
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 23 points 8 hours ago

Don't say, "against their students", say, "against their customers". Which makes it sound even more ridiculous.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

My question is how much "likely" translates to "voted". It seems easy to respond, "Yes", when asked on the phone, but requires a bit more enthusiasm to actually go stand in line and cast a vote.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Actually...yes. At least for the "war criminal". I think the point is that you can't hide your inner feelings from the feather. So if you genuinely, in the deepest depths of your heart, have no qualms about bombing civilians then you're fine.

I think this points out the fundamental relativistic nature of morality and how the feather copes with it. Everyone has some sort of moral compass, and the feather measures how true you were to it. And really, what more can you ask of anyone? Decide, for yourself, what is right and what is wrong and stick to it.

Putting aside the fact that a toddler probably lacks the intellectual or emotional development to have a truely personal morality, I cannot imagine that someone who "broods" all their life over kicking a kitten when they were three is anything other than the nicest most moral person you'll ever meet. I don't think that have any trouble with Anubis and Thoth.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Also, the final note on the bass is a mistake, but they left it in.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

I wonder how depressed Giorgio Tsoukalos's dog is????

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Agreed, but I don't know the mindset of those people and how to think of them. Do we just take them out of the voter pool? Are they potentially swing?

My take on 2016 was that the Dems were deeply unenthusiastic about Hillary - and who can blame them - so they didn't show up to vote. On the other hand the Reps were stoked about Trump so they turned up at the polls.

Swing voters? I don't get it. I cannot see any rational person sitting in the middle comparing Trump and Harris and picking Trump as a better presidential option. Irrational people? My gut tells me they they are probably sitting and the far ends of either camp.

My guess is that the people closer to the middle aren't actually swing voters, but they are far more likely to have their enthusiasm to vote influenced than the true believers.

The big question, in my opinion, is how much - or how little - the polls reflect the enthusiasm to go out and vote. My impression is that Dem enthusiasm in high right now, while not so much for the Reps. It's possible that a 50/50 poll may hide the fact that a big chunk of one of the 50% is much less likely to actually vote.

I'm Canadian, so I see the news but I don't have day to day experience with US voters. Of course, neither do the 90% of Americans that don't live in those swing states.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (6 children)

Isn't that true about all US elections? There are no "undecided" voters, just Dems and Reps and the result is always based on who can motivate their voters the most.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 4 days ago (3 children)

Anubis and Thoth weighing the heart of the dead to see if it is as light as a feather before letting them into the afterlife.

I love the idea that there's no "do this, do that", or a concrete set of rules or commandments. But the idea that if you can look back on your life, and if your heart isn't weighed down with the burden of all of the things that you did that know we're just wrong...then you can go on to the afterlife.

It's just no much more of a reasonable, adult approach to morality.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Generally, with RPN you work from the inside out letting the results from operations inside the brackets sit on the stack until you need them. So the need for Order of Operations isn't removed, but you don't need special keys on the calculator for it. You do have to keep track of what's where on the stack, but this becomes second nature after a while.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 5 days ago (2 children)

I think there might be a better way to deliver "ballistic missiles to Russia".

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago

The travel eSIMs are a bit different. My Orange plan covers Turkey and the UK, which I specifically wanted, and probably Switzerland as well. For my wife, I needed to get a "world" plan that covered Turkey, otherwise the Europe plan would have covered the UK.

But that's an important point. The travel plans are NOT the same as regular plans in some ways.


For some reason, the wife decided to pull out all of the amigurumi critters that she's made since she started doing this at the beginning of the year.

So, here you go, the group shot:


She said that the pattern was awful and that she had fudge all kinds of stuff to make it work. The hat needed to be completely redesigned.


The wife has started to make these amigurumi creatures. Here's her latest two.

She uses worsted weight wool (she tells me) which generally results in bigger creatures.


I wanted one of these back in 1980 when I was 16. I remember that they were $1,200, but they might as well have been $1,200,000 as far as I was concerned.

Many years later I had the $$$ to buy one, and this one is a beauty. Koa, with Bill Lawrence pickups.

Look at all the knobs and switches!!!

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