So a week or two ago I was talking to my therapist about how I've had the urge to express more "soft" emotion which may or may not have come through in some of my posting here
Anyway I talked about how wrong it felt to express that as the person I am currently. Like I want to squee over cute things and lavish affection on people I care about but it makes me feel like such a goober, like it's uniquely ill-suited to me. I asked if that sounded like gender dysphoria and she was like "yeah pretty much lol". I think it's the first concrete instance of that I can express, which is nice in some ways that I can put a finger on it, but it's putting a finger on something negative :/
Another one I just thought of recently was smiling. I hate when I smile involuntarily, I feel so idiotic and ugly when I do it. Maybe that's just normal low self esteem tho 🙃