
joined 4 years ago
[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

Want to go to a "controversial" sub that doesn't do front page bootlicking for billionaires and/or "influencer" sociopaths? Too bad, you need to log in. I have nothing left to log in with because fuck that.

Every porn sub is behind the same wall, which is whatever, I don’t use reddit for porn. BUT this also includes any post that talks about sex in any detail. I could not count the number of times I’ve tried looking for sex toy reviews, only to be blocked by reddit-logos asinine nsfw policy.

[–] [email protected] 63 points 2 days ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago

Speak for yourself

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago

Cumboy is the evolved form of Pissbaby

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Dang we never got to this in my Danish class

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago

I would never let my gun get waterlogged howdy-skull

[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

As someone who’s gotten out of many a swimming pools worrying about this exact issue, I have learned to live with my penis in harmony and realized no one cares. Now I can wear my lemon board shorts in peace 🍋

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

It was named that in the 1800s, before all the actual western states joined the country

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago (1 children)

“Ope, let me just squeeze by ya right here”




Need an obscure book that’s not on the go-to sites and I’m not paying 60 bucks lol


Just broke my wrist, and it takes me like 10x as long to type anything. I had been looking into written alternatives for a while, and this blew me over the edge. I like the Remarkable 2, but I don't think I can justify that much on a device that can only read and write documents without trying one out first. The other option people keep recommending to me is an ipad. I don't have one of those either, but I've used one with a paper screen so at least I know how that feels. My biggest problem with the ipad is the opposite of the Remarkable, there are too many apps and I have no idea which to use. So what apps do you use, if any, or do you use another thing entirely?


soypoint-1 marx soypoint-2

Dwarf bard Marx is the best thing to come out of this game. He's also a sage and a tome bard so he's got that +3 historical materialism skill on top of his persuasion. And of course his guardian had to be buff half-elf Engels gigachad-hd

Also here's the existential comic that inspired this


I think this is the most American thing I’ve ever experienced. I didn’t even realize what was happening in the moment. I just saw everyone else duck for cover and followed without thinking. My friend thought it was for a surprise party. We waited there, huddled under tables for minutes that felt like hours, not knowing what was happening just beyond chairs in front of us. Luckily it was a fight at the bar, not a mass shooting, so no shots were fired.

The aftermath was so surreal. Once we finally get out from under our table most of the people had already fled, including the guy with the gun. A family member of the gunman comes up and publicly apologizes to everyone. My friends and I just sit back down and start laughing, cracking jokes about what had happened, it was such a comical experience. Everyone else must have thought we were insane.

The staff gave us our food for free, but we must have tipped like $40 because we overheard a waiter complain about not getting paid for the day. We take our food to go and have to weave around a dozen cop cars to make it back onto a highway where people were none the wiser about what had just happened.

In a very twisted and macabre way, I feel as if what happened wasn’t real or legitimate precisely because no one died. Perhaps an incredibly harrowing experience for others has simply become a funny story for me to tell, because there are so many greater instances of violence that have already become completely normalized.


Mark Twain once said that God invented war so Americans would learn geography. Evidently, God didn’t try hard enough.


link to whole thread

Honestly by the end of this their struggle session might give us a run for our money. Currently at 8 upvotes and 110 comments. OP is also a new account who has only posted this and in r/Taiwan. Grab your popcorn folks, this one’s juicy.

EDIT: The cowards locked it.


Found this on r/LeftistGamersUnion. These are not my own words, just a cross post.

“Some clarification for gaming ban in China also AMA

TL;DR As a Chinese gamer, I truly support the ban because the ban ONLY applies on trash games like gatcha and WOW rip off games. It also only applied on Chinese EA, which is Tencent.

Chinese gaming industry is plagued by Tencent monopoly. Except Tencent, most other companies only make WOW rip offs Since it was popular in 90s and there are tons of middle-aged dude pay to play it.

Tencent gaming only have rip offs and 2 moba games, LOL and it's mobile vision. Its main income come from mobile lol, which unlike lol you guys know, is full of pay-to-win mechanics. Yet it provide most of profit for Tencent gaming.

Tencent, killed all hope of Chinese gamers. Chinese companies made some cuttin edge games in 2000s but most of them die off because of piracy, which is no surprise Tencent was in it.

Some times Tencent rip offs perform even better than the original. Why? Tencent monopolized social media as well.

It's also the reason most Chinese hate the company. People who don't want to play arr forced to play due to peer pressure. It also create a huge problem on kids because Tencent targets kids as young as 10 start to play and pay. And that's the main reason behind the ban.

Steam on the other hand, is in a gray zone. CPC allowed steam to operate with minimum oversee in China, but it technically not under Chinese administration, so the ban DOES NOT apply on steam games.

I know gate keeping is bad, but the problem is beyond imagine for western gamers. Tencent, which is the main target of the ban, already destroyed gaming in China. I fully support CPC on this. CPC had lots of new policies support gaming industry in China recently, so the ban helps gamer get rid of Chinese EA.“

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