And the Holy Spirit did come unto the congregation.
In all fairness, Apple using AI to transcribe podcasts has been a tremendous success. Like, making four or five mistakes across an hour of casual speech. And those mistakes are usually contextual blind spots (like writing “lift” when someone said “Lyft” the company.)
“When I first heard about the role, my thought was, ‘I’m sure I’ll get hungry while working.’ Then, once we actually started working…I got really hungry, which was difficult.“
Beatrix Kiddo?
Watching the trailer, it animates like the first Digimon movie. Which is still cool, but not the brightly-colored yet grungy feel of Tank Police.
Are we really getting a new Anime in 2025 with a Dominion Tank Police aesthetic??
If I’m going to spend several hours staring at the backside of a character, I want it to be a cute girl, thank you.
“Mogh House, home. At least it was before I fucked e’erything up.”
“Evil creatures,” so no gender or species gets singled out.
C’mon, guys, it’s the 90s.
I'm going to be completely honest here; I want the maroon one with notches on the side featured later in the series. I appreciate how faithfully-recreated this one is, but that color is too garish for me.
You should add Alexander at the end of the street.
“I saw a mudcrab the other day. Dreadful creatures!”