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[–] Birdie 7 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

You know, if that all powerful god of theirs wants the Zionists to have their own land, he should just poof a land of milk and honey out in the middle of the ocean. He could move the temple too, if he wanted.

That way everyone could live in peace.

[–] Birdie 35 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

They ALWAYS think DEI means hiring an inferior, less qualified person instead of the superior, more qualified white man.

That is because they cannot and will not believe any other race or sex could ever be equal to or better than the lowest white man.

They are certainly racist, they always have been and always will be. As far as I am concerned, every Republican is racist, and if they ever hire or appoint a POC or a woman, it's tokenism, not because they truly believe the hire is the best person for the job.

[–] Birdie 20 points 2 months ago

I'll move to it in a second. Protein with no need to slaughter animals would be so fantastic for the animals, the earth, and people.

[–] Birdie 24 points 2 months ago

I don't think that's right. She's been released on bond to house arrest; the charges still stand.

[–] Birdie 2 points 3 months ago

It's badly worded. She fell in a sinkhole while looking for her cat. She was found dead after 4 days. The headline could have been clearer if they'd included the words "while" and "has been". *Grandmother who fell down a sinkhole while looking for her cat has been found dead. *

The cat may be dead, but the headline doesn't say so.

[–] Birdie 4 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I think the headline states the grandmother was found dead, after falling down a sinkhole while searching for her cat.

[–] Birdie 21 points 4 months ago

If 3 patrol cars speed through town with lights flashing and sirens blaring anytime anyone needs a manager's phone number, that's even worse, sheriff.

Over a freaking whopper! This was totally an abuse of power. I'd love to see what happened to make the employees feel so unsafe that they'd lock the doors.

[–] Birdie 24 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Stalking. It was a typo.

[–] Birdie 3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

If someone is attempting to use her card, maybe it's time to talk to police? That's illegal, right?

[–] Birdie 1 points 5 months ago

His mom is in assisted living, not a nursing home. My mom is also in assisted living. She's got a stove in her apartment, she can cook her own meals if she wants to! Until recently, she could drive herself to Walmart if she felt like it. She has decorated her apartment in her own style because--get this--it's her home!!

Plus he hasn't said one thing about pointing a camera at his mother's bathroom!

It is her home. How disheartening to see you think it isn't.

[–] Birdie 59 points 5 months ago

Do not give your senior pet to an animal rescue. I think the mental anguish they'd experience they'd suffer from feeling abandoned would hurt them so, so much.

Do your best. Talk to your vet and ask for guidance.

We all face this, eventually. It is hard to face that our cherished pet is aging, but it's our duty to see them through.

[–] Birdie 10 points 5 months ago

I do not know where I got this from, but I thought all dogs were male and all cats were female. I thought this while I had a dog named Betsy and a cat named Sebastian.

If that's not bad enough on its own, I think I was in first or second grade when I learned the surprising truth. I wasn't a dumb kid, either. I learned to read when I was about 3.5 yrs old and started 1st grade as a 5 yr old.

I'm now in my 70s and I still can't figure out where I got that from!

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