
joined 4 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 21 hours ago

In my country, the options are becoming "fascist" vs "not so fascist" lol

[–] [email protected] 22 points 21 hours ago (2 children)

Motorola (which is Chinese)


[–] [email protected] 37 points 21 hours ago

As soon as someone says "there is nothing that I can do about it", it already shows they are not fully class conscious

[–] [email protected] 2 points 21 hours ago

I don't like the message of the meme, it's like saying that capitalism will destroy itself alone. It won't. It will require a conscious organization heading in that direction. Just like feudalism didn't end on its own, it required a conscious liberal revolution to overthrow it.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

Thank you for your insights, comrade. It's clear Hasina is not approved by the West, but the revolt didn't come from nowhere. Her government brought that to herself.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I didn't process the removal of your comment, but the term "degenerate" was historically associated with fascist rhetoric, so it's usually frowned upon. Best not to use it, I guess?

And I agree it's hypocritical to delete your comment for that reason while preserving the post which refers to that guy as "pig of Ukraine".

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

what are whales again, I thought they were just beautiful animals

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Judge James Robart told Business Insider a bank that managed his wife's individual retirement account purchased Boeing stock in April 2023. He said as soon as he learned about it, he had the stocks sold; his financial disclosures said the shares were sold on two dates in May and June.

It's not clear whether Robart's wife made money on the trades overall. Based on the prices that Boeing shares traded at on the days her IRA bought and sold the shares, at least one of the two sales was a money-loser, while the second could have been profitable.

Bro actually reported this to the newspapers, was probably not profiting over the case

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Excellent and informative post! I'm a technicality lover myself!

Can you explain how elections work in the country? Who are these delegates? How did they reach that position?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The only problem I see is when it affects or disrupts a community, like spamming stuff or something, besides that, promoting oneself is a natural thing to do

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Is this the right community for this post?


El Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Venezuela (PCV) hace un llamado a las fuerzas genuinamente democráticas, populares y patrióticas a unir fuerzas para defender la voluntad del pueblo venezolano que se expresó este domingo 28 de julio con una clara intención de cambio político en el país.

Alertamos a la opinión pública internacional que así como el Gobierno de Nicolás Maduro ha despojado al pueblo venezolano de sus derechos sociales y económicos, hoy pretende privarlo de sus derechos democráticos.

La denuncia de un supuesto intento de vulneración del sistema electoral, hecha por el presidente del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE), Elvis Amoroso, lejos de brindar las garantías necesarias al proceso, profundizan las dudas sobre los resultados presentados al país. En tal sentido, exigimos al CNE la publicación de la totalidad de las actas de votación ─tal y como lo establece el reglamento electoral─ así como la máxima transparencia en el escrutinio de los resultados.

La proclamación de Nicolás Maduro como presidente reelecto bajo este escenario de incertidumbre en el que los resultados presentados por Amoroso contrastan abiertamente con el ánimo que imperó durante la jornada electoral, no es más que una provocación que abre paso a la configuración de situaciones de violencia.

En estos momentos se registran espontáneas movilizaciones populares en distintos puntos del país. Desde el PCV no solamente respaldamos el clamor de respeto a la voluntad popular, sino que hacemos un llamado a las fuerzas militares y policiales a no reprimir al pueblo.

En estas horas decisivas para el presente y futuro del país, las y los comunistas ratificamos nuestra convicción de construir espacios de amplia unidad para fortalecer la lucha por la recuperación de la Constitución y el estado de derecho en Venezuela.

¡Gobierne quien gobierne, los derechos se defienden!

Caracas, 29 de julio de 2024

TL;DR: They are questioning the legitimacy of Maduro as a winner, claiming he is undermining voting rights, while ignoring the growing right-wing reaction and coup attempt against Maduro

PCV is basically voicing reaction, to the point they even use liberal wording about "democratic rights" in a bourgeois state


On July 18th, 2024, after almost a week of discussions, the editorship elected comrades General_KJ and ulaan to the position of administrators with an unanimous 16 votes!

The main reason for this is to fulfill demands of a growing project. This was an initiative of the founder admins, me and Critical, and we brought the discussions to the editorship so we could elect members there.

To me, personally, this is a great achievement. Years ago, when I first created ProleWiki, with my own money and labor, I promoted the project in Lemmygrad, sharing my thoughts on the development, issues, demands, etc. Though I was a bit more idealistic back then about the future of the project, I had a correct reasoning:

We hope that in about a year or so, ProleWiki is able to exist without me individually and becomes a valuable resource to revolutionaries from all over the world, socially owned by all contributors.

It definitely took longer than a year 😂, but we managed to do that, and now even more so. We will be training the newly elected admins over time so that they can fulfill demands on every aspect of the project. That way, ProleWiki can be much more resilient against anything that may happen with an individual admin's personal life or health. Giving the CIA a harder time trying to shut us down 😁

Welcome, comrades General_KJ and ulaan!


Recently, we started using a MediaWiki extension which helps us "moderate" edits coming from those who do not have accounts. This help us prevent spam and vandalism from ever reaching front pages, while allowing those who don't have accounts to contribute to collective knowledge.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We've always noticed something odd with user @[email protected], but we haven't formalized any space for discussion about them.

People have noticed they are apparently collecting info about us and our community. Have you interacted with this user? What do you think about it?


Hello there, comrades!

