
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

We consistently find across all our experiments that, across concepts, the frequency of a concept in the pretraining dataset is a strong predictor of the model’s performance on test examples containing that concept. Notably, model performance scales linearly as the concept frequency in pretraining data grows exponentially

This reminds me of an older paper on how LLMs can't even do basic math when examples fall outside the training distribution (note that this was GPT-J and as far as I'm aware no such analysis is possible with GPT4, I wonder why), so this phenomena is not exclusive to multimodal stuff. It's one thing to pre-train a large capacity model on a general task that might benefit downstream tasks, but wanting these models to be general purpose is really, really silly.

I'm of the opinion that we're approaching a crisis in AI, we've hit a barrier on what current approaches are capable of achieving and no amount of data, labelers and tinkering with architectural minutiae or (god forbid) "prompt engineering" can fix that. My hopes are that with the bubble bursting the field will have to reckon with the need for algorithmic and architectural innovation, more robust standards for what constitutes a proper benchmark and reproducibility at the very least, and maybe, just maybe, extend its collective knowledge from other fields of study past 1960's neuroscience and explore the ethical and societal implications of your work more deeply than the oftentimes tiny obligatory ethics section of a paper. That is definetly a overgeneralization, so sorry for any researchers out here <3, I'm just disillusioned with the general state of the field.

You're correct about the C suites though , all they needed to see was one of those stupid graphs that showed line going up, with model capacity on the x axis and performance on the y axis, and their greed did the rest.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

There is a disconnect between what computer scientists understands as AI and what the general public understands as AI. This was previously not a problem, nerds give confusing names to stuff all the time, but it became a problem after this latest hype cycle where incurious laypeople are in charge of the messaging (or in a less charitable interpretation, benefit from fear of the singularity™). Doesn't help that scientific communication is dogshit.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

got the Samsung buds pro 2 at half price recently and I kind of like them, but they were a bit underwhelming even at that price. I've never spent a lot on audio in general, so they were actually a big improvement, but there was no "wow" factor or anything. Plus having to install bloatware that asks for all permissions under the sun sucks (why the fuck would a settings menu want to know my location???).

I do think you underestimate how nice the noise cancelation can be though. I moved to a big city and my hick ass cannot deal with all the fucking noise. Plus I'm clumsy and end up getting wires caught on everything, which means wire stuff also becomes e-waste fairly quickly.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

It reads as parody so much that I was actually kind of enjoying it. I mean the scene with the Teslas crashing, Havana Syndrome, "Death to America, I remember it from the videogame", the 13 year old girl quoting West Wing, all the nonsense pontificating about random bullshit like Friends, the camera zooming and twisting for no discernible reason, I thought I was picking up on some deep contempt for lib neurosis and vapidness and it got a laugh out of me a couple of times. Pausing it to check out who made it was a mistake, soured the rest of the thing. It might have been ruined by the runtime anyway so no big loss.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago

the ice levels in Spelunky HD are my least favorite, but this track almost makes up for all the stupid UFOs crashing into me from out of screen

[–] [email protected] 11 points 9 months ago

The video consists of like 2 hours of some examples of youtube plagiarism, with discussion of content mills and the beginning of an interesting point about how plagiarists view the people they steal from as lesser, which is not expanded upon as much as it should IMO.

The other 2 hours are about James Somerston, a gay video essayist that basically Frakensteined a bunch (if not all) of his videos from queer authors, some well known, a lot of them not. By the end Hbomb makes a good point about erasure, and how young queer people don't understand their history in part because of people like Somerston.

I'm generally not annoyed by length since I'm a zoomer and watch everything at 2x or more, but in this case I get the point because it actually took me 2 real time hours to watch and I felt there was a lot that could have been cut. I still won't watch the 3 hour scorcese movie, fuck all of you, movies ARE too long now.

I went on a ramble about the video that should probably be a separate comment, feel free to ignore

So regarding video length I think there's some value in going into detail about how plagiarism takes place. Some of this context is also relevant as a way to preempt any shitty response (for example he took the time to explain that Somerston's assistant writer is most likely not in on it and how his boss has shown signs of setting him up as a scapegoat).

He also seems to genuinely care about James's plagiarism because he's bi himself. I'm currently having a bout of insomnia, and was reading The Gentrification of the Mind before making the mistake of opening hexbear and seeing a new hbomb video was out, and while these two are not comparable in content, I found it interesting to experience them back to back, and since a bit of the vibe is there, I believe Harris is sincere about why he cares about it (also Vito Russo's name popped up in both, so I guess this is a sign that I should add The Celluloid Closet to my reading list).

However, the video does feel petty. Hbomb has this mean streak to him that served him really well when he was directly responding to right wing talking points, but is a lot less useful when talking about stuff like this, which becomes a problem when it's a large chunk of the video. He kind of recognizes it too, saying this feels like a drama video, and how he's donating all ad revenue to people James plagiarized from.

It does feel more appropriate when you consider that most of these people are reactionary pieces of shit and that should have been a much larger part of the video. He mentions it a bit (the first guy is a chud, internet historian tries to hide that he's a chud, Somerston came from business school and seems to hate women) and talks about contempt for the people they copy from, but I feel there's a lot more to dig into. What about contempt for the audience? What is the frame of mind of people that trend chase for years, sometimes decades, in order to garner an audience? That think regurtitating Wikipedia is worthy of other people's time? He says it was always like this mentioning AVGN copycats, but was it really? While the incentive structure didn't change how plagiarism takes place, didn't the kind of people that did the plagiarizing change? I think exploring this thoroughly is a lot more interesting than "showing the receipts" by comparing the copied work to the original for most of the runtime.

