
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

i think is more likely to be a "mainstream gamers do not like this" line of thought, like with motion controllers. DS and 3DS did really well, but they had always the "casual" label (analogue to the wii and motion controllers) so "mainstream gamers" stayed away from them. even with the wiiu, that had native dual screens, nintendo tried to cater to a "mainstream gamers" audience and there are too few games that actually uses the dual screen effectively.

there might be more to this, like casual audiences moving to mobile games and only "gamers" buying consoles, but i'm not educated enough in the topic to make a judgement there.

tangentially, but

loading minigames patent

what the fuck is this??? how did someone actually accepted this?? how did I not hear about it before? this is silly on so many levels. like, patentings characters jumping or so (don't doubt something like this exist, but also don't want to know)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

the sp was clearly superior to the gba in almost anything, but it was a pain to play with (for me at least). i could have long sessions on a gba without any problem, but playing with the sp for long time was painful and uncomfortable. it was okay for rpg or games that did not require high reflexes or button mashing

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I have been saying for years that dual screen (or asymetric screens. can't really remember the name) was one of the best ideas in gaming that got fully abandonned no clue why. there are just a few games outside the ds line that actually did that and they were great (GZ did great. wiiu having two screens by default did not use it as much as it should). the DS games having usualy the map or sometimes inventory management on the secondary screen was simply great. many games would totally benefit from that

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

yay, the only ps4 game I ever had interest in will be playable without having to buy a sony console, nice

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 months ago

this hits way more closer than it should be

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

yuri is a heavilly abandonned genre in anime. there are a couple of series that are not bait but they either very badly adapted, incomplete or controversial. sadly, most of the series that get near yuri are either bait or pseudo-bait because they will never adapt more than the beginning. there are some good shows but there are too few so I expect there are already somewhere in the thread.

that is the main reason I stopped expecting to watch good yuri ever and I jumped to manga (altough I watched all bait shows this season with great dissapointment). even if not everything there is great, at least there are lots of works that address queer topics with different points of views and conclussions.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 months ago

I hear "Lucho, no estas solo, carajo" which would translate to "Lucho, you are not alone". Lucho is a way of referring to people called Luis (Luis Arce being the president's name) and Carajo would be something close to "damn" as a possitive expression to accentuate the idea (not really sure how to translate it tbh)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

really anxious about this one. watched the original anime at least twice complete (and a bunch of individual episodes when they were broadcasted) and while I really liked the series I remember that there were a bunch of things that felt wrong even back then. not sure how will I react if i watch it today.

wondering how much will they change from the original work. 48 episodes to addapt 37(?) volumes is too few but I remember there were a couple of arcs that didn't really affect the story so they could just remove them. will they change or remove some uncomfortable scenes? not sure what would be the best then

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 months ago

won't write my thoughts on it since i still have to let it sink to have a better analysis, but i got the feeling that they didn't had clarity on what to do with the story. the series had some good ideas or plot points that were either forgotten or just set asside to be solved later. and the last episode felt like they skipped a whole season of character development. it really needed more time or a better planning since most resolutions felt incomplete.

and it's very hard to not call the series bait. they had a very good episode that cannot be read at anything other than romantic development and then they split the characters for the rest of the series just to reunite them at the end as just a simple group of friends. and the whole thing with kiui/nox was very well written but then it's just left asside

i really want to like the series but sadly I can only say it's dissapointing. it's probably better than the average "girls friend group" anime since it tried to pressent more serious themes, but it didn't do much with them

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 months ago (1 children)

you could try wet shaving (the whole ritual about shaving with safety razors and soap). i used to have problems shaving using both shaving machines and the regular plastic razors and after a couple of bad cuts, was finally able to shave without cuts or irritations

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

unbound is a software that you can run anywhere to have a caching dns. opennic is a project of dns servers you can connect to to resolve dns records (think in google dns servers but run by the community). two different problem spaces. you can even use both at the same time

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

and non-us billions please

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