Thank you. This is definitely getting added to the list.
This is great
What do you think the first several hundreds of millions of years were like before they had Doritos?
And, like, was someone forcing them to wear a breast binder? Forcing them to try to pass as a man? If they hated binders so much, where is the compulsion to wear them coming from? Was a single person in this world upset when they stopped wearing their binder? Did they run to the shelter and someone said “you ain’t getting in here without a breast binder and at least an attempt to pass as a cis male”?
This is the plot of Equilibrium
To be fair, some of them do have a huge supply of lignite (/s except those who are already feverishly mining it)
...and those 2 or 3 years were 35 years ago
Just one more data center bro. I swear we’ll eliminate climate change if I can just get my fix.
Actual quote I heard yesterday: “I don’t think net zero is possible without AI”
At this point, what is the purpose of the Irish peace keepers? Especially if they are letting tanks just roll up and then right past them.