What do you mean it's not an English word? It's used in English-speaking countries by English speakers isn't it? Next are you gonna say that "ski" is also not an English word?
Not in the US.
I mean Alex Jones's attorneys didn't fare much better when they accidentally leaked all of Jones's texts to the prosecution.
Does this mean Beehaw will refederate?
I bet you haven't even been to the state of Taco Island.
Sonic's 30th anniversary was in 2021.
You probably think that "sunrise" means the sun is literally moving upward too, don't you?
If you shake and stomp at the same time it will autotarget an enemy if they're close by.
why don't you just use "they" if you don't know
It helps you find a like minded group. In my case knowing there are other people on the spectrum helps me find other people and groups who are similar to me in that way and have similar struggles. They can give more targeted and therefore potentially more helpful advice than someone who doesn't have and can't fully empathize with those issues.
r/JohnCena and r/potatosalad switched places because everyone likes potato salad but nobody loves it, so it became a nickname for Cena and the two subreddits decided to swap.
For those wondering, in Old English deer used to be a more general term for animals before it changed to the modern meaning.