
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Every time I've ever tripped my cat(s) would come and lay on or beside me, purring louder than I've ever heard and staring into my eyes in a way they rarely had. It's incredibly intimate (not sexually). Cats absolutely know when you're tripping and they're there for you.

[–] [email protected] 46 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

I went through a brief Asmongold phase about a year or two ago where I enjoyed just listening to him rant and bitch (mostly) about the video game industry. He was surprisingly articulate at times and not quite how I had perceived him. I watched him take a political alignment test and he was dumbfounded that he was fairly left-wing. I thought that might be a turning point for him, but then election season came around and he went right back to being an obnoxious Trump-supporting Texan. I don't think Asmongold even knows who he is deep down or what he stands for. I think he just spews vomit from his brain and doubles-down on all of it because he's incapable of dropping an argument or admitting he was wrong. It's kind of his shtick, but I'm long since done with it.

I know enough about him to attempt a deep-dive into his psyche in regards to his decrepit home, his mother's death and his unwillingness to seperate from his lifestyle, but at the end of the day his sad circumstances unfortunately don't excuse the abborant shit he sometimes says.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago (1 children)


[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 days ago

I think No Man's Sky was my first brush with it. In that game the feature is entirely necessary, especially when starting out on survival, but that was ground zero for me.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I get it. My wife and I just bought a home in Canada this summer and the pressure is very real. The prices just keep climbing and there is so much competition for everything that comes up on the market. Throw in periodic drops in interest rates and you feel like you have to pounce now or you'll never get one.

We were very fortunate that the sellers chose us specifically because of our family dynamic and the vacancy their own family was leaving in our little neighborhood of playing/communal children. We got the house at asking price and are well within our budget, but things were looking a bit grim there until fate worked itself out. People put shit-holes up for 400k and half the time people buy it anyway. If they don't, the price drops by 15k and it's sold the next day.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 3 days ago (6 children)

The entire app is a slow and clunky mess on our Roku TV. I've never seen a more poorly optimized and irritating service. Every time we're subjected to it I'm dumbfounded that Disney would even greenlight such a thing.

[–] [email protected] 52 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

That's so fucked up. When I was young I was friends with this dysfunctional redneck family who had taken in this tiny black kitten for a couple of weeks and then ejected it from the home when they failed to properly litter train the thing. I remember it wandered outside in their swampy, semi-rural woods for a few days. Some time later I asked about the cat again, and was told the older brother had "shot it right in the heart with a 22 when he saw it come up the road".

Looking back on my many weekends spent with that family, I can't believe I agreed to keep going over there. But I was young, friends were scarce, and we could pretty much do whatever we wanted.

Eventually the family turned on me as well when I had apparently become the scapegoat any time my friend had gotten in trouble for doing something. The mom developed an inherent distaste for me and even the uncles and grandparents started treating me like shit for things I hadn't done or had little involvement in.

Glad nobody shot me in the heart.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Waldorf, as per court order, was not allowed to take photographs with children and was omitted from the shot.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 4 days ago (2 children)

I haven't heard specifics on his odor, but I bet it's a nasty butt smell. Like when you go into a public bathroom and the toilet bowl still smells like the last guy's moist, sweaty asshole that hasn't seen soap in two weeks. That smell that just marinates in there for hours.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 4 days ago

Pterry from Pteewee's Ptayhouse?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Better kill that son-of-a-bitch who named ya that.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 5 days ago

"Get your butthole out of my face!" has become a regular utterance around bedtime.


My wife and I ventured into the Mistlands for the first time yesterday and wound up being chased out by a rampaging 1-star insectoid/rock creature. This thing was insanely fast and incredibly pissed. It persued us well out of the Mistlands, through the Black Forest (where we had to constantly weave through trees and chug stamina potions to keep going), and all the way to our nearby temporary plains portal, where we escaped back to our base.

That portal was just on the shore near our boat, a great distance south. What is the likelihood that the creature will still be present if we return through that portal? Based on our experience with it, I suspect it will effortlessly kill us before we've even fully loaded into the other side.

If it's still there, we're probably better off taking another boat south and luring the creature away from our portal, or just abandoning that portal entirely.

Whatever that thing was it made my heart beat through my chest. It felt good to be afraid of something again.


My daughter (4) is very into exploring cities, homes and villages in Skyrim, feeding aliens in No Man's Sky, and cleaning houses in House Flipper. She gets annoyed in games like House Flipper because she can't leave the property to explore all of the visible houses on the block. I'd like to find other PC games that are relatively kid-friendly (or at least with my guidance and supervision) and easy for her to just wander about and be nosy.

Any suggestions? Simple adventure/fantasy would be great and provide us with something to progress through together, but anything that lets you explore a neighborhood and/or poke around in buildings and such would be perfect. I'm picking up Goat Simulator today for that exact purpose.

I appreciate it in advance.


Hey, guys. I was on medical leave for three months last year and spent a good portion of that time modding the absolute hell out of my game. I made several merged mods via zMerge, have a plug-in called zPatch.esp which I can't recall the purpose of, an inactive (unchecked) Bashed Patch, and an active Smashed Patch.

The game would have been good to launch and go as it was, but I have better hardware now and installed Nature of the Wild Lands, subsequently deleting Happy Trees, Aspens Ablaze and Enhanced Vanilla Trees from my former mod list. In addition, I installed four of JK's Outskirts mods (Markarth, Riften, Solitude, Windhelm) that had released since I last played.

To keep my plug-ins under 250, I trimmed the fat by removing KS Dragon Overhaul, as well as Civil War Refugees Redux due to clipping incompatibilities with the JK's Outskirts mods.

So to make certain everything still plays together nicely, I believe I need to remake the Bashed Patch (leveled lists only), then include it in a Smashed Patch, and leave only that Smashed Patch active near the bottom of my load order? Is this the correct order?

And if so, any idea what I may have made that zPatch.esl for? I had following Sinitar's guide for a good portion of the mods before moving on to the endless acquisition of others, but primarily referred to GamerPoets videos for the more complicated things like merging, bashing, smashing and DynDOLOD.

Any help sparking my memory here would be greatly appreciated. I've already properly ran TexGen and DynDOLOD, and checked my merged mods to rebuild and relink scripts, so that much is sorted out.



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  • Elicit

I seem to experience intense feelings of nostalgia rather frequently in my everyday life. It's brought on by the simplest or mundane of things, like the way the sun hits the top of conifers in the morning or evening, the trilling of a bird in the distance during certain seasons or weather conditions, the way a wall clock ticks away steadily in the stillness of my home (especially when accompanied by motes of dust in the sunlight), or the smell of a running air conditioner.

These moments ~~illicit~~ elicit both mysterious and beautiful emotions, but are hurled at me constantly. While I enjoy the feelings they give me, I seem to experience them far more often than I think most would consider normal. I don't know if there is a term for this sense of hyper-nostalgia, or what (if anything) it's indicative of. Most of it is tied to insignificant moments from my childhood, like lying in the melting snow on a Spring day (the trilling bird), or sitting bored in the car waiting on my mother (the sun on conifers), but a lot of it is more ambiguous.

So I thought it would be fun to ask other people what their strongest (and perhaps recurring) moments of nostalgia are triggered and/or tied to. What are some of yours?

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