
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I've transferred the community to GrainEater and left the mod team, I will now apply for mod again.

Here are some reasons why I want to be mod:

  • I'm Chinese, I was born in China, raised in Singapore, studied for a while in Canada, returned to China.
  • I like fact checking, but that doesn't mean I'm always right or the authoritative source on China.
  • I have some experience with being a moderator.

Here are some reasons why I might not be suitable for mod:

  • I am not a neutral or impartial third party and will never be one, I side with China not just because of my nationality, but also because I believe China is truly developing Marxism or scientific socialism.
  • While I like fact checking, I didn't apply it rigorously to every post/comment in /c/China or on China-related posts/comments on Lemmygrad. There are times when I see questionable statements and let it slide because it's too troublesome to fact check it properly. Sometimes it's because the content is posted on websites not accessible in China and I don't use a VPN (unlike others), and alternative front-ends like Invidious (for YouTube) or those for X/Twitter or Reddit may not be working properly. (News sites are fine because of archive services.)
[–] [email protected] -5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I'd be glad to include caffeine in the list of substances too, this anti-promotion rule is not a ban on mentioning them. As many others have pointed out, certain substances have positive effects, in fact I'd say all of them have positive effects one way or another, whether medically or not. That's why I think having positive effects is not a reason to exclude a substance from the list.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

@[email protected] A community mod can't appoint an admin as community mod apparently, so I have to ask you to do so yourself.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

As mentioned in the post (https://lemmygrad.ml/post/5205977) discussing a rule about anti-promotion of drugs and other substances:

If a lot of people oppose this rule, either by downvotes and/or number of comments, I will willingly step down as moderator of this community.

I didn't see a large opposition to this rule which has now been deleted (see https://lemmygrad.ml/post/5220158), but I will pass the moderator position back to the instance admins nevertheless, specifically to @[email protected] who gave me the position when I requested it months ago. This post can be used to select new moderators by leaving a comment if you're interested. I will also take part in applying to become a mod.


I'm sure some have seen the discussion around a new rule against the promotion of various substances in this community. This will be the summary based on data collected at this snapshot in time.

Post score (upvotes/downvotes): 33/19 (Note that hexbear users cannot downvote)

Number of users who left comments (including me): 21

Number of comments: 51 = 19 (left by me) + 32 (others)

The following is a crude categorization of the 32 comments left by others, each category begins with the name and a 4-tuple of (number of unique users, number of comments, total comment upvotes, maximum upvotes obtained by a single comment). If the same user left multiple comments that are categorized the same, only the comment with the highest upvote will be counted when tallying upvotes, the rest are excluded.

  • Agree (2 users, 4 comments, 7 upvotes total, 4 upvotes max): Comments that agree without giving an explanation, 2 comments excluded from upvotes total.
  • Agree because history (2 users, 2 comments, 16 upvotes total, 11 upvotes max) : Comments that agree and mention China's history.
  • Agree because history but questionable (2 users, 2 comments, 20 upvotes total, 14 upvotes max) : Comments that agree because of China's history, but raised questions
  • Disagree (2 users, 2 comments, 16 upvotes total, 9 upvotes max)
  • Medical (4 users, 7 comments, 29 upvotes total, 8 upvotes max) : Comments that mention medical properties of certain substances, or their normal use in certain cultures.
  • Abstain (1 user, 1 comment, 7 upvotes total, 7 upvotes max)
  • Others: Discuss rule (4 users, 7 comments), Joke (5 users, 5 comments), Off-topic (1 user, 2 comments)

The data show that most people agree to the rule partially due to China's history, but also question the necessity of having this rule and it's phrasing. Some people raised valid points about the medical properties of certain substances, and discussed changes to the rule to accommodate those points. Disagreements were seen mostly in downvotes or questions about the rule, only a few users left comments explicitly opposing the rule.

