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what in the actual fuck
Couldn't think of the words but you got it
DEI hire
You white folks literally did this to yourself. "They said" they is literally you. You guys put up those self imposed barrier and said black athletes excelled because of scientific racism. Literally segregated sports and there ended up being "negro league, colored world championships". Even in shit like boxing the term great white hope was created by white journalist creating a racial divide. Shit italian american athletes experienced discrimination early to hoghlight the stupidity of it all. In fact race norming in the nfl that screws over many black athletes is one of the most racist shit in a work place in the world and only recently stopped (seriously look it up). Seriously that bullshit wasn't some jim crow shit it started in 1990. You know how ridiculous that is?
race norming in the nfl
death to america
The binary race norms, when they are used in the testing, assumes that Black patients start with worse cognitive function than whites and other non-Blacks. That makes it harder for them to show a deficit and qualify for an award.
what the actual fuck
At most a hundred crackkkers will remember this in 5 years
The crackers are not okay
Literally who said white people weren't allowed to play football
white cornerbacks are a very rare defensive position group. Like the last good NFL one was back in 2000. Usually they get moved to safety due to college and nfl scouts and coaches believing they're not athletic enough to cover wide receivers. So this is like one of the rare instances that white people benefit from DEI lmao
I hate free speech
it's about time that white kids got a fair shake
This is our Jackie Robinson moment
Is this the alpha male guy? Or is that a different Nickkk
Yeah, this is the guy who does the AlPhA MaLe bit. That's why I don't think this tweet is totally serious.
DEI pick 6. Welcome to Trump's America
This is the kind of guy who will tell you about fast twitch muscle fibers.
a honkey is talking
it's time to invest in earplugs
Complete shit for brains.
Hey what's the percentage of black quarterbacks compared to other positions?
Isn't this the guy who tweets out shit like "Real ALPHA MALES go to ARBYS retweet if you're an ALPHA MALE" completely unironically?
The M&Ms tweet was an all-timer.