Fate of Atlantis is pretty good
Vintage gaming community.
- Be kind.
- No spam or soliciting for money.
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If you see these please report them.
- Transport Tycoon
- C&C Red Alert and Tiberian Sun
- Anno 1602 (1602 A.D.)
- Theme Park
- Commander Keen
- Doom 2 (and Wolfenstein 3D to some extend)
- GTA2
- Half-Life
- Dungeon Keeper (mainly DK2)
- Leisure Suit Larry 6
- Worms 2 & Armageddon
- Age of Empires 2
- Sim City 2000 & 3000
- SimTower
- The Settlers 2
- Lemmings
- Incredible Machine
- Commandos
- Outcast
- Quake 3 Arena
- Descent
- StarCraft (although I started playing it later)
SSI gold box D&D titles and Dungeon master, though both are better on Amiga
Myth The Fallen Lords and Myth 2 on the Macintosh. This was my favorite multiplayer game I’ve ever played by far.
Other great Mac games from my youth: The Odyssey (1994) by David Larkin Sim City and Sim City 2000 Rogue Sim Ant Prince of Persia The Scarab of Ra Realmz Path Ways into Darkness and Marathon
And my favorites on BBS were Major Mud and Legend of the Red Dragon.
I didn't have a PC, but when I went to friend’s houses I would play the shit out of Doom.
C64: Elite. the game is my personal number one as I played only Elite constantly for a long time, despite all other games available for C64.
Amiga: Chaos Engine, Transarctica.
486: Elite Frontier, Descent, Descent II.
- Sonic the hedgehog
- Golden axe
- Streets of rage
- Micro machines
- Super Mario Bros 3
- Super Mario world
- Cool boarders
- SSX tricky
- Speed freaks
- Crash bandicoot
- Soul Reaver
- Tony hawk
- Tomb raider 3
- Abes oddesy
- Crazy taxi
- Duke nukem 3D
- Might and Magic VI
- Master of Orion
- Civ 1 & 2
Late and I cannot possibly read everything here, but I'll come back to it as well.
And just to do some due diligence:
- Saw it multiple times already, but Homeworld.
- Star Wars Rogue Squadron or many of the other Star Wars flight games before it.
- Imperium Galactica 2. Amazing space RTS with space and ground combat.
- I think one of the Formula 1 games from the era is considered among the best, but I'm not sure which. If you like F1 and racing that's worth checking out.
- Star Trek Armada is from 2000, but very good too.
- Sid Meier games.
- Nintendo games, including Mario Kart 64. Unfortunately the first Mario Party isn't as good as modern ones I hear, but may also be up your alley.
- Scorched Earth or Tank Wars for DOS. Worms for a more modern take on the genre.
Very space- and RTS-themed, but that's what got my attention at the time. And they were having their golden age. Also I was very young in the 90s, so that's all I have.
I was a fan of Midtown madness, both 1 and 2.
I had LAN parties with my friends by booting the game, then ejecting the CD and passing it along.
Sadly the third one wasn't on PC.
My childhood
Xwing, day of the tentacle, Sam and Max hit the road, terminal velocity, half-life, journeyman project, Myst, that weird Encarta cdrom trivia game, counterstrike, EverQuest, you don't know Jack, Spiderman cartoon maker, master of Orion, monkey Island, Commander keen, and DOOM
Lode Runner for Apple II. Still remarkably playable. You could also go for The Legend Returns on PlayStation / Saturn.
Oh, yes. And you could make your own levels!
Carmageddon is a game that I loved at the time, and am very hesitant to revisit... I suspect it hasn't aged well!
Ocarina of time Red Alert .. yeah probably just those two would do me
Total Annihilation. It was released in 1997 and brought inspiration to games like Supreme Commander and Planetary Annihilation.
Also, mother fuckin' Cap'N Crunch's Crunchling Adventure. I don't have to explain that one.
Doom (1 then 2)
Dune 2
Command & conquer: Red alert
Quake 2 & 3
Unreal tournament
Rise of the triad
Space Quest 4
Quest for Glory series
Simcity 2000
Leisure Suit Larry 6
Grand Theft Auto (top down)
Quake, Doom, Half-Life, One Must Fall 2097, Microsoft Encarta's Mind Maze
- Sensible Soccer
- Soccer Kid
- The Chaos Engine
ZX Spectrum:
- Chaos
- Robocop
- Midnight Resistance
Blood (1997) Pretty much the best OG build engine game IMO.
Myst and Obsidian
Lords of the Realm 2, the OG X-Com trilogy, Total Annihilation, Dark Reign, Civ II Test of Time
Squarez Deluxe (which is now Freeware!)
It's a thinking man's Tetris and about 100x more rewarding to play
My mom got us this “Kids Cube” game collection in CompUSA when I was a kid and there were some gems in there. I’ve been looking for years to try and find the list of games but it’s one of those cheap dollar bin software collections. Anywho, some of the games I loved from that included:
Battle Bugs Jetpack Mice Movers Loader Larry
Non Kids Cube games: Doom (duh) Hero’s of might and Magic 3 Kings Quest VI Return to Zork Raptor: Call of the Shadows Battle Chess Jazz Jackrabbit Prince of Persia (the classic DOS 2D) Duke Nukem 2D
Did a quick search and thank you Archive! Found the Kids Cube! There’s a lot of weird stuff on there but I would spend hours just trying stuff out. https://archive.org/details/aztech_kids_cube
Jetpack was tight, yo
amiga wings of fury
atari 1040ST outrun (the audio on atari!!!)
c64 zak mckraken
There was this older 90's (I think?) game I loved but I can't figure out the name or find it, despite some googling. You played the part of someone piloting a drone on a space station that had a viral outbreak. The virus alerted the DNA of the victims that the automated security system could no longer identify them as friendlies and so went on a killing spree. You're trying to find video clips from the inhabitants, collecting DNA samples, very point and click adventure with neat animated scenes with FMV. If this rings a bell or if anyone knows it, let me know!
My family’s first PC was hand-me-down Amiga 2000; so these games helped shape me growing up:
Dune 2: Battle for Arrakis T-Rex Warrior* Cannon Fodder Sensible Soccer** The Settlers After the War
- Funny anecdote, if memory serves - it took my child brain over a year to figure out that holding down both mouse buttons made you move forward..
** Namely, the demo disk version which was set in 1945 and replaced the ball with a bomb that would periodically explode, killing nearby players and removing them from the match.
Starquest v
Oregon trail II
Widget workshop
That drawing program with the programmable turtle
That drawing program with the programmable turtle
I don't know any game called starquest 5, do you mean Space Quest 5?
If so, yes, OP play this and also Space Quest 6 after it. They're quite funny and accessible as far as Sierra point and click go.
Older Space Quests are... rough. The kind that punishes you in late game for missing the smallest item at the beginning and forces you to save all the time because everything kills you (sometimes in funny ways).
5 and 6 still kill you a lot, but not nearly as much and they let you rewind before the stupid move. Much more enjoyable IMO. Narration in those games is hilarious.
That's definitely what I was talking about, it's been 30ish years since I played it on a mac
My guy, we have the technology. You can edit that title to fix the horrible grammar lol.
"What are your favorite pre-2000 video games?"
Whoops! I didn't realize I could edit titles lol. Fixed :)
Crash Bandicoot 2
Star Flight
Fairy Tale Adventure
Both from the 80s
Hot damn, I love me some Star Flight!
Where do I even start ?
- Raw vs Smackdown
- IGI 2
- Freedom Fighter