
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) (1 children)

Also China using LLMs: kind, caring AI companions for lonely people, and helpful AI guides

AmeriKKKa with LLMs: Nazi 4chan chatbots and gooner companions

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 hour ago

Just read the documents and- agreed. I actually really like the stories, they bring a immense degree of life (historical life, cultures, the development and beliefs of civilization in the series and how their ancients saw the world around them).

They might not be the best fit for as mainstream/""family friendly""/etc of a franchise as Pokemon (more financially/possibly decreasing the target audience a little bit) but if they were obscure lore/etc ingame it would honestly be really cool.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 hours ago

It's basically just two far-right parties, racing to compete for who can be furthest right, while trying to pretend they're the "lesser evil" to the left- and also trying to pander to the already infinitely-pandered right. Hellworld blob-on-fire (describes the political processes of all of the west really)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

rat-salute-2 glad we agree... there is much to be hopeful for (with caveats).

I'm afraid as well, frankly I don't even think it's out of the question most of us here on Hexbear (as presumably, many live in the west) will find ourselves in concentration camps in due time. I'm afraid because I also don't think it's out of the question that that will happen to my ethnic group, or race, or other communities I'm part of (LGBT, technically being an immigrant as my family moved to the west when I was a kid, etc). I'm afraid because even if such extremes don't come to pass (fingers crossed) the material conditions and fascism here will only get worse and worse, because that is the structure of the western regimes. Shit will get really bad. And I think the western regimes' means of cracking down on dissent are such that revolution- while not "doomed to fail" (as by the nature of the system, it only further intensifies the need for change upon the masses, upon even those cogs within the system and all those with even a sliver of remaining human decency, etc) will be a messy and difficult process, more so than perhaps ever before. (IMO most people would be better served and also serve the cause better by fleeing the west altogether and contributing to the global majority that is increasingly forced together to resist its imperialism).

But humanity will win, perhaps if we're optimistic even the west will come to terms without being forced to- with MAD on the table I do think it is genuinely a possibility (if the western capitalists have the sense to purge all the neocons from their number). And even here in the west, for all that things are spiraling and fast and there is little hope in sight, the undercurrent of humanity lives on and I know we all see it (as alienating and wretched as our societies are otherwise), and the roots of progress and understanding are being built which the imperialists will never be able to fully uproot (though they might try, and here in the west they might even succeed if they resort to extreme, pyrrhic measures)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Will our queen at least send a strongly-worded letter? 🥺

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago (3 children)

fair-weather leftists want to huff the copium and think that socialism is more likely than barbarism in the worsening conditions because that's less scary

Honest opinion- the west is going to head straight to barbarism, and the best we can hope for in the short term is civil war or a coup from the non-suicidal (not wanting to engage in MAD or destroy the world economy if they can't enslave it) elements of the western regimes and capital. But look outside the west and you'll see so, so many reasons to be optimistic- socialism is genuinely more likely than barbarism, when you consider that for 90% of humanity, the west offers nothing (oversimplification, but it covers the gist of it) but terrorism, destabilization, and exploitation, and meanwhile the other side (that of "the rest" defending themselves from the west) is building a framework for peace, prosperity, and co-operation and the sovereignty and self-determination of nations.

The path to socialism will still be a long, complicated road ahead, even after imperialism is gone. But the self-policing nature of world capital (as another way to describe imperialism) is going to come to an end one way or another, and from there nations around the world will be more empowered to chart their own course as they see fit- and in a world where the Chinese model of development and the BRICS/BRI/SCO/etc models of win-win cooperation and mutual prosperity have shown the world the beginnings of the true potential of humanity- I think it will be a very bright future ahead (provided the west doesn't end humanity or even the biosphere altogether).

[–] [email protected] 21 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

Most (European-descended) Jewish people are white IMO, it's not exactly difficult to see it (both in regards to appearance, but moreso in regards to privilege).

It's a contextual whiteness (an arbitrary construct) as always, but we may as well be arguing if Irish, Russians, or Italians are "white" at that point as well, or even if the white Latin Americans or Boers (who were also brutally abused by the British), etc. are "white." Go back far enough, and you'll find Ben Franklin going on about how even the Germans and Nordics are "tawny" and only the English and Saxons are white...

To argue further on it we'd need to define the limitations of what kind of whiteness we're talking about IMO. "Phenotypical" whiteness (usually with an ethno-religious bent particularly to root out Muslims and indigenous culture) like what is predominantly, culturally ingrained across the settler-Anglosphere? "Whiteness" by political alignment and acceptment into the upper echelons of the imperialist in-group? (Even then that becomes messy as all hell, for instance we all know Klanmala, Barry, and Rishi aren't white, even if Barry is half-white or half-European descent).

There won't be any satisfying answers ultimately. But I don't think anyone can look at Blinken, Yellen, Nuland, Netanyahu, or the many other prominent European-descended Jewish people in the framework of empire today and say that they are not white in the here-and-now; as white as imaginable. Not to say whiteness is associated with guilt- because if it were then as with the other definitions it becomes messy as all hell- but the whiteness, and adjacency or acceptance into it (into empire and the system of white supremacy, perhaps?) certainly is a thing today.

Probably the most satisfying/fitting thing IMO (other than the phenotypical definition, or geographic one) would be "adjacency to empire" but even that naturally falls apart real fast.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 10 hours ago

CW: descriptions of torture, mild Christianity

spoilerLearned about Dilawar of Yakubi from r/newswithjingjing today, from there looked up more and saw this incredibly compelling (and none of it inaccurate nor exaggerated when you look at the actual testimonials/court records etc) article:

It's just another example of western barbarism as usual, but I think it's important we all remember each and every one of these victims, and similarly also remember all the perpetrators. If humanity can forgive without first ending the threat of the western imperialist system, or if it can ever forget, we will be doomed (as someone whose own family history involves such forgetfulness). The majority of the world has a history of this, and this (forgetfulness in part) too...

IDK. other than that maybe I need to hop off hexbear and the grad for a few days, and YT too. Probably won't lol... I touch grass and socialize IRL (sometimes pleasantly surprised, sometimes very much not) but even then it's a sort of feeling like the world is closing around me (or us all).

[–] [email protected] 11 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

All the WSJ working really hard to ensure when their turn comes they hang with the rest of the genocidaires... hope people are keeping track of their names, I don't think they'll be getting away with it this time

[–] [email protected] 5 points 11 hours ago

Ugh wtf never passed filth of that degree but reminds me one of the most ubiquitous (as ethnic Chinese) reasons I hate the crackkkerverse.

I don't know if I could have handled it TBH. Already gotten into heated arguments over this shit. NGL if not for legal consequences (no worries removeds, I just want to live my life in peace and get the hell out and don't know if I can claim I care enough about this shithole to overly stick my neck out to try and fail to fix the place- my faith is in the global majority, the true world to stomp you into obsolescence) I would be down for doing horrible (not SA so no worries, torture rather) things to them, those blood libel grifters. Wouldn't even piss on them if they were on fire.

When and if the time comes it's all our jobs to ensure that every single little Goebbels faces their day in court and hangs (because slow slicing is sadly off the menu), and that till then they live every waking moment of their life hiding in fear for that day.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 12 hours ago

I am so sorry

Don't be, this has been my cultural enrichment for the day. UWUSSR shall live on in me uwu

[–] [email protected] 11 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

What you're saying makes no sense because everyone is Indigenous to somewhere on the planet

Genocide on this cracker kim-salute nuke

Other than that also agreed


The CIA's favorite proxies strike again... (edit: my bad, intended to link

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