You can still get a job as a security guard today.
What do you mean "not there"? What features and improvements do you think current gen VR is lacking?
I got one. Your posture.
I expected it would lead to worse services, worse support, and worse privacy.
The arguments in favor of capitalism is that competition increases efficiency and production and lowers prices.
Yeah, but those arguments are false. Competition is owning an empty house while people freeze to death on the street, because it's "competitive". Cooperation is how you design a productive society. Competition is how you kill an economy.
Bruh, people are making money on Bitcoins and nfts. Speculative investments don't need to have any tangible value to be profitable. It doesn't matter that there's more houses than anyone could ever live in. It's a tulip panic, actual value is irrelevant.
Let's kill two birds with one stone by having a communist revolution. Boom, no more hoarding empty houses for profit, and the government which now serves the people instead of Capital can build more houses. Ideally according to sensible neighbourhood planning.
It's a great video game.
Who told you Trump has NPD? If it was some rando joe schmoe, they're not qualified to make that judgement because they're not an expert. And if it was a qualified psychiatrist, they were breaking the APA's rules. The APA forbids psychiatrists from diagnosing celebrities with mental disorders. It's called the Goldwater rule. You can't just do psychiatry at random people on the street, celebrity or no celebrity. You have to talk to a patient before you can diagnose them. And if a psychiatrist has spoken to Trump, then doctor patient confidentiality applies and revealing a diagnosis would be a massive breach of professional ethics.
This is even from the Wikipedia article on the Goldwater rule:
In 2016 and 2017, a number of psychiatrists and clinical psychologists faced criticism for violating the Goldwater rule, as they claimed that Donald Trump displayed "an assortment of personality problems, including grandiosity, a lack of empathy, and 'malignant narcissism'", and that he has a "dangerous mental illness", despite having never examined him.
In the absence of scientific consensus, I trust my own lived experiences and those of other people with the disorder I know. Science is so behind on personality disorders. Modern psychologists have about the same amount of understanding of personality disorders that Isaac Newton had of chemistry. And Newton was an alchemist.
I think if we made all the teenagers get up an hour earlier the whole year round, they'd revolt.
I tried to read A Game Of Thrones and it was so boring. It didn't stay with one character long enough for me to get invested in their story. Too many characters, and not enough writing skill to pull that number off.
I think George should have written a few simpler novels to practice good writing before he went and did a big project like this.