American politics can’t get any stupider
Red, White, and Blueland
This is me like everyday
Intercontinental shakedown
Bird Flu: Vaccines May Drive Virus Evolution
They’re already doing it lmao
“…our finding does not establish a causal relationship and further virological work will be needed to test this hypothesis directly,"
China has one of the largest vaccination programs for H5 bird flu, vaccinating billions of poultry annually.
"Since 2005, China has implemented a nationwide vaccination program and is responsible for >90 percent of the global consumption of H5 AIV vaccines," the researchers said.
Remember during the bird flu outbreaks in China and our media took every opportunity to fear monger with it? Pretty quiet from them for the last, what, at least 8 months this has been progressing.
I think historically (like on an evolutionary scale) humans were polyphasic sleepers, so I imagine that is the "healthiest" way to sleep, though it's likely unrealistic in the modern world.
It is unlawful for our government to use Guantánamo as a legal black hole, yet that is exactly what the Trump administration is doing.
Err actually Mr. Nazi, I have a right to not board that train
Organize or die
At least half of chain stores in America do the exact same thing
And where did that bring you?
We’d start a newspaper
He’s just such a loud Nazi idiot. Richest man in the world could just pull all the strings quietly behind the scenes but instead he’s seig heiling on live TV.
This is our Jackie Robinson moment
Is this the alpha male guy? Or is that a different Nickkk