For me... Prob coffee, chocolate, tea, and bananas.
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I really enjoy expensive liquor and going to fancy restaurants, even better if I can have some expensive liquor at a fancy restaurant.
yeah so fair. some nice shit is complete garbage but some is actually really nice
a really big turnip
cash is not exactly bourgeois
Next you'll tell me bed times isn't fascism
Nothing wrong with watching copaganda, but paper money is an unacceptable degree of bourgeois decadence. I only ever pay for shit with quarters and dimes. Anything higher than that is reactionary and liberal.
rockin up to the gocey store cash register w/ rolls of pennies weighing down my pockets like the monopoly guy
Video games. Like I'm sure in a communist utopia there would still be video games but I'd probably have less free time to game. Maybe not though. As a poor person in the first world I'm not sure where I sit on the scale of redistribution of wealth but I'm guessing its kinda middle of the pack.
One of the oldest and most recurrent communist demands is reduction of work shifts, you'd have time to play alright. Though lots of big budget video games nowadays are only possible due to massive exploitation of game workers, so games would be different due to different development cycles under socialism.
In a "communist utopia", we'd probably have the means to require less sleep and to stop aging (with how quickly tech is advancing I wouldn't be surprised). Thus, you'd have more time to game.
Even the early socialism of the 1936 Soviet constitution limited the working day to 7 hours with plans from Stalin to further shorten it. Everyone being guaranteed a job means less work required from individuals (and higher purchasing power because the price of goods will fall as they become easier and quicker to make). So, your free time may still go up.
The USSR also supported chess players and gave them full time salaries, chess universities and the ability to pursue it as a full time career, same with fitness sports like the olympics.
I enjoy strategy games, and yes, that includes paradox titles (if you know, you know). Hearts of Iron, Europa Universalis etc. I think they're well designed games, apart from the recent releases, but the fanbase and some of the ideological fantasy, it's... not great.
whats the deal with paradox in specific?
there are only two kinds of hoi4 players; one is a communist, the other is a nazi
Their player base is full of outright Nazis.
My partner works in the art industry so by default we have a lot of artsy friends and a lot of them live in these incredibly beautiful historical appartments in the middle of the city. We hang around there often and it is always a bit decadent. Classical music, champagne, nice clothes, etc. Through networking we (and they) also know a lot of people higher up. Politicians, business owners, whatever. We sometimes see them around and hang out with them.
Apart from that I also frequent hipster soy milk coffee bars and stuff.
I'm basically a huge hipster soyboy guy coming straight out of an Instagram influencer page except I'm a communist. I didn't grow up like this for what it's worth. So it always amazes me a world like this exists.
Nutella, stuff is basically imperialism destilled.
Try making your own! It's much better without the nasty palm oil they drown it in
is studying and following geopolitics bourgeois? because i guess i am guilty
Education is bourgeois actually, sorry
I live and breathe video games, and I like cop and superhero-related movies and series.
I also get how you feel about money.
I also prefer cash but its because I am ADHD and the number aren't real to me unless I can hold them and watch the stack lower
I'm the exact opposite lol. I also have ADHD, but to me, the number I see in my bank account is the amount of money I have, and when I end up with some cash and use it, it feels like it was free because the number in my bank account didn't go down.
Energy drinks. Sugar free of course.
0 calorie sweeteners are definitely bourgeois
I don't see why paper money would be bourgeois. Sure, in a socialist society i see no issue doing away with physical cash, and in fact it can help suppress black market and criminal activity, which are undesirable as they re-create bourgeois mentality and carry seeds of capitalist restoration.
But as long as we live under capitalism and the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, digital transactions are dangerous since they allow the bourgeois state to track you and your activities, making physical money actually a necessity for revolutionaries once the phase of active underground resistance is entered.
Context is everything, and imo in our context paper money is not necessarily bourgeois, and it has the potential to be revolutionary.
In China you see Xi pay with cash during visits bc has to promote the use of paper cash again as many stores completely stopped accepting it in favor of alipay and other digital methods lol. But yeah, money is money. Its commodity status is the same in capitalism whether that money is paper or digital.
I like currency in general as a public art piece. We don't live up to the potential though.
You can argue that the most successful sculptor in history was Victor D. Brenner, who got his boring-ass profile of Lincoln reproduced several hundred billion times since 1909.
You're not the only one; there's someone whom i won't name (public-facing comrade who's involved in organizing against 👮, and for prison abolition) who admitted a few years back that they love all the police procedurals; like, all the most problematic ones, too lol which i, of course teased them about.
on that note, i was really into Southland (2009-2013) (despite hating police procedural dramas);
and while it doesn't necessarily fit into the same box, i was also hooked on The Wire, too.
Phenomenal show.
i watched it before i finally conceded that Marxist theory was important for everyone to study, and i think that it'd make an interesting re-watch and reassessment (despite the creator's politics) through a critical, Marxist lens.
that said, here's a relevant article:
Police Departments Spend Vast Sums of Money Creating ‘Copaganda’
By Alec Karakatsanis {July 20, 2022}
initially, i was compiling a lot of interesting material related to copaganda (entertainment) in bourgeois media, but i decided to cull it at the last second. maybe i'll try to take some time and do it properly one day; (i probably won't actually do it lol), but it'll be a fun project for me ~~if~~ when i do.
I really like the wire too and I would definitely read long form marxist text about it, even if it got ripped to shreds
As far as media goes that you know is shit ideology, but you do it anyway, probably AC series for me. Now that I'm replaying some of it post-liberal-brain, it's glaringly obvious to me how much weird stuff is going on in it. Lot of "great man theory" and that's not even getting into the whole thing about
reducing human history to two factions who vie for power behind the scenes and use magic items and links to a mysterious civilization to help.
I thought it was much cooler when I was younger and was oohed and awed by the mystery of it. Now I see the superhero/supervillain themes much more distinctly, along with cartoon portrayal of class divides that are common to superhero themes. But the gameplay and the power fantasy of it is fun. Not enough to buy the newest one coming out though, screw that lol. Overpriced to hell and probably the same repetitive Ubisoft gameplay formula to a forgettable degree. I'll stick to enjoying what I already have.
Superhero movies, I like DC more than Marvel so I dislike MCU at least, otherwise yeah some cop movies.
And idk why would videogames be inherently bourgeois but that too if it counts.
My guess, besides the possible bourgeois themes and influences present, would be that video games often demand massive amounts of time and dedication compared to other media and may thus come at the most expense of a social life or connection to reality.
I'm a hard-core gamer myself with over 150 under my belt, have been forever. But I also acknowledge that I'm a product of a dysfunctional, isolated environment, so the pleasure wouldn't be guilty here.
There are cheap ones, and a lot without bourgeois themes. But besides, one of the most famous games was made in USSR.
Roblox, when I was young.
Roblox, when I was young.
when i was WHAT?!?
Technically Roblox has existed since 2005 lol. It was more of a digital lego set back then.
Think I made my account around 2007 lol, it was much more fun at the time tbh. No pay to win garbage, just tycoon games, boat building obstacle course games, survive the tornado games, etc.
You'd get home from school and hop on skype to play with your buddies after doing homework
Rap music
Here’s a Kenyan communist rap song right here:
I didn't like the song, so I isolated the vocals and put a random philly drill beat over it. I prefer philly drill beats for his voice since its deep and dark
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
To expand on your comment, that entire fuckin album is a banger, as are most of his albums.