the monkeys crab leg twitches
1.3 Billion! dr evil tilts his pinkie to the side of his mouth in a come hither stare
This story was in The New York Times. During 2016 election The New York Times published thousands of stories about Clinton email/Benghazi, not one on Trumps lifelong ties to NY/Russian mob. As if The New York Times wasn't in a particularly knowledgeable position to report on 70 years of NYC construction & mob history. All the money in my pocket says The Paper of Record has been taking Russian money for decades.
"secretly"? lol, cmon
H2 was shot right after H1, so it's in the can ready for distribution, it is without doubt getting a release, most likely straight to streaming/vod, which begs the question if there's appetite and budget to fund H3&H4 from someplace like Apple+, Netflix, or Amazon
After Horizon 1 tanked at the Box Office, I was expecting a hot piece of unwatchable garbage, but was pleasantly surprised with an old school Western epic I thoroughly enjoyed. I like Costner when he keeps it simple, and gets it right. I loved Dances with Wolves, but found Waterworld and The Postman to be cookie cutter Dances rip offs.
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like Costner as a person to hang out with, but Horizon was really good, and I hope it goes directly to streaming soon. I also hope he gets to make H3 and H4, but that seems doubtful now.
Nick Pickles
new pixel with not ready for prime time gremlins, you don't say, where have i heard that before, except with every single pixel release since the dawn of time. every one.
dude what lol
this dude is so pissed off at this show for all the right reasons, when you read it you can hear his little nerd brain go squeeeeeze, hahahahaha. i hate rings of power so much.
I don't believe this for a second
4 yrs, 240 mil, 231 mil guaranteed, hahahahahahahahahahahaha