What has no hair, stands up in a chair, frightens the neighbor's dog?
It makes a frown, allows you to sit down, it's log, log, log!
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Don't be mean. I promise to do my best to judge that fairly.
What has no hair, stands up in a chair, frightens the neighbor's dog?
It makes a frown, allows you to sit down, it's log, log, log!
It's log, it's log, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood!
It's log, it's log, it's better than bad it's good!
The scale of this seems off for what I would expect from a chainsaw.
It’s a very small chainsaw perhaps!
Hey Dum Dum, you got gum gum?
I need something like that for the front door, to keep cats from trying to sneak out when I open it.
Anybody else notice the little peepee dead center on the face? No? Just me?
Eustace has trouble putting the mask on these days