
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

The settler was in the IOF, Aysenur was actually a civilian. Insane how they spin this.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago

In site video streaming has been one of the best features to come to the Lemmy

[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 week ago

Ironically, I actually think the opposite is true (at least here in the west). Right wingers are more than happy to "accept" anyone as long as they can subscribe to some level of hate for the "other".

[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 week ago

The kids are gonna be fine after all

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

In summary, he had horrible opinions in 2012 and the US is indeed convincing the philipines to become an asian Ukraine.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

That's assuming we're ignoring record oil production, and the US military (which is not even required to even report emissions). Even if that oil still goes to another country, that's by all means emissions on the US' part still.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago

This pathology permeates from the inside out, and it’s not just directed at China; it’s their attitude toward the entire world. However, only China refuses to buy into it, and their distortion of China is stronger than in other areas. China is increasingly able to view the U.S. from an equal footing and recognize this abnormality. It’s like the famous fairy tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” where the two con men weave invisible clothes while other countries pretend to follow America’s lead in running around naked.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Resolution gets dropped or resolution is voted against. It's not a leap to assume these parlor tricks will end the same way as they always have.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

do yall know eachother IRL or do you always operate on pseudonyms?

[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Would explain why they arrested the Telegram guy

[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I don't think Washington's ghouls would be saying these kind of things if Vietnam didn't matter to them. As far as the US is concerned, any independent nation that could be a regional/ global power is a threat by default.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

Kinda unfortunate to hear as someone who wants to pursue plant science in USonia , but alas, it's one of the many symptoms of a crumbling empire.


Some lighter news in these trying times




I said "death penalty" under a post about a zionist terrorist who stabbed unarmed civilians for wearing kuffiyehs at a pro-palestine rally. I'm free, my time is liberated. I'll have to go scream at zionists in real life even more.


Someone told me there was a deprogram episode on hawaii, but I couldn't find it :/. Any other source material also welcome!


This seems like such a silly write up, but I'm noticing that it's not as easy for me to complete a task unless I'm at the absolute limit of time to where it needs to get done. For example, I needed to study for an exam over the course of a week...I just started today, and the exam is tomorrow 💀. I have 4 chapters to read to and just finished the 1st :').

On one hand, I think having that kind of sense of urgency is good when you're dealing with an "emergency", but like...its not really ideal to constantly be in "emergency" mode. Besides the obvious answer of doing stuff early, how do I stop doing this 😦...


I had met this lady a few weeks ago who did numerology sessions on the side of her regular job. She had offered me a session at the time and I had refused. I ended up finding her number a few weeks later and had arranged to book a session.

I had been seeing all these numbers repeating, and thought, why not have some fun, right? I don't really believe in that kinda stuff, but it would be interesting to see what values people ascribe to things as random as numbers, and see what I think about it. An hour session was gonna come out to upwards of 200+ dollars 💀 .

I apologised saying I should've asked for a quote beforehand, but she tries to call me (I didn't pick up) and she then texts me that "people usually call me when they're in need and I recommend the session", but it's like...of course you would, you're making 200+ dollars off of me lol.

No disrespect to her, but I hate that everyday interactions are warped by profit 😓. I get everyone has to eat, but damn, wtf?





I asked the store manager if there were refillable cartridges I could just buy online, instead of being forced to pay for like 3 different products! (Not Cheap!) She said that the companies sometimes make printers go error if you use unauthorized ink...

Absolutely pointless production that fuels climate change 🙄. Get me out of here! I'm stuck in 2D!


I think it's a silly obfuscation to divert any blame from capitalism by just proclaiming that the world currently isn't under capitalist hegemony, but I wanted to see what others thought and if anyone knew anything that Marx or anyone wrote about the matter.

Someone said to me "Directors are not the same as shareholders. Directors, CEOs and fund managers are, well, managers. Managers are NOT capitalists. They do not invest their own capital in order to make money and gain influence, they just climb the ladder. They don't have the same goals as owners and capitalists. They don't value the same things and they don't play the political game to get the same results. This is why the politics have also changed. They don't value the same institutions and want to do politics in different ways. They don't value political parties, individual rights, etc., they value rules, bureaus that enforce the rules that are non-partisan and continue to operate regardless of who's in power. Managerialism is too deep of a rabbit hole to be contained in a reddit comment thread, I would point you towards James Burnham who described it in great detail and quite accurately predicted what the modern world would look like when he wrote 80 years ago."


This might not be applicable to everyone, but there's an app called freebie alerts. There's pretty much everything on it: TV's, dryers, chairs, etc.

Be safe and keep your head up. You're not bad for being poor, friend.


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