Goddamn cardies....
Why couldn't they have just gone with the traditional 47 earthquakes, 23 asteroids, 2 tsunamis, and an alien invasion like the rest of us? At least that's quick.
WOAH, you can't just go full vulcanface like that, it's racist and not cool, man!
We absolutely CAN hold them accountable, but most people aren't ready for that conversation yet.
And any hint of it immediately draws all the people talking about how we should take the moral high road (that's filled with corpses of people doing the same thing) and not resort to violence or even inconvenient protests
"Look sir, I'm not saying I'm refusing a direct order from my superior. I'm saying these guys are 15 feet tall, encased in their own personal mechanized tanks, and are demanding to speak to my supervisor. I'm not gonna tell them no. So YOU can come down here and tell them."
turns to Ultramarines "one second, guys, he's gonna cave any second. If he doesn't, he will when he sees you."
Foreign nationals interfering in elections with ill-gotten gains?
One political party: I see nothing wrong with this.
Given just how long it was before trees came about, are we sure early fungi didn't bioengineer these tress specifically for this purpose?
Has anyone bothered asking the humongous fungus?
"But your honor, it could be argued those 47 people merely TRIPPED into my knife over and over. "
I'll be in my bunk
Ooh, shiny!
I always see people commenting on stories like this with things like "how does anyone actually believe that/think anyone will believe that?"
Well, that's exactly the point. It's not about the death being convincingly accidental. It's very much about sending a message to others.
You don't eliminate the competition and agitators with the exact same method of execution for 30+ years (with a few false-flag apartment bombings thrown in for good measure) and expect to keep things covert.
The only way they could make it more obvious is the "he hogtied himself, ate a cyanide capsule, jumped out the window and shot himself twice in the back of the head on the way down" trope.