IIRC, there was a study a few years ago that basically shrieked "IT'S THE NEONICOTINOIDS, IDIOT", and the response seems to have been "well, yes, but we make money selling that, so find something else to blame, dumbass."
I'm in central California and our insect populations have cratered HARD. Used to be that you couldn't drive east-west across the San Joaquin valley without getting the front of your car called in bugs; it hasn't been a problem at all for about two years now. I've seen probably a 95% decline in butterflies and bee-like insects; that is, I see about 1/20th of the butterflies I used to. This is deeply worrying. I had a dude come and offer to flush my lawn with pesticide to get all of the bugs out of it, and I took a moment to calmly talk to him about how he's contributing to complete ecological collapse.