Overall I would conclude that there isn't a strong consensus to keep this new rule, especially not in its original phrasing, and modifications to the rule have not been thoroughly discussed. There has also not been any evidence to an urgent need for the rule. Thus the rule will be deleted from the community rules in the spirit of democratic centralism.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Indeed, there should be a defined process for the introduction of new rules in a community, maybe in the form of suggestions, or when an incident requiring moderation occurred that wasn't covered by the rules. My next step might be making a post to receive suggestions for community rules, though /c/China isn't a particularly active community so there hasn't been many rule violations.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I'd like to add that such phrases should be backed up with sources and details, and not just as a matter-of-fact statement. Other factual statements like "X substance is legal in Y country" or "X substance is proven scientifically to have Y properties and Z effects" might not be fine depending on the context, like if the statements are used to justify promoting the substance in a person's comment/post.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 month ago

See my latest improvement to the rule that attempts resolve this disparity between different cultures, which includes a modification of your last suggestion: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/5205977/4756875

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

After input from various comrades, I've decided to improve the rule with some explanation, this is my latest suggestion:

Rule 4: Do not promote drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants or any other substance that may be abused. We do not discuss the personal use of these substances out of consideration for comrades who might be affected by substance abuse or have bad experiences related to them. We understand that some substances may be used [medically|(for treatment)] in different cultures, but we think that this community is not the appropriate channel to receive medical advice.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I think you meant to write "to" instead of "in" in your last sentence "keep those topics in other forums", that's what confused me.

Whatever the situation is regarding drug incarceration in America, it is not contradictory to my anti-promotion stance. My view is that anti-promotion should be encouraged to stop more people from becoming possible victims of substance abuse. As for people that are currently undergoing issues with substance abuse, they should at the minimum not be discriminated against, and if possible be helped into a better situation.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I was considering adding "(for non-medicinal purposes)" to the rule, but people who mention medical purposes have proved to me that this is unnecessary. I'm going to repeat this again, online spaces are not a good place to receive advice on medical prescription from others just because they use it in their culture or country.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

One solution is for someone from hexbear to comment that they're against this new rule, and then people from hexbear can upvote that comment.


(Note that this post might be updated over time, do not cross-post it by copying the contents as it might become outdated)

There are already well-known platforms like marxists.org that have a comprehensive collection of the works of various Marxists, but they have yet to include prominent figures like Xi Jinping. As this is a community on China, this post will focus primarily on the works of Chinese Communists from official Chinese websites. The available Chinese resources are more comprehensive than English resources.

English resources

  • Qiushi Journal (http://en.qstheory.cn) - English Edition of 求是杂志, a CPC Central Committee Bimonthly. Please note that this website does not support HTTPS!
  • National People's Congress (http://en.npc.gov.cn.cdurl.cn/) - English version of 中国人大网. Please note that this website does not support HTTPS!
  • Theory China (https://en.theorychina.org.cn) - English version of 理论中国网, website by the History and Literature Research Institute of the CPC Central Committee (中共中央党史和文献研究院)
    • The section titled "Leaders' Works" includes: selected works of Mao Zedong 毛泽东, Zhou Enlai 周恩来, Liu Shaoqi 刘少奇, Zhu De 朱德, Deng Xiaoping 邓小平, Chen Yun 陈云, Jiang Zemin 江泽民. Only includes a few of the works by Hu Jintao 胡锦涛 and Xi Jinping 习近平.
    • The books are read through a browser ebook reader interface. Text can be selected and copied by first clicking on the "T" icon at the bottom-right corner for "Select Text" (on mobile, you have to tap on the circle with three dots first), then selecting the passage desired and clicking on the "Copy" button that appears near the cursor.

