Webb has a sun shield because it specifically cannot look at the sun ever. What's the source on this photo? Nothing shows up in reverse search and I've not found any articles on Webb looking at the eclipse. Is Webb even positioned where it can observe an eclipse?
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Is Webb even positioned where it can observe an eclipse?
Pretty sure it’s not
It's orbiting a Lagrange point somewhere quite far from earth, certainly farther than the moon anyways.
The tip of the lunar umbra just barely reaches the Earth, and Webb is at L2, about five times farther away. It's not seeing it at all,
This was certainly not shot from the Webb telescope but it is a very cool image nonetheless
shot from near my place of employment. Drizzly, shitty mess.
Same here, raining all day
I had clear skies and the best pic I could get was distant cosmic nipple
Anyone know what the red dots are? We saw them during our totality as well
Solar flares
Very cool ty
i think those were solar prominences and not flares but i'm not a sun doctor
For sure a gate to hell, super demons pouring through and I'm out of ammo for the bazooka.
They've come to do voter fraud for Brandon.
Hell yeah these are the bussed in voters everyone was hollering about the whole time.
I thought it was Cthulhu's tentacles grabbing up rapturing xtians. Just wishful thinking it seems.
Yeah, no. That's not taken from James Webb. Webb is in space at one of the Lagrange points, L2. This orbit is 1.5 million Km from Earth and as such the moon would never be the right size to appear like this.
Looks like AI /s
Made me have to look up where L2 was again. Pretty sick that even though it's that far from earth it can still see the sun eclipsed with us!
I dont think this shot was from the Webb telescope since its and event only really observable on the a small part of the surface of the planet right? Or like couldn't it just be a shot taken at any point in time with the moon in front of the sun?
Hell yeah
I just got home from watching this cosmic goatse and it was so cool