That's funny, I used to know an Italian with crabs.
Of course, that's what estrogen does.
Private property is more important than human lives, got it 👍🏻
Thanks, couldn't have done it without you.
It's surprising the 90's didn't give us a "Speed on a plane" flick. Or did they?
There's Air Force One, I guess. And there's probably a Steven Seagal plane movie.
Save the earth
Do coke
Fun fact: the standard qwerty layout was made to slow typewriter typing down by putting common keys off the home row and apart from each other. This was done to prevent the little key arm thingies from colliding and jamming when typing quickly.
EDIT: Apparently this is not a fact
Finally some good fucking news.
Pass the joint, bud.
Congrats you invented Rugby 2
I remember being younger than Bart. Now I'm older than Homer. Next stop: Abe.
"I'm sorry (this got out)."