Chinese resources

  • 学习强国 (https://www.xuexi.cn) - website by 中共中央宣传部 (Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee), in the section titled "学习理论":
    • 学习全书: Includes the works of 马恩 (Marx and Engels), 列宁 Lenin, 毛泽东 Mao Zedong, 邓小平 Deng Xiaoping, 江泽民 Jiang Zemin, 胡锦涛 Hu Jintao, 习近平 Xi Jinping.
    • 新时代 新经典: Comprehensive list of works by 习近平 Xi Jinping, including works published pre-2012 before he became 总书记 (General Secretary).
  • 理论中国网 (https://www.theorychina.org.cn/) - website by the History and Literature Research Institute of the CPC Central Committee (中共中央党史和文献研究院)
  • 中央党史和文献研究院网 (https://www.dswxyjy.org.cn/) - website of History and Literature Research Institute of the CPC Central Committee
    • The section titled "成果总库" includes the works of more Chinese Communists than those in 学习全书 above, but some books still require Adobe Flash Player to be viewed.
  • 宣讲家网 (http://www.71.cn/) - website by 中共北京市委宣传部 (Publicity Department of CPC Beijing Municipal Committee). Please note that this website does not support HTTPS!
    • The section titled "经典文献" includes the works of 马恩 (Marx and Engels), 列宁 Lenin, 毛泽东 Mao Zedong, 周恩来 Zhou Enlai, 刘少奇 Liu Shaoqi, 朱德 Zhu De, 邓小平 Deng Xiaoping, 陈云 Chen Yun, 任弼时 Ren Bishi, 江泽民 Jiang Zemin

Chinese audiobooks

  • 共产党员网 (https://www.12371.cn/) - website by 中央组织部 (Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee)
    • The sections titled "思想理论" and "理论学习有声书" contains audiobooks for the works of 毛泽东 Mao Zedong, 邓小平 Deng Xiaoping, 江泽民 Jiang Zemin, 胡锦涛 Hu Jintao, 习近平 Xi Jinping

Other languages

  • Theory China (website by the History and Literature Research Institute of the CPC Central Committee, 中共中央党史和文献研究院) is available in these languages: 中文, English, Français, Pусский, Español, Deutsch, 日本語, العربية. They all have the corresponding section for "Leaders' Works", but there may be less translated works depending on the language.

Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.

Some comrades mentioned in private channels that weed is not addictive, I'm not going to argue on this point because this is a fundamental divide between China and some western countries.

My view is that whether you're addicted to them or not, you shouldn't promote these substances or put them in a positive light. It's fine if you don't agree with me, but anyone who leaves a comment here arguing the opposite will be banned from the community (30 days for now).

If a lot of people oppose this rule, either by downvotes and/or number of comments, I will willingly step down as moderator of this community.


Video: https://tv.cctv.cn/2024/07/25/VIDENuIio6DE9JiE7N3qrQZE240725.shtml

Xi's special representative mourns passing of Nguyen Phu Trong in Vietnam


HANOI, July 25 (Xinhua) -- As General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee Xi Jinping's Special Representative, China's top political advisor Wang Huning led a CPC delegation to Hanoi to mourn the passing of Nguyen Phu Trong, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), on Thursday.

Wang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, also met with Vietnamese President To Lam and Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh.

A respect-paying ceremony was held at the National Funeral Hall in Hanoi, where Trong's coffin was placed among flowers and draped in a large Vietnamese national flag in a somber atmosphere.

On behalf of Xi and the CPC Central Committee, and in the name of Xi's special representative, Wang laid a wreath, paused to observe a moment of silence before bowing three times to Trong's coffin, conveyed sincere condolences from Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan to Trong's widow Ngo Thi Man, and left a message in the condolence book.

While meeting with the Vietnamese leaders, Wang expressed deep grief over the passing of comrade Nguyen Phu Trong, saying that after learning the sad news, Xi went to the Embassy of Vietnam in China to pay tribute to the late leader, and the CPC Central Committee sent condolences to the CPV Central Committee.

Appointing Wang as Xi's special representative to lead a CPC delegation here for the mourning shows once again the heartfelt grief and sincere condolences of Xi and the CPC Central Committee to the CPV Central Committee and Trong's family. At this special moment, the party and people of China stand firmly with the party and people of Vietnam, Wang said.

