
joined 5 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 hours ago

Based Gordon the true proletrainiat. He's the squidward to Thomas's SpongeBob

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 hours ago

I too think about it a lot but i have watched it recently

[–] [email protected] 9 points 17 hours ago

Cos its not thomas at all its actually Gordon. Amd Gordon is mad at the lack of trains in america

[–] [email protected] 2 points 19 hours ago

Internally i know what i am supposed to do but externally I'm now stunlocked while my brain cycles through 500 dialogue options and then i end up saying something really out of pocket and weirding people out. I don't care so much anymore but it made my 20's unlivable

[–] [email protected] 7 points 19 hours ago (2 children)

This was like the first NT social cue i learned and know it very well and have to do it almost daily and I still fuck it up constantly. My brain automatically always wants to answer it literally it takes so much mental overriding to not do that but the "correct" answer always comes out stilted then i forget to ask it back

[–] [email protected] 7 points 19 hours ago

i treat interactions with NT people as PvP.

Probably the most enlightening thing I've heard. It really is like that isn't it

[–] [email protected] 11 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago) (1 children)

But this makes sense because i want to know other people's hunger levels to make a decision on what to do about it. The followup question is usually about what kind of food and when and coming to a consensus on what eataging will satisfy our differing hunger levels.

If I'm asking a rando colleague out to lunch my question literally just is. "Pub?" And i get a yay or nay

[–] [email protected] 12 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago) (1 children)

Completely destroyed my own sanity by memorising a complex set of rules and over analysing everything to the point of mental exhaustion only to still get it wrong or be left in such an ambiguous state I can never know the true answer.

The same button never does the same thing twice.

I remember years ago wondering why interaction wasn't deterministic and asking over and over "what is wrong with me" practically to the brink of suicide. Didn't actually figure out I was autistic until recently. Honestly the only thing that helped was becoming racist to NT's and masking only enough to basic interactions and work related shit. I only have 1 NT friend but he's built different and genuinely tries his best to understand me in a way that he can be accommodating to my needs.

I also had a friend who would confuse me with subtext i never understood knowing it confused me then would call me an idiot for not understanding and i just let them do this to me for years.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 20 hours ago

I actually never finished advent children because i found it really boring. Which happens to be the opinion people have of this movie which as a kid i would watch on loop without even blinking. I have superior taste is why

:( (hexbear.net)
submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

That i can understand but on the other hand I'm really really weird. The older offices I've worked in usually would have weird little sections isolated from everything else and I'd just wander around and pick some random dark corner to work in. This was pre covid when it was full time in the office and it was the only source of joy i could get from my work environment. Naturally workers should not be subject to such awful accomodation its very much a me thing.

The office i refer to in this post had an entire floor cordoned off with tape, spray paint over the windows from years of graffiti casting a strange light across the room and i just picked some random dark corner to work from and i just felt happy for some reason.

Another office i worked in had a mice problem, leaked all the time and was generally falling apart but had sections seemingly unvisited by people that I'd find and just exist there. It also had a floor completely abandoned, I never saw anyone working on it and would sit somewhere accompanied only by the buzz of the lights.

The key theme is emptiness. A crappy building filled with people is just a crappy building but when i find the empty places or its nearing shutting down so mostly abandoned thats when the feeling kicks in. I guess it doesn't even need to be an old building just an empty one.

But yeah this is very much just some weird part of my brain that vibrates in these environments i don't actually expect anyone to work in this condition just wondering if anyone is as odd as i am

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

Vertical tabs and tab groups are mandatory for me, gonna switch at some point. Been waiting for exactly this kind of browser for ages

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Same for me I've never actually worked in this style of office yet it feels like i know it well. Maybe because my school had a similar building style maybe, without the cigarette damage ofc.

Or maybe i just like the vibe of tired old nearly abandoned buildings.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

There's a certain type of old office with the yellow windows, cielings, walls and blinds. Strange stains everywhere and visible ducting all over the place. It feels homely to me. Modern offices feel cold and without soul, lighting is too bright and lacks natural sunlight. The offices of old you get the yellowed softened sunlight showing all the dust particles in the air.

The one i went to was basically empty. Areas cordoned off with a handful of staff left. A random bucket in the middle of the room to catch a leak. Dark corridors and flickery tube lights. I sat in a room with the window open listening to the breeze rustle the tobacco stained blinds.

Anyone else got this absurd feeling or just me?


For all its flaws I had a solid amount of enjoyment in the 50 hours of playing this game. If anyone else feels like playing its currently on gamepass or wait for a steep sale and pick a strength build cos everything else fukin sucks. Also pick a starting strength class because playing the nude class is pants mostly because about 70% of the weapons in the game aren't even viable.

Art style is on point its such a good looking game at times. But at others its an unreal engine 5 blur fest

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Ligand deez deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez


I consistently have this issue where I legit cannot tell if someone is being snarky or mean it just bounces right off. Then i spend ages wondering if a certain phrase was meant to be an underhanded insult or not or what the subtext was supposed to be.

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