
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Not to mention the third Korea, which sounds so Chic (⁀ᗢ⁀)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

AI (e.g. face recognition) is riddled with false positives. Such a tech already does wrong on civilians without being a weapon (e.g. cameras on subways). What you said is somewhat naïve.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 days ago (8 children)

OpenCamera is good, but could do better. But I'd say video editing is the biggest void.

Also, gesture typing keyboards are an empty niche of foss alternatives. HelioBoard requires loading some proprietary blob unfortunately.

I guess the most heavy machine learning use cases are not filled in.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Just yesterday I deployed it locally, and was about to migrate from my keepasDX (+syncthing)...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

This is happening on a regional level, east germany is way different than west. How different? I can't tell in detail, but demographics and worldviews are the two more salient categories for such differences.


Calling everyone who works in or with a #bioinformatics core facility - we need your help! We’d like to hear your ideas on what skills core facility scientists need at different levels (I, II, III or manager). Interested in helping? Please fill in this survey by September 30th.

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[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

Women are you back to KDE the same as GMO or a VPS with special software or (...)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

Poor Karen, they put the wrong name on the sign! Greg is fine tho.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 days ago (1 children)

AV1 video codec !

[–] [email protected] -1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Oh, fair point. Perhaps then! :O

[–] [email protected] 17 points 5 days ago (6 children)

Syncthing. Look no further, just check the "untrusted device" so that you don't give unencrypted data to your friend's disk.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago

I assume this is an old laptop? If you're able to remove the battery, as in the old models, you can measure it's full milliamperes when at a 100%. It's probably going to show a lower value than what's reported by the user guides. From what you tell, I'd expect something as low as 1.5k... Beware that removing batteries with tools and so on might make them explode and is many times, just not an option.

Perhaps you can even see this in the BIOS. Some modern BIOS might even tell the number of charging cycles, allowing you to infer it's worn out. Chances are, you need a new battery. Which is tricky, since oftentime the "new" battery was sitting at some store but was manufactured by the company when the laptop model was fresh.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

Oh, I didn't remember. Time to report my own post... Lol. Let's see if mods want to lock this thread then they can do it.


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Some have argued that Yabo (aka Yabo Sports, Yabo Group) and its many constituent brands comprise "the biggest illegal betting operation targeting Greater China." You probably haven't heard of it before, but you may have come across it unknowingly in passing, hundreds of times, if you watch European football, aka soccer in US parlance. The operation enjoys multimillion-dollar partnerships with some of the world's biggest clubs, like Manchester United and Bayern Munich.

Less visible to the public are Yabo's modern day slaves, forced to staff the debt-fueled pyramid scheme underpinning its gambling empire.


"Often, as a culture and as an industry, we separate technical stories from real life," Dr. Renée Burton, head of threat intelligence at Infoblox, says. "But these are monumental human crimes that are occurring [in] human trafficking and money laundering. It's the most interesting research I've ever been involved with."


On paper, Yabo Sports shut down in 2022 amid media scrutiny. But it fact it actually passed on through other brands like Kaiyun Sports. Kaiyun's logo has featured prominently on the sleeves of Aston Villa and Crystal Palace kits, or uniforms, in recent seasons, and the front of Nottingham Forest's (all England). Kaiyun reportedly also has a partnership in place with the world's biggest club, Real Madrid.


As Burton tells it, "Essentially, they use a ton of shell companies in multiple places around the world. And then they'll come up through these white label providers in the UK, like TGP Europe, which was linked by journalists to [gambling organization] Suncity, which has been accused by the Chinese government of money laundering. So it obfuscates those [groups] which are already obfuscated. It's just this ridiculous chain of false identities."


"So it draws people [into the sites]," Burton explains, "and they're browsing around a little bit. You've got your Manchester United logo. Then it starts popping up: these lures for you to come gamble." The sites include images of scantily dressed women and live chats with purported customer service agents. If a user stays idle for a period of time, the site might offer financial incentives, like a sliding scale of up to $1,500 free for any user who deposits up to $70,000 in a week.

"It draws you in further, and eventually you're losing. Now you're in debt, and you move into servitude. It's essentially a pyramid scheme: you have to go recruit people to gamble, then you get a portion of those people's losses to go against your debt," she says.


A 2023 report from the Asian Racing Federation (ARF) Council on Anti-Illegal Betting and Related Financial Crime described how Yabo betting sites are also staffed by physically imprisoned individuals:

The walled-off complexes have apartments, offices, supermarkets and other facilities, and are guarded by armed security whose job is to keep people in, according to reports in Chinese state media and elsewhere.

[. . .]

According to victim testimony, staff must work 12 hours a day, six days a week and cannot leave without a ransom. Staff are sold between operators, with ransoms increasing on each occasion. Videos and photographs online in 2021 showed people being physically threatened, beaten with sticks, and struck with electric batons.

[Edit: Deleted tautology in the title.]


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Which member state contributed the most to EU GDP? And what does GDP actually mean?

Gross domestic product (GDP) is an indicator used to measure the size and performance of an economy. It provides information on the value of goods and services produced during a given period. Within the EU, GDP was valued at €17.0 trillion in 2023.

In 2023, slightly less than a quarter of the EU's GDP was generated by Germany (24.3%), followed by France (16.5%) and Italy (12.3%), ahead of Spain (8.6%) and the Netherlands (6.1%).


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I'm running my media server with a 36tb raid5 array with 3 disks, so I do have some resilience to drives failing. But currently can only afford to loose a single drive at a time, which got me thinking about backups. Normally I'd just do a backup to my NAS, but that quickly gets ridiculous for me with the size of my library, which is significantly larger than my NAS storage of only a few tb. And buying cloud storage is much too expensive for my liking with these amounts of storage.

Do you backup only the most valuable parts of your library?


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Europe has one of the most diverse seed industries in the world. In Germany, the Netherlands and France alone, hundreds of small breeders are creating new varieties of cereals, vegetables and legumes.

Relying on decades of careful selection to improve desired traits like yield, disease resistance and flavour, they adapt seeds to local environments through methods like cross-breeding.

This legion of plant breeders help maintain Europe’s biodiversity and ensure that our food supplies stay plentiful. But their work is under growing threat from the patent industry.

Although it’s illegal to patent plants in the EU, those created through technological means are classified as a technical innovation and so can be patented.

This means that small-scale breeders can no longer freely plant these seeds or use them for research purposes without paying licensing fees.


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