Wang noted that Trong is a staunch Marxist, a great leader of the CPV and the Vietnamese people, and a great friend of the Chinese people. His death is a great loss to the cause of socialism in Vietnam and to the cause of peace and progress of mankind.

The Chinese party and government will, as always, support the Vietnamese party in leading its people on a development path suited to their national conditions, and support Vietnam's reform, opening-up and socialist development, Wang said.

It is believed that under the strong leadership of its central committee, the CPV will inherit and develop Trong's philosophy and principles on party and state governance, and unite and lead the Vietnamese people to successfully accomplish the goals and tasks set forth at the 13th National Congress of the CPV and welcome the successful convening of the 14th National Congress of the CPV, Wang added.

Wang said that Xi and Trong have devoted to the development of relations between the two parties and the two countries. Under the strategic guidance of the two leaders, China-Vietnam relations have maintained steady and sound development and have been lifted to a new height of a community with a shared future that carries strategic significance, Wang noted.

He said that China is ready to work with Vietnam to implement the important consensus reached between the two sides during Xi's visit to Vietnam last year, maintain high-level exchanges, deepen practical cooperation in key areas, consolidate the foundation of public support for China-Vietnam friendship, and strengthen multilateral coordination and cooperation, so as to promote the building of a China-Vietnam community with a shared future in a deep, solid, steady and long-term manner, he said.

After the passing of Trong, the CPC Central Committee immediately sent condolences to the CPV Central Committee, the Vietnamese side noted, adding that Xi's visit to the Vietnamese Embassy in China to mourn and sending Wang as his special representative to Vietnam to pay condolences shows the special feelings of the CPC, Chinese government and people towards the CPV, Vietnamese government and people, which deeply moved the Vietnamese side.

The Vietnamese side said that Vietnam is more determined to follow the national development path established by the older generation of leaders and Trong, stressing that China is the only country that has all the priority factors in Vietnam's foreign policy.

Vietnam will keep in mind Trong's entrustment that "so profound is the friendship between Vietnam and China, because we are both comrades and brothers," always give top priority to the development of relations with China, and firmly promote the building of a Vietnam-China community with a shared future that carries strategic significance in accordance with the important consensus reached between Trong and Xi.

The Vietnamese side congratulates the successful holding of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, saying that the plenary session put forward important measures for further deepening reform comprehensively, which will effectively promote China's high-quality development and modernization, and will also provide important reference and impetus for Vietnam to continue to promote the cause of Doi Moi (reform).

During his stay in Hanoi, Wang also met with Esteban Lazo Hernandez, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and president of Cuba's National Assembly of People's Power, who attended the condolence activities.



  新华社河内7月25日电(记者朱超 胡佳丽)7月25日,习近平总书记特别代表,中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席王沪宁率中共代表团在越南首都河内,吊唁越共中央总书记阮富仲逝世,并会见越南国家主席苏林以及越南总理范明政等越共中央领导人。









I chanced upon another piece of software that includes support for Ukraine on their homepage: pandoc.org, previously saw it on www.vim.org. There are apparently lots of projects on GitHub that do this too: StandWithUkraine. The same cannot be said for Palestine.

So people of Lemmygrad, should we include the flag of Palestine as a banner? Support could also shown in other forms, as long as it's immediately obvious that it's for Palestine.


BEIJING, July 21 (Xinhua) -- The Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization was made public on Sunday.

The resolution was adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee on Thursday.

Please see the attachment for the English translation of the full text of the resolution.

Full text: Resolution of CPC Central Committee on further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization

Original Chinese text: http://www.news.cn/politics/20240721/cec09ea2bde840dfb99331c48ab5523a/c.html

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Video: https://tv.cctv.cn/2024/07/20/VIDEURgvhNytIhzH9EIPlHJ3240720.shtml


BEIJING, July 20 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese president, went to the Embassy of Vietnam in China on Saturday to mourn the passing of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong.

