
joined 4 years ago
[–] [email protected] 30 points 2 days ago (4 children)

American weight creep. Like the newest Bradleys weight like 30 tons, slightly heavier than a WW2 medium tank and twice as heavy as a BMP (which the Bradley was suppose to be a copy of).

[–] [email protected] 24 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

It's really confusing when he draws Trump 50 years younger but keep everyone else the same age. Also I see that he tried to butch up Vance, which makes him completely unrecognizable, I literally thought it was Don Jr.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) (1 children)

Ya he pull that out of his ass one day and send a company wide email telling everyone that was the new standard, basically so he could win a Twitter argument. Which is insane becuase it would either make the trucks 100x more expensive or is just physically impossible becuase he didn't specify what temperature he was talking about. Also, if anyone has seen a Cybertruck, it is immediately obvious that they don't bother checking tolerances anyways.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I literally only have Minthara left in my evil playthrough and we have cast aside all pretense of the old morality and are revealing in our new perverse freedom.

However as a consequence the game is now really difficult becuase everyone, good or evil, hate us and want to kill us and I don't think I can acutally finish it.

[–] [email protected] 35 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Roscosmos atleast still have all the plans and drawings for the Soyuz family. NASA literally can't build another Saturn 5 rocket becuase all the companies that originally built it either merged or folded and most of the technical documentation is lost. NASA of course didn't try and archive any of it becuase it was the intellectual property of the five thousand subcontractors they used

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago

Also the only reason it's spelled like that is becuase of inconsistent 19th century German spelling, it probably should have been 'Hiedler' or even 'Huttler'

[–] [email protected] 28 points 2 months ago

Lol, I want Biden to stay the candidate becuase I think it will be really funny to see how bad it gets by November, also being constantly humiliated and abused for 5 months is the least that this man deserves.

AOC wants Biden to stay the candidate for much stupider and more childish reasons.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 months ago

He is still on the Bad Faith podcast branding even though he has not appeared on the show in 4 years, people have speculated that BGJ is contractually obligated to keep him on there and potentially has to give him some of the money.

If so, it kind of an impressive long con on Virgil's (not his real name btw) part. Got popular on Chapo, siphon some of the audience onto a Patreon he has exclusive rights over, disappear after like 2 months of the show starting, and just keep collecting those Patreon bucks without doing anything.

[–] [email protected] 63 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I'm going to become the Alex Jones of Blue Maga.

It was a false flag folks. The "shooter" was a Groyper connected agent. The Secret Service ignored all warnings and proper protocol, confirmed by my FBI source (a guy that worked in the Hoover Building cafeteria). Trump wasn't even hit, they smeared cranberry sauce on his ear.

I'm going to make so much money riling up the Biden diehards. But importantly I will not make any of the mistakes Alex did.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 months ago

False flag hologram with no inherent ideology

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I usually try and solo bosses becuase I'm a Soulsborne pervert. But I was fighting Rellana last night and got her down to like 1% before dying. I wanted to go to bed, so I got the summon and used a Mimic Tear to just finish the fight.

The three-way curb stomping we did to her was ... horrifying, like I was ashamed at how easily and completely we humiliated her. I felt so guilty that I betrayed the git gud lifestyle that I'm beelining to Elden Beast and NG++ today so I can do the fight properly.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 months ago

They almost reopened the mine in Asbestos, the Quebec Liberal Party had a deal all ready to reopen it with government money in an attempt to appeal to blue-collar workers. But the Parti Quebecois (the socdem party) won the election before they could implement it and diverted the money to economic diversification programs.


If the libs are so concerned about productivity and saving the economy, then why do they insist on posting their dumbass opinions on Twitter, forcing me to spend all day yelling at them and calling them names. This has reduced my productivity to zero and forced me not to contribute to the economy.

Why would the libs do this 🤔.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is the map charting the course of civilization Romney apparently has up in his office. Mentioned on last week's Chapo episode.

To point out the obvious this is an incredibly stupid way to discuss history and its based on obvious racist assumptions. But it's really funny how it thinks Pharoanic Egypt and the pre-Greek Agean civilizations are superpowers on par with the British Empire. Also the Frankish Empire that lasted for 20 years under Charlemagne and immediately got broken up by his shitty sons gets big coverage.


The top comments are all calling her a dumbass, especially since Dasha got vaxxed and her Covid was mild. Also some of these comments are really vicious and personal, not that Anna K dosen't fully deserve it since she is the one who cultivated this following and with all the shit she's talked in the past.

Like the old Chapo sub had a contentious relationship with the hosts but we were way more civil than this.


For those who don't know about the Attack Helicopter Story saga: Neon Yang and NK Jemisin harassed the writer Isabel Fall (a trans woman) for writing a queer mech story.

And harassment really dosen't do it justice becuase Fall was hospitalized for severe depression, and from what I've read has stopped their transition. Primarily becuase of intense gender disphoria brought on by Yang, Jemisin and their cretinous followers saying Fall must be a cis-man for writing this story. They didn't even read it, they just didn't like the title and invented a bizzare conspiracy theory that claimed Fall was a neo-nazi. Afterwards both of them gave a really shitty WhatApp apology and moved on with their lives, so much so that apparently Yang now has the gall to do this shit.

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