A few ProleWiki editors are focusing their efforts to expand our articles on Laos. We're looking for sources to base our articles on, so that we'll have more material to work with. If you know anything, be it an article or a book, or a website, please, let us know! Your suggestions will help us refine our article on the country.

Another thing, we're holding a book club on Revolution in Laos: Practice and Prospects, which does a good job on detailing the history of the country and its revolutionary movement, which we can all learn from to apply to our revolutionary tactics (though not strategy). If you're interested in doing this reading with us, join our Discord server and let us know you're from Lemmygrad and you're there to join the book club, and we'll put you right in as a book club member!

Thank you!

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello, comrades!

I'm here again to proudly announce that we've established a Persian language ProleWiki, managed and developed by our Iranian comrades @[email protected] and TheSinnerOne. Their selfless contributions are a testament to the unwavering dedication and perseverance of our comrades in delivering a service to the international proletariat.

The expansion of our encyclopedia into Persian not only signifies the growing reach of our revolutionary knowledge but also symbolizes the unity and solidarity of comrades across languages, and cultures. And to think ProleWiki started with only myself in September 2020... And now we're spanning and delivering content up to 8 different languages, with editors from all over the world!

It reminds me of an excerpt of Pablo Neruda's poem, To my party, which I will highlight:

You have given me fraternity towards those I do not know.
You have added to me the strength of all who live.
You have given me again the homeland as in a birth.
You have given me the freedom that the solitary does not have.
You taught me to kindle kindness, like fire.
You gave me the righteousness that the tree needs.
You taught me to see the unity and difference of men.
You showed me how the pain of one being has died in the victory of all.
You taught me to sleep in the hard beds of my brothers.
You made me build on reality as on a rock.
You made me the adversary of the wicked and the wall of the frantic.
You made me see the clarity of the world and the possibility of joy.
You have made me indestructible because with you I do not end in myself.

And indeed, ProleWiki did not end in myself! Long live the international collaboration between comrades!


With the help of our comrade Syntrofos, we have opened a Greek language ProleWiki! Of course, since we have just opened it, you shouldn't expect to find much, except an article on Marxism-Leninism at the moment. Irrespective of that, having an open Greek wiki will allow people speaking that language to contribute with the wiki independent of the English language instance.

Our editors have done an excellent job in ProleWiki, but it's a job that is never really finished. There will always be something to add, a fact, a specific knowledge, and it's wonderful that we are opening up to further languages so more people from more places can know about our project and contribute to them.

All glory to the comrades at ProleWiki! Thank you comrade Syntrofos for your work!


Special thanks to comrades @[email protected], @[email protected] and @[email protected]. Your patience and assistance were honorable

Right now, registration is closed and probably will continue to be closed for a while. Only editors can choose to have an account with the ProleWiki handle.

Now for step two: implementing a matrix-discord bridge. May take me a while 🥲


We can no longer ignore there are Matrix users among our editorship, who prefer it over Discord for various reasons, some being they had to use VPN, they prefer Matrix for privacy and security, or simply because they hate Discord for some reason

There's also the problem our organization is currently intrinsically tied with Discord. So if we ever "found" to "break the rules" of the "community guidelines," which is always a bullshit excuse for censorship, we will face a major setback in our organization before we re-organize ourselves more autonomously.

Having a Matrix server and channels neatly organized can be a safe backup from such a setback, but the major reason we (and by this I mean mostly myself) are currently researching into implementing a Matrix server, is to host a bridge which would allow seamless communication between our Matrix and Discord members

Comrade @[email protected] from GenZedong has generously offered support in implementing the server, but neither of us knew how to configure the Apache webserver, which is the stack used by ProleWiki, and I'm currently stuck figuring this out. She has also set up a Matrix-Discord bridge herself for us to use, but it's safer for us to host one ourselves, to avoid leaving the server dependent on other servers.

Instead of requesting for a single person, anyone willing to help, please do so in the comments, and I'll answer you. I will share some information about our server configuration in the process, and since any conversation here is public, try not to ask any sensitive information.

I think this way more people can chime in and help us out, I've been having headaches with this 🥲


We know some comrades would love to edit the wiki but they do not feel "ready" to do so theoretically... Considering that, it's my duty to present the Lemmygrad community the library editors role in our wiki. Library editors are users who have access to editing our library, so they can help expand works available for everyone to read!

First of all, I understand those who feel they are "not ready" to create an account and edit. But you're not really required to be extensively well read on everything so you can contribute. Most of what I've learned about theory, history and politics was a consequence of my editing on ProleWiki, as I learned in the process of researching stuff to put on the wiki.

Second, if you feel like you're not currently able to research and edit stuff, it's understandable, since it takes work to do that. But by contributing to the library, you're helping others have easier access to important works.

Have you ever read anything you felt like everyone should read it? And when you search for that book, you realize it's very hard to find? Your contributions could help others have access to that very important information in a very accessible form. You'll be doing your part in elevating the consciousness of the people from the comfort of your home

So, go ahead and request an account already! Fill in the questions based on what you know, and if you're interested specifically in a library account, tell us so in your request form. This means we'll take it easy on your answers. Those who wish to request a full fledged account, just answer the questions to your best ability, but we're usually more rigorous with the answers.

We'll give everyone from Lemmygrad feedback about their answers, so you can see this as an opportunity to test your knowledge too 🤓

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