thank you for this @[email protected] !!!
wtf brain!
sexual attraction maybe?
My 6 month HRT anniversary is in a few days. My rl trans friends told me i might start feeling attracted to men but i was like nope i don't think so!
@[email protected] tuned me into this show Kaos.
There's this man in it, Prometheus. I think my brain is into him? It's so confusing because the spiro has me mostly ace for the last 6 months but i think he's dreamy!? and is a rizzler!? do lesbians ever find men attractive??? attractive isn't really the right word or maybe i just don't want to admit it.
i didn't order this i like women!
just want to scritch behind them lil ears every time i see 'em
I don't think you are doomed! I'm pretty sure i'm the oldest trans person here. My girlfriend is the only trans person i have ever met that's older than me. I basically got to transition directly into a grandma.
It's fine, I was a bit ageist when i was younger but when you get here it doesn't feel so bad. I'm still wild and free! I do think I would have liked being a young woman but I love myself so much it doesn't really bother me just some yearning you know? I definitely don't dress my age but i don't give a fuck I waited a long time to wear headbands and gigantic mary jane's and i'm gonna do it.
Also second puberty takes 10 years off ya they say so if you do HRT you got that going for you. People are surprised when they find out my real age! I used lex and bff to find local trans ppl and they had friends so i have a whole community now and that's really beneficial in so many ways, i highly recommend finding local trans friends. Especially over the next few years we're all really going to need each other.
oh you epilate too?
well YEAH what if there's a cartoonish accident and you are okay but your boots go flying off you want to look good when they are checking your head for bumps!
god that is so frustrating. parents who want to impose their will on children instead of loving and supporting them can go fuck themselves.
I'm really sorry you feel unsupported dear. this thing we do is quite difficult and doing it alone is scary. I think you're in the right place though! There's also a nice mtf comm on i have found support there as well as here.
big hugs to you on this winter holiday young lady. we are in this together!
🎶 bear necessities, mother nature's recipes 🎵
okay one trick is to use the mode where pulling back on the joystick flips your ship 180° and never moving, just stay in the middle and flip and rotate!
nasa should know what to do with this information