
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 months ago

I mean, CPUSA main branch is kind of hot ass garbage but hasn't JT said he doesn't really approve of it and he works with his local branch do actually promote more true ML stuff? At least that what I though last time I saw him really go into it but that was a while ago.... I don't think he's revisionist, I think he's doing the best he can to build a local movement with what's available to home.

I saw a few videos of his I disagree with but they have a purpose in doing that. Their podcast and videos are about brining people in to begin the "deprogramming." I remember finding their stuff after I had listened to all of the "Proles of the Round Table" and thinking "man this is some baby shit." Then some of my friends that were actual little baby commies and soc Dems listened to it and now they are going as hard as me and give me shit for not having read as much as them... So I get why they have to tone it down. If I introduced my firends to the harder stuff right off the bat... They'd never have continued to listen to me. I think their little trio has a purpose and that is it bring more viewers that aren't communists in closer. Ses to me they try to make content that's bother for harder communists and also people just begining to touch on it.

And I mean, it's working. I remember when I joined their subreddit and discord about a year and a half ago and general sentiments, many were still on the fence about China and shit. Now there lots of full blow support for Xi. I've seen a significant shift in it leading people harder left. The problem is people treat it like it's the last step Like this is it and we should just only watch their stuff and nothing else. when it's meant to be stepping stones to more hard left stuff. Many of the later episodes got more hard left but they still have to make content to bring in the babies too. At least that how I see it.

And to all the haters... I mean, how many people have you actually radicalized by sitting here online and talking shit about people doing actual praxis?

[–] [email protected] 26 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I see this fuckers comics all over Reddit all the time. Half of them on subs making fun of how trash this dude is.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

Based Anwar Ibrahim.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 6 months ago

This feels like some weird bit. It's kids show in the imperial core... What do you expect? Them to openly advocate killing civilians? They went about as far as the could given it was a show meant for kids. They evern advocate in the end for Aang to kill Ozai. They basically off screen kill tons of fire nation soldiers on multiple occasions. They aren't going to show people dieing or the true horrors of colonialism and yet they are still able to get the idea access to kids that colonialism is wrong. There's only so far you could get with such a plotline in a kids show. Such a weird and random thing to go after. I feel like there's so many other shows that are way worse for kids that deserve this level of scrutiny or more. This almost feels like how Ultras go after AES countries for "not being communist enough" or something.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Assuming "us" here is Ukraine then yes, you are losers. Putin will liberate the Donbas from fascists genocide and the West will also complete their goal of using Ukraine like a Fleshlight , grinding up what's left, and selling it off to the highest bidder. The west didn't "stab you in the back." Stabbing you in the back would require them playing that they were your friend from the start. This was always their intention since they put Zelensky in charge in 2014 and the fascists bought it. What a joke this comment is.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 8 months ago

Typically yeah, minority kids are more likely to be treated as adult. Mainly when a crime is involved.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 8 months ago (1 children)

The mod there is in the official Deprogram Patreon trying to police it without actual mod powers. Harassing people for literal jokes. They have always been a little unhinged.

[–] [email protected] 43 points 8 months ago

Anyone that equates dog breed to human races from any perspective is just a piece of shit human. End of story.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Really just need to burn the whole system down. Biggest ponzie scheme in human history.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago

It's funny because for years I contributed to the stock purchase plan from my company where they give you a discount of stock purchases. I just did it because, idk I figured I should own a part of the company, even if it's a miniscule amount that won't really matter unless we got like, bought out for a shit ton of dollars. I always wondered why we got a discount. Honestly I'm still not sure but it WAS all through the transfer agent which I didn't even know about all that broker vs transfer agent shit till recently. Most people I know still don't know the difference. It's just insane to see. Like generations of people just throwing money into this system having no idea how fucked it is. Then when you learn and try to tell them they treat you like a lunatic.

Honestly it's almost the same when you try to explain communism to them. I've drawn lots of similarities between the way people start talking to me when I mention either. Sometimes I think the GME thing is part of a psyop or some shit. Like if you start talking about the stock market lots of people will tie it to that and start to think your are some GME reddit crazy and dismiss you. It's a pretty standard play they use when trying to make every criticism of their system sound like it's coming from some crazy conspiracy theories. The media treats them the same way in a lot of respects too. Like running constant repeat articles about how it's going bankrupt and how the investors have all left... Except they repeatedly have said that for like 3 years now? Similar to how China is always about to collapse or the CPC is genociding a bajillion Uighur Muslims every day... For years. Like 10 times the population should have been killed by now using Adrian Zenz numbers or some shit. It's also funny going to those subs and seeing them regurgitate MSM and State propaganda against China whilst talking about how everything in MSM about their stock is propaganda. Goes back to the "The Media lies about everything except those things that I agree with" mentality.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (3 children)

I follow this guy who basically went over all this in a different video. This one's good too. Talking about derivatives market and how they whole stock market is a sham. A good bit of those is also from that The Big Short movie which was enraging to watch. Although I will say I'm pretty sure a lot of those derivatives bets are against each other so like, it's not AS bad as it seems.... But it's still pretty fucked. It's meant to be an insane, hard to understand system on purpose. We aren't supposed to understand it and we aren't supposed to see what they do.

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