It's a place where like ten of us talk about shid and fard and beanis
badposting is a comm where you post badly
This is not a [email protected] alternative. This is not a [email protected] alternative. This is a place for you to post your bad posts.
Ever had a really shitty bit idea? Joke you want to take way past the point of where it was funny? Want to feel like a stand-up comedy guy who's been bombing a set for the past 30 minutes straight and at this point is just saying shit to see if people react to it? Really bad pun? A homemade cringe concoction? A cognitohazard that you have birthed into this world and have an urge to spread like chain mail?
- Do not post good posts.
- Unauthorized goodposting is to be punished in the manner of commenting the phrase "GOOD post" followed by an emoji that has not yet been used in the thread
- Use an emoticon/kaomoji/rule-three-abiding ASCII art if the rations run out
- This is not a comm where you direct people to other people's bad posts. This is a comm where you post badly.
- This rule intentionally left blank.
- If you're struck for rule 3, skill issue, not allowed to complain about it.
Code of Conduct applies just as much here as it does everywhere else. Technically, CoC violations are bad posts. On the other hand: L + ratio + get ~~better~~ worse material bozo
What do you mean beanis?
Beanis means Beanis
someone hasn’t been reading their theory
This is the corporate website for Lexapro but we really fucked up when typing out the name
Hexbear is a website for transgender satanists to discuss geopolitical shipping. Famous ships are Xi x Putin x Kim, Hillary x Merkel, and Kissinger x Limbaugh (hell arc)
i ship kissinger x limbaugh x being fucking dead
It's a place where we all poop together and talk about our most recent poops
Posting Personal Bristols
It's like reddit but filled with liberals and liberal accessories.
It’s where I post about my 4-slot Neo-Geo MVS setup
…but what games do you have in there?
Metal Slug X, Fatal Fury 2, Bust-A-Move, and slot 4 alternates between The Super Spy and (a repro cart of) Viewpoint.
Really looking forward to exhibiting it at VCF Midwest again this year!
It's a cultist website where devotees of Ungnyeo perform witchcraft
A fansite for a famous leftist podcast, which is of course called Citations Needed. That's why the site was originally called
A dirty rotten cesspool of liberals masquerading as tankies.
unfounded criticism. im as far left as anybody. i voted for obama for christs sake
Uhhh... ummm .. huhhh... hegehehe
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than Hexbear
It's kinda like if you put all the Pokémon into one pokeball
It's like if the zoo was run by the animals
It's sorta like if all the cars from the movie Cars dropped acid and watched a movie called Koyaanisqatsi
yeah…. guess you could say we here at hexbear are a little dark…. a little bit… twisted….. heh…. demented some might say… a little bit on the edge perhaps….
but rest assured when the zombie apocalypse starts (inevitable) there’s no one else i would rather team up with… heh…
I've heard places like this are called honeypots. Not sure what that means myself, but I need some honey for my tea...
Yes it's true pls crawl into this honey pot it is very safe and cozy
It's like reddit but