
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

that's what i figured as well. all i've been doing is posting about how cops are bad, bikes are good, and i like funk music. real fuckyouinparticular vibes, huh?

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

agreed. that's why i'm saying it's so important to use it when teaching kids about religion.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (9 children)

ik this is a shitpost but that's like the worst possible way to handle that situation

i'm like a third-generation none, my parents were both raised secular and their marriage was officiated by a guy from the a.h.a., but i had some christian classmates in like kindergarten or first grade (public school in california) and i sorta half remember asking my mom some question about something i'd heard them say at some point or another, and what she did was she explained to me (in 5yo detail, anyway) what christianity even was, which i didn't really understand at that point, and that was enough to make it clear to me how silly it all was.

one of the easiest ways to figure out who to trust, imo, is looking for who can most accurately and fairly describe what their opponents' argument is. trying to hide it away from a kid who's looking for answers is just going to make it more intriguing. going over it in detail makes it clear what the problems are.

e: damn, who'd i piss off

[–] [email protected] -4 points 1 year ago

I'd take that as inevitable period at this point.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 year ago

no, they're just swords

[–] [email protected] -5 points 1 year ago

margaret thatcher, pat robertson, and rush limbaugh's deaths were enough to make me wish there was a hell for them to go to, but sadly, they just stopped existing, like everyone else

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Guy was my best friend in middle school. We reconnected after I graduated from college, played and beat L4D and L4D2 together. Then he started sending me political memes, and they were all fascist.

I tried to reason with him, but then he refused to engage with anything that was longer than like a page, or any video/audio source longer than about five minutes, but didn't seem to have any problem sending me stuff way longer than that.

I still wonder if there was more I could have done. But I just didn't need that in my life. I'm not some hero, I'm a downwardly-mobile working-class schlub who's pretty good at playing piano and riding a bike. I shouldn't be responsible for dragging this dipshit back from the depths of fascism just because he sat next to me in seventh grade history class, and honestly, with some of the things he claimed to believe, I probably didn't even want him on my side anymore.

That's what I tell myself, anyway.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

we've been saying kissinger can't possibly have much time left for decades now

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

i don't think so, they have different shaped faces and bodies and different hair colors

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (4 children)

go to !fuckcars to learn more!


I've posted a pic of this guitar before, but it's a 1995 Yamaha Pacifica 102S that I recently got used for cheap. It's my first T-type and I've been having a blast playing it, but like the video says, it came with saddle height screws that were too long, so I decided to try modding it. This was also the first time I've really done any tinkering with one of my guitars.


In addition to teaching lots of private lessons and directing three teenage performance groups, I also direct an adult band, which currently has eight people between about 30 and 70 in it. I'm 28 and my codirector is in his 30s, but this week, he was out, so the school owner guy, who's in his 40s, subbed for him, making me the youngest person in the room by a margin of at least ten years.

In past iterations of this adult band, we've had some non-parent members, but right now, everyone in the band is a parent, and the owner guy also is, so this past week, I was also the only non-parent in the room, so naturally, everybody was passing around Father's Day well-wishes. And inevitably, one of the moms asked me, "what about you, teuast? Do you have any kids?" So of course I said no, and she said "Oh, not yet."

Not yet. Lol. I have a vasectomy and a girlfriend with a bisalp.

I did tell my girlfriend about it and she was suitably derisive, but in the moment I just let it slide off me. Nothing to be gained from explaining what's going on with my balls to a bunch of geezers at my work who I'm not sleeping with. And it's not going to come up again for at least another year, because, again, at work.


It reads like it was written in about April of 2020, but I actually wrote the skeleton of it for a TTRPG party I was setting up with some friends while I was unemployed back in 2019, although I did come up with the title after people started saying "the before times" to refer to pre-Covid and I put together a lot of the details (including the existence of Covid in the alternate history timeline) through the shutdowns.

It's been a back-burner type of project for a while since I haven't actually run a campaign in it in about two years, but since I had the materials for it, I figured I'd share it.

If you have feedback, please pass it along! And if you want to use it as inspiration for your own campaigns, feel free, as long as you let me know what you come up with.


Tickle my ivories, baby

I found the Guitars community pretty easily and was excited to join it, but didn't find one for my primary instrument, keys. I figured I couldn't be the only one in that position, so I set one up. If you like keys-based music, stop on by! (hey, that was a drawbar organ joke)

I hope I did this correctly. I'm new to Lemmy and not really sure what I'm doing, and tbf it kinda feels a bit like the Wild West out here post-Spezhole, so please let me know if I mucked it up somehow.


Casiopea is one of my favorite bands right now and Minoru Mukaiya is a god amongst keyboardists.


nope, nothing weird here at all


I covered an underrated gem that even Bill Wurtz fans sleep on. I hope I did it justice.


Full disclosure: this is my band and this is shameless self-promotion, but we just played a set at Bottom Of The Hill in San Francisco, and it was super cool. I'm on keys, and I had also just played drums on the opening band's set, so I was both a little razzled and a lot tired, but I still played OK for the most part. Our guitarist and singer were the real stars of the show, though.

Also, hi! Just found Lemmy. /u/spez can suck it.

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