This reminds me of a great documentary: Who Killed The Electric Car?
The sign for Shitterton had to be carved out of a big chunk of local stone, because the normal metal ones kept getting nicked. Obviously.
Isn’t he a governor in Texas? Works closely with the very Biggest of Big Oil.
I worked on Queen Mary 2 for a year, back in 2010/11. From my experience that ship was probably 25% working class 70% middle, and 5% rich folks.
The worst guests were almost always middle class. They were the ones who had to let everyone know how many voyages they’d taken with Cunard over the years, and they were the ones who expected the crew to bow to their requirements.
The working class folks were just happy to be there, and made sure they had a great time, while the upper classes were actually pretty chill.
There are no finer names than Bobson Dugnutt and Dwigt Rortugal.
Sorry, meant no criticism of you at all. I just wanted to share Hank's video because he goes into a lot of depth and really helps in understanding.
Hong Kong enters the chat
I do periodically look up their prices on eBay, but because of that weird aberration they've retained their value pretty well.
The Stupid Reason That Elon Musk Is Complaining About Scientists Spraying Bobcat Urine on Alcoholic Rats
Pretty sure they cribbed most of that article from This Hank Green video from the same day. It's a message worth spreading though, to be fair.
Weirdly. I don’t know why they went back to upgradeable RAM for one generation.
As a kid we used to go to the Beaulieu Motor Museum quite a lot, and I was always fascinated by the Outspan orange car, which is almost identical to this. But orange.
I’m assuming the Pea is also based on a Mini.
You’re a hoopy guy.