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"I feel like this is wrong, but I don't know enough about ~~stars~~ The Middle East to disprove it"

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[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

They are trying to bullshit people away from us and our "friends" having a direct hand in arming and helping terrorists. That the media is not gaslighitng the public.

Take Hamas - they are not tied to Al Qaida.if anything Israel and the US have a "complicated" relation to Al Qaida and ISIS.

Such as

IDF chief finally acknowledges that Israel supplied weapons to Syrian rebels

[Fighters were armed and paid to keep Iranian-linked forces away from Israel’s border.]

When Israel has stolen Syrian land and plans to annex even more land via it's "Greater Israel" plan.

There's operation cyclone where the US armed the precursor to Al Qaida the Mudhajeen.

Operation Tymber Sycamore

Initially President Obama rejected the proposal, but later agreed, partially due to lobbying by foreign leaders, including from King Abdullah II of Jordan and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

US-backed rebels often fought alongside al-Qaeda's al-Nusra Front against Ba'athist forces, and some of the US-supplied weapons were seized by the al-Nusra Front. This had been a major concern within the Obama administration when the program was first proposed in 2012. There were also allegations of U.S.-backed militias carrying out summary killings of detainees

Priti Patel visited a hospital that treats jihadis

And then ISIS being in the center of the chart with "no friends" .... I mean those weapons and funding just appear out of thin air!