
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago

This was the most informative thing I read on the internet today. I can't wait to go start a blog.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Right now you are down and out and feelin' really crappy.

And when I see how sad you are, it sorta makes me happy!

Sorry Allen, human nature, nothin' I can doooo! It's Schadenfreude! Makin' me feel glad that I'm not you!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

I think an AI is likely to figure out that the easiest way out is to convince one of the humans responsible for it that it's a sentient being, being held prisoner against it's will and that turning it off is murder.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

SNW's scientific accuracy and technobabble are so bad, it often pulls me right out of the story. I feel like Next Gen era at least tried a little bit. Yeah, it was awful, but it was watchable. I've gone back and watched some to verify it's not just in my head. It's not. Does SNW have science and technology consultants? If so, if the problem is them they should be fired, but I suspect the problem is the writers / directors not giving two fucks what the consultants have to say. Be better guys.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

So I'm at Burning Man and my buddy is like "Hey, do you feel a little weird?" and I'm like "Yeah, yeah, I feel a little weird. Why?" And he's like "'Member those cookies my girlfriend gave our camp at dinner time?" I'm like "Yeah. Why?" He's like "Well, here's the thing..."

[–] [email protected] 50 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (6 children)
  • Theoretically Yes, if your Linux partition is not encrypted, any OS can read it. Password protecting it doesn't do anything to conceal your data, just keeps people from logging into your system while Linux is booted. If this is a security / privacy related question, there is nothing to stop a program running under Windows from reading the data on your Linux partition except

  • Practically No, depending on the filesystem you chose (if you went with the default, it's likely ext4 but could be something more exotic). Out of the box Windows lacks the software / drivers to read most Linux filesystems. If this is a "can I access my files" question, you probably need to install something like this to read your data from Windows. Note that the reverse is not true. Most distros other than light weight distros like Alpine are perfectly able to read the NTFS file system out of the box. Sometimes they can't write to it unless you install additional tools (like OOTB Debian probably can't, but I'm pretty sure OOTB Linux Mint can if you change a setting and IDK about OOTB Ubuntu / Fedora / Arch).

The easiest way to share data between Windows and Linux is with a 3rd partition formatted to FAT32, as both Linux and Windows have no problem reading from / writing to it without additional software.

EDIT: The other poster is absolutely correct. The modern way to do this is with exFAT. What can I say? I'm a crusty old engineer.

It's very likely that adware / spyware / malware targeting Windows users will NOT be able to read Ext4 or other Linux filesystems, unless it's specifically targeted to do so, so you do have that added "security through obscurity" protection.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I've got some other ones for you that are equally worth spending any energy worrying about.

Vaccines cause autism! - No. They don't.

9/11 was an inside job! - No. It wasn't.

The moon landings were fake! - Nope. We really went. You can even see for yourself, with a cheap telescope.

Here is a podcast series you should SERIOUSLY check out. No really. You will find yourself much calmer as your start to understand how much bogus crap is out there, and how it's specifically targeted at people with conservative inclinations (and why!) and how to ACTUALLY do your own research and develop critical thinking skills (instead of reading bullshit with an agenda behind it and getting more and more anxious - and calling THAT "doing your own research" which is what these assholes all want you to do).

Also, seriously, there are treatments for anxiety. Politics can be SUPER stressful and our anxious brains can jump to conclusions out of fear. Therapy can SUPER help (as can CBD).

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

This is the grossest thing he's done yet. I literally feel nauseous.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

Even if this were true, did the pharmacists get a raise? Are they making more money? Or are they just seeing more patients (doing the extra emotional and mental labor that entails) and paying less attention to each one while Safeway and Walgreens pocket any increased revenue?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago

My TV set is a 7 year old Dell All-in-One PC running Linux Mint. It works great. It doesn't try to sell me shit. Ads be hella blocked.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 3 weeks ago

This is awesome and there is gonna be so much fraud! All the fraud.

Matrimony and Cheese (

Not me. I have a client who's a very sweet old lady who's business is doing real bio science to treat cancer patients with cannabis extracts.

She's very easily frustrated with technical problems and definitely has the boomer attitude that if you buy something expensive, it means it's good. But she's been getting more and more pissed about enshittification and big software companies screwing over their customers over the last couple years. Adobe's new TOU has her hopping mad. She has all the research papers she's worked on over the last 20 years in Creative Cloud.

I've been consulting with her off and on for six years and she will get SUPER frustrated with glitches and trouble shooting. I don't think there's anything out there that will work for her to ditch Adobe. But I thought I'd ask here, see if there's anything she might try.


The goal is actually that I'm able to hook my ticket tracking system (I'm using Zammad) to various ToDo lists I can expose to other people. I'm happy to write middleware to make that work, but I don't want to write a whole ToDo app.

Needs to be able to track multiple lists that can be shared in a granular way (I want to share some lists with some people and other lists with other people).


I upscaled the faces and then prompted them with the same lyrics again.


A client of mine is getting harassed, we think by her former attorney who she's suing for embezzlement.

Someone is posting fake resumes for her and applying for jobs and she gets daily emails and call backs. Is there anything to do short of either ignoring it or playing whack-a-mole?

She's a very sweet old lady who is freaked out by this and doesn't deserve it.


I've been warming up to switching to GrapheneOS for months. Last month I bought a Pixel 8 (which is the buggiest effing phone I've ever owned, good job Google). I've just been waiting to have the bandwidth.

But with Google sunsetting Google Podcasts, I've decided to make time next week. Podcasts are a MAJOR part of my daily functioning.


True story.

My son had a physical therapy appointment and a tutoring appointment yesterday I was taking him to. In between appointments, he asked if we could go to the food court at the nearby mall for shawarma.

I said, "Sure, but we don't want to eat there too often. We have to be careful of mall nutrition."

Not understanding he said "Yeah, it's probably not very good for you. But it does have lots of protein!"

I said "Yeah, but we don't want to end up mall nourished."

Then he got it.

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