canvas follow the same rules as the paint?

Snoot (yiffit.net)

There's a few for me. Yamok sauce. Various synthohols. The desserts Troi's always eating (or being). But most especially gagh. I wouldn't let the fact it's some kind of living worm distract me from the way all the cool people describe it. If Riker likes it, I think I would too and I certainly wouldn't want to look like a p'taQ in front of Riker.


My right eye just suddenly feels like I have a black eye out of nowhere (didn't injure it or anything recently). It doesn't happen often, but this is something I've felt before. What the fuck is that? Did a ghost punch me in the face or something? I wanna hold some ice over it but I'm not sure it would do anything since nothing actually hit me.

Edit: Not like a migraine; it's not a pressure behind my eyes, it literally feels like I've been punched and am nursing a black eye. The lower eyelid is tender AF, too, if I touch it. I posted this before I went to sleep and I just woke up about an hour ago and it still hurts.

Edit 2: You know what? It might be from wearing my VR headset. It was on kinda tight last night and the way it sits, most of that pressure is right at the top of my cheeks, just under my eyes. I might have burst some blood vessels and gotten a bruise.


Half-Baked. Happy Gilmore. Billy Madison. Grandma's Boy. Dude, Where's My Car? Where have the movies like this gone? Clerks 3 was, I think, the last good one I've ever seen (and even they got too real and too sad so I don't even know if I ever want to see it again as a comedy). There's gotta be some good, funny shit that's even funnier when stoned out of your mind that's more recent than that, right?

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