yeah, you know what i feel like right now?
badposting is a comm where you post badly
This is not a [email protected] alternative. This is not a [email protected] alternative. This is a place for you to post your bad posts.
Ever had a really shitty bit idea? Joke you want to take way past the point of where it was funny? Want to feel like a stand-up comedy guy who's been bombing a set for the past 30 minutes straight and at this point is just saying shit to see if people react to it? Really bad pun? A homemade cringe concoction? A cognitohazard that you have birthed into this world and have an urge to spread like chain mail?
- Do not post good posts.
- Unauthorized goodposting is to be punished in the manner of commenting the phrase "GOOD post" followed by an emoji that has not yet been used in the thread
- Use an emoticon/kaomoji/rule-three-abiding ASCII art if the rations run out
- This is not a comm where you direct people to other people's bad posts. This is a comm where you post badly.
- This rule intentionally left blank.
- If you're struck for rule 3, skill issue, not allowed to complain about it.
Code of Conduct applies just as much here as it does everywhere else. Technically, CoC violations are bad posts. On the other hand: L + ratio + get ~~better~~ worse material bozo
Go to the beer truck for beer
pack of gay smokes and a 12 pack of gay beer thanks
You can just go to the Soviet beer truck for beer dude
oh i didn't know that was in town
It's parked in front of our housing block every Thursday and Saturday. I know you know this because I saw you pass out behind it, twice.
I like this idea but it seems like there would be sanitary issues that would be easier to deal with if your beer was in smaller containers. Also ever had the keg bottoms from a bar? Probably not cause they don't sell it and give it away to kitchen stsff cause it's gross. With thsr kind of horizontal structure that seems like it'd be 1/3rd bottom and also sunlight would heat thst shit up
Your galaxy brain probably knows better than the engineers who probably designed this and the employees who use it on a daily basis lmao
lemme get a uhhhhhhhhhh gay
Um, yeah, can I get a uhhhhhhh
The Gay Store called, and they're running out of you!!!
I would like 1 (one) gay please
Are you gonna Venmo me for that cuz it's kinda expensive
tell Phi--he works there--l to stop gettin' his dunk sunked by Bam at 4am.
Oh man Bam, you gotta stop suckin my dick, I gotta go to work in the mornin
Just go sit on the shelf, I heard they're running out of You
I'm off the clock right now, they got another gay guy
Your mom and I are out of (gay) condoms.
yeah uh can you get the weed that makes you freaking gay
You smoke way too much of that shit.
ok but i gotta smoke more of it. maybe if i smoke enough ill become the ultimate gay
Grab me the box set of regular Frasier
Been looking for a reasonably priced box set of the x-files recently. Think they got it?
A cute guy would be nice
A couple of drab hoodies, please.