We know Novak. We know.
Some of us are just natural jumpers.
We call those salty grapes.
Rogan has a huge platform that reaches a lot of people and, in my opinion, along with that platform comes a responsibility to be careful about the voices and ideas he allows to be amplified on his show. There are already plenty of sources out there for people who want to check in on what the right is thinking. Rogan didn't need to be one of them. He rightly faced criticism. If his political stances weren't solid enough to survive the criticism, then I wonder how strong his convictions were to begin with.
... when a hand loves a woman very much ...
I'm not a Spanish speaker, but I think Pun's meaning of "crush" is getting lost in translation. I would say definition 3 from this slang dictionary is the most accurate.
Edit: Now that I think about it, "crush" was the lyric in the radio edit. In the unedited version he says outright "... I just fuck a lot."
I sometimes wonder what happened to all the boxed mattresses - Casper, Purple, Helix. They all just seem to have vanished into thin air.
Is this one of them K-holes I've been hearing about?
I ~~have~~ choose to suffer, so the other people should do that, too.
Winston (Bishop) and CeCe in New Girl. The actors' real life platonic chemistry is pretty fun too.
Healthcare co-ops exist. But a good number of people get health insurance through their jobs, and those jobs usually contract with one of the big corporations.
Boss: "Good work today. Why don't you head home a little early."
Me: uses jedi mind trick "You need me to stay late and run TPS reports."