
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 20 points 5 days ago (1 children)

sinister gringo era is BACK

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago

turn em all off blob-no-thoughts

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 days ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago

realign your chakras manually

in all seriousness i just use stimulants (do not do this)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago (3 children)

now we are posting things that are bad

mint chocolate capitalism when you wipe and you have to wipe a bunch before it finally cleans up getting up for work anything involving the british not my cat (i love him) owls that piss the carpet imperialist hegemony

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

they cloned my son

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

tearing up every hour or so at work sure feels like a healthy place to be kitty-birthday-sad

thanks comrade, hope you feel better soon also. this world really eats at you.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago

because these people will listen to the rule of law

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

sankara-salute thanks comrade

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (3 children)

thanks doc

here's my cade as payment


the juice in the brain has gone off sadness

the humdrum grind of life weighs heavy and not sure how long i can bear it as it is just getting worse


what have they done to us


GOOD book. A bit incomprehensible at the beginning when you're learning the jargon for the world they're describing.

Would reccomend for all hard sci-fi fans out there.


the owl is brought down to e arth and will now feat upon the mouse . this owl is extremely gluttonous 这只猫头鹰是小便的颜色 . it vomits it back IN TO the child. Xiaohungshu


He would never ever ever ever ever use his extremely sharp claws on me


so bored i wanna close my eyes and dream awake


rage-cry fucking bastards


people just like having cars so they can uhhh kill anyone they want

the indoctrination of acceptance of the sheer amount of people who die from car related shit is insane and never fails to make me mad as fuck man


listening to blowback and i'm so fucking angry/filled with sorrow at the loss of the greater communist project. the good that castro did and the absolute abhorrent actions from the west when their exploitation taps were turned off.

cuba should have their nukes back for fun.

the loss of the ussr and radical aes will be the death knell for humanity. what a glorious dream, killed by those who couldn't take the idea of being brought down to earth with the rest of us, and by those who were convinced by them. we will never see such a project of its likes again i think


honk shoo mimimi

in all seriousness i am very eepy


the past few months have been deeply miserable. panic attacks, general tingly anxiety and manic depressive episodes. i have not felt ok for a while. waiting on an appointment with the doc in two weeks to get medicated again but i would like to scoop out my brain with one of those funky ball scoops. that would help i think.

i swear this is making me feel sick. in lieu of brain scooping, what are some coping mechanisms that help you that are not drugs (weed makes it worse and i do NOT wish for another ketamine habit)


Spoilers? Can you have spoilers about Things That Happened?

About the Brabant killers in Belgium. Considering the opening part of the first episode being "left or right, both sides should come together" the director seemed pretty set on making the Neo-nazi militias the bad guys, and their intelligence agency handlers/government leashholders even worse.

Outright there is near no negative socialist imagery they (nazis) call the people they murder communists a few times but considering they're the only ones, you know, doing the murders it's pretty funny. it's not outright positive to the left, but they legitimately bring up the strategy of tension and how this could've (read: this is what the director believes) been a motive for it.

In addition to this, their depiction of "cop solidarity" being shown seems to be extremely relevant. Those who have nepo connections rise, those who don't, get in line or get your teeth knocked out. Do not rat on your colleagues or you'll end up beaten or worse.

Got a few episodes left, but I'd reccomend it as a watch. Fascinating look at the Gladio-aligned crimes from a relative normie POV.

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