for some reason i'm just now considering how fucking annoying adolf would have been on twitter had it existed.
Banned? DM Wmill to appeal.
No anti-nautilism posts. See: Eco-fascism Primer
Slop posts go in c/slop. Don't post low-hanging fruit here.
You can experience it first hand, theres lots of aspirational hitlers on twitter
Hitler was literally one of those "I'm being silenced and canceled for my cOnSeRvAtiVe views!!!" guys. I can't find it at the moment, but there's a pre-1933 Nazi poster that has his face on it with tape over his mouth that a bunch of fascists recreated without a shred of irony several years back.
It's this one
Real crybully times
He would probably be some rando fascist on YouTube desperate for followers
Yeah I don't discriminate, jewish nazis go in the hole too.
You dishonor the memory of my ancestors
Fucker talks like a Skyrim character
He even inserted some cringe shit directly into
's 2017 inauguration speech. I am not kidding.
The italian fascists adopted the roman salute after the 1919 influenza pandemic, describing the handshake as dirty and effeminate
"fun" fact
Fellas, is it gay to shake hands?
Kinda. There's the emphasis on both dudes competing for a strong grip.
Shut the fuck up stephen miller, you don’t speak for all Jews.
If America is for Americans only, does it mean that guy plans on going back to Europe?
Hitler was Austrian, not German, didn't look anything like the "Aryan superman" fantasy, and had some Jewish ancestry and that didn't even slow him down; why would modern nazis be any different?
TBF at that point in history most of the differences between Germans and Austrians were that they had been ruled by different dynasties inbred bastards. They spoke the same language as the Germans and many Austrians understood themselves to be part of the German people. Modern Austria was made from whatever was left of the Austro-Hungarian empire after all the non-germans had left and had no history of being a territorial entity.
In order not to make Germany benefit from losing the war they had to explicitly forbid what was then called "German Austria" from joining the German state in the Versailles treaty since unification with Germany was a popular wish at the time.
This pan-Germanic sentiment was also part of the reason why the Anschluss, the Nazi annexation of Austria, would meet so little resistance and so much popular support a few decades later.
Yeah at that point the concept of "Germany" was still fairly new (rip to all the brave troops who fought valiantly and totally not in vain at Dybbøl Mølle. Someday Denmark will reach the Eider. Probably when both are under the ocean)
Hitler was German. Austria-Hungary was a multinational empire under German and Hungarian rulers at the time Hitler was born but there was never a separate Austrian ethnicity or anything like that. After WW1 Austria was simply another German state and that's what drove the idea of the anschluss.
I didn't refresh my page so I didn't notice SoyViking wrote a longer and better version of my comment haha
Pretty sure the words "Jew" and "Jewish" weren't in that original tweet there, Steve.
Nah he said "Hitler" everyone knows that Jewish people can't be Hitlers /s
Many Jewish people believed they would be left alone because of their prestigious or important jobs
I mean “nativist” shit is as old as the KKK….or the second branch at least, I dunno how much of a thing it was with the first.
So that was obviously a ploy on miller’s part, he said the first thing so that he could say the second thing. But why? To test how far he could push it while still using his ethnicity as a shield?
This is how far we've shifted on immigration:
The Immigration Reform and Control Act was passed in 1986 under the Reagan administration. It legalized most illegal immigrants who had arrived in the country prior to January 1, 1984.
On signing the act into law at a ceremony held beside the newly-refurbished Statue of Liberty, Reagan said, "The legalization provisions in this act will go far to improve the lives of a class of individuals who now must hide in the shadows, without access to many of the benefits of a free and open society. Very soon many of these men and women will be able to step into the sunlight and, ultimately, if they choose, they may become Americans."
The act did not address the status of children of undocumented migrants who were eligible for the amnesty program, and In 1987, Reagan used his executive authority to legalize the status of minor children of parents granted amnesty under the immigration overhaul, announcing a blanket deferral of deportation for children under 18 who were living in a two-parent household with both parents legalizing or with a single parent who was legalizing. That action affected an estimated 100,000 families.
In his last speech as president, Reagan spoke on immigration:
You can live in Germany, Turkey, or Japan, but you can't become a German, a Turk, or a Japanese. But anyone, from any corner of the earth, can come live in America and become an American.
— Ronald Reagan, 1988
Wild to see the shift in rhetoric. This isn't just to the left of Republicans, its even to the left of Democrats.
the way he talks always sounds like barely-contained narcissistic rage
Just wait until you find out who your followers consider ”American”. The answer may surprise you!
He was going to dishonor the memory of those ancestors himself, he doesn't need your help!
Yeah but they aren't coming for the Jews. First they come for the gender queer. He should not speak up, for he is not gender queer.
Unless you count the time he entered a girl's high school long distance race on the final lap and sprinted to the end. (This is a real thing that actually happened.)
Guess he hasn't noticed the expiration date on his "Ethnicity: White" card yet.
Anyone else curious if this tweet stoked the fire of an argument somewhere in right wing politics? Some sort of "see? I told you Zion Don is infiltrated!"