Praising Trong as a staunch Marxist and a great leader of the CPV and the Vietnamese people, Xi said that Trong had devoted himself entirely to the CPV and the country, to the Vietnamese people and to the cause of socialism in Vietnam, and had been deeply respected and admired by the party, military and people of Vietnam.

Xi recalled that over the past decade, he and Trong had maintained close contact and developed a deep camaraderie, and that last year they jointly announced the elevation of bilateral ties to a China-Vietnam community with a shared future that carries strategic significance, a milestone in bilateral ties.

"The passing of Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong has deprived us of a promoter of China-Vietnam relations and a companion for the cause of socialism, and we are deeply saddened," said Xi.

He said that Trong's outstanding contribution to the relations between the two parties and the two countries and to the cause of the global socialist movement will always be remembered.

Xi stressed that the CPC and the Chinese government firmly support the CPV in uniting and leading the Vietnamese people to develop socialism that suits Vietnam's national conditions.

It is believed that under the strong leadership of the CPV Central Committee, the Vietnamese people will surely be able to turn grief into strength and continue to make greater achievements in the cause of reform, opening up and socialist construction, Xi said.

He said he firmly believes that China and Vietnam will continue to work together to make profound and solid progress in building the China-Vietnam community of a shared future.












CPC Central Committee sends condolences over death of Vietnam's Nguyen Phu Trong

BEIJING, July 19 (Xinhua) -- The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee on Friday sent condolences to the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee and deeply mourned the death of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

The following is the full text of the condolence message:

General Secretary of the CPV Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong passed away. The CPC and the Chinese people lost a good comrade, a good brother and a good friend. With immense grief, we extend our deepest condolences and sincerest sympathies to the Central Committee of the CPV, the Vietnamese government and the Vietnamese people.

Trong was a staunch Marxist and a great leader of the CPV and the Vietnamese people. He dedicated his entire life to the causes of his party and nation, making outstanding contributions to Vietnam's Doi Moi (reform), socialist construction, and the development of the world socialist movement.

Trong was a close comrade and a sincere friend of the CPC and the Chinese people. He inherited and developed the traditional friendship of "comrades plus brothers" between the two parties and two countries, and forged a profound friendship with the CPC and Chinese leaders.

Trong and General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping have jointly elevated China-Vietnam relations to a community with a shared future that carries strategic significance and vigorously promoted the continuous development of China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. The CPC, the Chinese government and the Chinese people will always miss Trong.

We believe that the CPV and the Vietnamese people will turn grief into strength, carry on the legacy of Trong, unite and strive to make new and greater achievements in the cause of Doi Moi and socialist construction.

China and Vietnam are socialist neighbors connected by mountains and rivers and a community with a shared future that carries strategic significance. China has always regarded Vietnam as a priority in its neighborhood diplomacy and stands ready to work with Vietnam to continuously consolidate political mutual trust, strengthen solidarity and cooperation, and push forward the building of a China-Vietnam community with a shared future to benefit the two peoples and contribute to regional and world peace and development.

Eternal glory to Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong[!]



  新华社北京7月19日电 中国共产党中央委员会7月19日向越南共产党中央委员会致唁电,沉痛悼念越共中央总书记阮富仲同志。唁电全文如下:








Rule 0: Taiwan, Xizang (Tibet), Xinjiang, Hong Kong are all part of China.

Why single these four out? These are the main targets of local and foreign "independence" (read: separatist) activists ("台独", "藏独", "疆独", "港独").

If anyone comes in here and claims otherwise, they will have one chance to change their opinion before I ban them from the community.

I haven't put Diaoyu Islands (Japan claims them to be the Senkaku Islands) or other territorial disputes yet.

Feel free to leave suggestions for more rules in this community.

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