i was trying to figure out why i was so annoyed but i realise if i had to do even 4 different printed revisions and also if his last concept was the best I had in me and ALSO if it needed to be such an exotic material to be strong enough i would think i finally have lost the plot. also he doesnt even add a handle to the other end and keeps the shitlord recessed handhold ?? and also can't figure out or envision making it a permanent fixture and makes it semi-permanent when the concept was originally meant to be as easy as a snap fit? and designs the snap fit in like 6 different shitty ways before changing the design in the most half assed way possible? and ,,,, 500,000 views?? this is your hero?????
more like Big Hole
good headkicks, shit cardio
had this saved for a year and only now read Blindsight. excellent. one of the many ideas it made me realise is that i should meditate more often and step out of my mind a bit more physically
tankies will never stop fucking complaining; don't they realise that letting vampires feed on babies means that there's less adults for vampires to feed on? not that those tankies care. we always have to be the grown ups in the room
Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism
how long ago was last year again
this is sooooooooooo bad i hope anyone who looks at this reads the 10 billion comments explaining why
my politics evolved while listening to WTYP backlog (i started when they were at like episode 50) and by the time i caught up i was thoroughly disgusted at how much it declined and how surface level their communist ideals are. particularly alice. holy fuck. at least Liam doesn't pretend to be this all-knowing political wunderkind