Did you know that squirrels live in little nests called dreys? Here's one asleep in its drey:
Additional fun fact: Just by being here you're making the world less of a fuck.
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Did you know that squirrels live in little nests called dreys? Here's one asleep in its drey:
Additional fun fact: Just by being here you're making the world less of a fuck.
thanks comrade
Would a floppy bird cheer you up?
yes thank you
I'm right down there with you comrade; i've been in a depressive slump for a while now fuckin' brain juice can never just work
tearing up every hour or so at work sure feels like a healthy place to be
thanks comrade, hope you feel better soon also. this world really eats at you.
So Doctor Gorb prescribes this vide: https://youtube.com/shorts/Ist_CpaOUc4
And then this video: https://youtube.com/shorts/sWEDnN_bdj4
And then this video: https://youtube.com/shorts/MnPGv7jKxDs
And then this cateo:
thanks doc
here's my cade as payment
I found YouTube links in your comment. Here are links to the same videos on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Link 1:
Link 2:
Link 3:
May I tell you a joke?
"A drunk in a crowded oyster bar stands up and yells "I'll give $50 to anyone that can swallow this huge oyster!" One guy yells back "I'll take a shot at it," goes over and swallows it one gulp. The drunk shrugs as he reaches for his wallet and says, "I don't know how you did it. I tried 3 times and couldn't get the damn thing down."