I still think it was worth a watch, but that's because I was already familiar with Somerston and some of the other people and they gave me the video essay equivalent of the ick. This should have been 2 hours at most.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago

I think going for the Rebuild treatment was a really cool idea and they mostly executed it pretty well. One thing I didn't get is why they put that blur effect on everything.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago (1 children)

doing that as well, but asking here can't hurt right?


So, I've started working my first "real job" last month, and it's pretty decent. Good benefits, decent pay, strong union despite being tech, and for reasonable hours (6 per day). The problem is that I took this job mainly so I can continue grad school. Currently I'm finishing up my master's, so I'm managing to conciliate doing both OK since I don't need to be in uni premises for anything anymore, but I'm unsure about being able to do a PhD later.

I figure once I work for a few months and get to work remote for most of the week I can do 6 hours of office work plus 6 hours of research work, or alternatively 6 + 4 and compensate by doing some research on the weekends. However I've heard conflicting feedback about this plan. One of my roommates says this is a horrible idea and that I'll become the Joker after a couple months, while one of my coworkers said I should wait a bit to see if this job won't demand too much of me (still in training currently), but that he thinks it's doable. Both are currently doing/have done a PhD at the same uni I want to enroll in. Also is 6ish hours per day even enough for a PhD?

Additional info: Public latam uni, so no tuition but the government grants are nothing to write home about (before getting the job it was barely enough to get by, and that was with help from my folks). The advisor I'm aiming for can be demanding at times but is also really nice and is new faculty. The PhD is in compsci (ML/NLP) and I plan to continue exploring a niche I'm already familiar with. Work schedule is fairly flexible, save for the fucking meetings (agile delenda est). A lot of credits can be done by getting good publications instead of doing uni courses.

Edit: Thanks everyone! I kind of feared "obviously no you moron" would be the general consensus. I probably got too optimistic about getting to keep doing research immediately. I'll wait for things to settle down and reevaluate my options. There's some mechanisms at the job that are supposedly designed so you can continue education, but my impression is that those are mostly reserved for MBA types, infrequently offered and also really contested, but I should ask around some more to be sure. I also know some better sources of funding are available once you enroll, but seeing my friend applying for those and failing repeatedly discourages me from betting on it. Worst comes to worst I'll save up some money, try doing this for a bit and quit if it proves unsustainable. Again, thanks for the input!

[–] [email protected] 29 points 10 months ago

The only guy I have on my friends list that plays this stuff is definetly not afraid to let others know, he does extensive reviews of every datable girl in a given game. visible-disgust but also entertaining to read/make fun of sometimes.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

And even then, OP still has a point.

Yeah, kinda. But the framing is all fucked. Someone that can't improve themselves because of depression don't need "tough love" or to hear they are disinteresting and on their own, they need to see the inate value in themselves. Everyone IS interesting, they just have to nurture that and demonstrate it to others.

[–] [email protected] 57 points 10 months ago (7 children)

There is no deeper understanding about the issues they are marching for. It is all just slogans.

projection . I don't understand how people who don't know shit don't just shut the fuck up until they learn more.

I'm sick of simulation theory as well and want something cooler to take its place. Maybe Gnosticism?


Article is not detailed like that old Anthem one. Still, it was everything you expect. Zenimax pushing for live service games during the late 2010's so it could find a buyer (thank that for Fallout 76 and possibly killing the new Wolfenstein trilogy with Youngblood). Management trying to trend chase mediocre slop like Far Cry and Borderlands (it's fine if you like those, I like garbage too). It was also supposed to be filled with microtransactions until they pivoted in 2021. But the nail in the coffin was probably this:

Arkane was also perpetually understaffed, said people familiar with its production. The studio’s Austin office employed less than 100 people— sufficient for a relatively small, single-player game like Prey but not enough to compete with multiplayer behemoths like Fortnite and Destiny, which are developed by teams of hundreds. Even additional support from ZeniMax’s Wisconsin-based Roundhouse Studios and other outsourcing houses couldn’t fill the gaps, they say.

Yeah just make one of those smash hits in a genre outside your niche, in a saturated genre, with one tenth of the budget and none of the staff. Come on I've seen my kid play Fortnite it shouldn't be that hard.

Morale at Arkane suffered. Veteran workers who weren’t interested in developing a multiplayer game left in droves. By the end of Redfall’s development, roughly 70% of the Austin staff who had worked on Prey would no longer be at the company, according to people familiar as well as a Bloomberg analysis of LinkedIn and Prey’s credits.

R.I.P. Hope they got to work on cool shit after this. And fled T*xas.

Filling vacancies became a challenge. Within the industry, ZeniMax had a reputation for paying lower than average salaries, and convincing some progressive or moderate video game developers to move to Texas could be difficult due to the state’s conservative social policies. Since Redfall wasn’t yet announced, the studio couldn’t describe its details to prospective employees — a predicament that exacerbated the staffing issues, sources familiar with the process said. Arkane wanted to hire recruits with experience on multiplayer shooters, but the people who applied were by and large looking to work on single-player immersive sims.


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