
joined 4 years ago
[–] [email protected] 24 points 19 hours ago (3 children)

These radical leftists are not sending their best

[–] [email protected] 8 points 19 hours ago

Ok now we actually need an archive link lol

[–] [email protected] 26 points 20 hours ago (4 children)

OK yeah. So I’m starting to think that these types keep missing because they have no strategy whatsoever and are probably working alone/not thinking clearly

[–] [email protected] 14 points 21 hours ago (1 children)

He’s not homelander lol

[–] [email protected] 69 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

unbearably funny to me how the first assassination came with a sick photo and bump in the polls and now no one (aside from hogs) gives a fuck if it happens again lmfao

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Wow such freedoms!


[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 day ago

All glory to China and the CPC

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Has anyone as incompetent of a human being as musk consistently failed upward so often?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

I should really stop meming about radical leftists because it seems like people reflexively apply great man theory logic to them as well 😀


It honestly seems like people have forgotten what all tech entails with the rise of generative AI.

Like holy shit man, people (at my company at least) now think you can write a program to control what is essentially your entire database system, security and business analytics with chatgpt.

Maybe I’m just not meant for this and this is the norm. But it’s taken me like 2 months to get a handle on three different types of API and program documentation. And I’ve also been doing like sys admin work too.

But three jobs in, and I’m starting to realize this is exactly what companies want. Because why pay multiple people for work in a department when they can just offload everything to one person and pay them nothing and know that the economy is so fucked that you’re basically trapped

Like I integrated one system to another for my senior project in undergrad and I had a little help on that from another business. But now I’m doing it all alone and being expected to work at super speed at the same time


No “Zero-Shot” Without Exponential Data: Pretraining Concept Frequency Determines Multimodal Model Performance

I’m not going to pretend that I can understand the minutiae as someone who basically just has an undergrad degree in IT, but it seems to be implying that exponential data is required for further advancements in generative AI.

A cool paper and all, but I can’t stop thinking about how this shit won’t matter at all to C suites and MBAs who just want to AUTOMATE AUTOMATE AUTOMATE everything under the sun. Reminds me of how the experts in whatever specialized field research a problem and business people just throw away the results and make up their own (i.e. marketing).

The conversation should have always been “Yeah your job will eventually become automated, but it’s not for the reason you think.”


Will be very interesting to see how the next few years play out


What the fuck how is this the name of a service


Or they do but I feel like the gravity of the statement alone never really registers

Was recently reading a book written a long ass time ago by some Brit where he talked about how a lot of the value in currency (coins and paper of the time) came from the fact that they were all tangible

And now wealth/money is completely digital. Of course the fed still prints shit, but with the amount of people who use Apple Pay/venmo to exchange “money” from person to person?

Actually, does anyone know what I’m trying to say rn? Is money just a Trojan horse?


And tradition. Made a fucking comment about how his grandpa used to say *extremely vulgar and classist statement.” You could tell he disagreed with him but the Catholic and puritanical part almost trumped it. So insane to me how people just don’t deconstruct what they’ve been taught

Of course his ancestors have been super comfortable. Holy fuck I am such a communist it hurts


I don’t count productivity or coding as a net good for what it’s worth. Fun, sure, but it’s truly incredible how the influx of AI hasn’t been used to create a more efficient way to distribute resources irl

Tech bros are a scourge on humanity and I truly wish for nothing but the worst for them


kinda ominous, it’s one of those moments where you can see who is a writer and an entertainer, like a power struggle between the man (Drake) and the little guy (Kendrick)

Literally speaking, neither are really the little guy, but imo you can see who views music as a nourishment for the soul and who treats it as something to be consumed. And damn does it show

Also, I feel like these moments make me foolishly hopefully that people will notice the aforementioned microcosm of a factor that makes life hard for fucking everyone, but it never seems to come does it.


I have a urine drug test on Tuesday morning and last smoked on Sunday

I’m not a chronic smoker or anything, but I do it recreationally (because I haven’t had to take a drug test in probably 6-7 years at this point)

Is there any hope for me to pass? Everywhere online says I’m fucked


Oh my. It seems like a shitload of otherwise progressive people have no qualms about the idea of a traditional marriage and the man retaining most of the control by default.

This makes me very uncomfortable because I have met some women who have internalized this idea (idk is it that patriarchy or am I overreacting?) which is just so weird to me.

Like, you’re a left-leaning person up until the point where you’re happy to be in a relationship with a cishet man who controls you now. This is society I guess 🤷‍♂️


And C-Suites are freaking the fuck out (my company) because we’re completing all of the work in <40 hours per week, which causes them to lose money lmao It is so fucking wild to me how no one sees the glaring problem here

All of this AI shit should’ve stayed as nothing more and nothing less than a tool to make the very monotonous work done by everyone just a tad easier.

It feels like we’re in such a massive fucking bubble right now on the scale of how people have talked about the sub prime mortgage crisis.

My boomer ass parents just keep telling me to wait for things to get better, but how can you wait for things to get better when things are just statistically worse for everyone


I guess it took me a very long time to learn that there are people who are absolutely glued to instagram and TikTok the way I am to everything on my phone in general. I also started thinking about how all of the people I’ve met since my junior year of college (2020) have been people I only knew online, then I transitioned to work which is completely online, and here I am, still meeting more people online through dating apps, discord, instagram, and TikTok. I truly can’t grasp the absurdity of it all, I am living a cyberpunk reality (and I know I’m not the only one).

For the longest time, I thought to myself “Nah everyone else still goes out and meets people, I’m one of the weird ones.” But then I went outside. And I saw people doing what I’m doing right now in the comfort of my own home.

Makes total and complete sense why billionaires invested so highly in crypto and the metaverse. It’s actually another form of class war but applied to the digital realm 🙃

How much longer until we can consider technology, which should’ve been nothing other than a tool, as the new opiate of the masses


This is something that deeply fascinates me. Didn’t Lenin say something about the message

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