She is such a perfect refutation to all the bullshit excuses that US liberals spew to justify their failures.
"We need a white male christian next time!"
"Kamala was too progressive!"
"Muh post-covid incumbent party disadvantage!"
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She is such a perfect refutation to all the bullshit excuses that US liberals spew to justify their failures.
"We need a white male christian next time!"
"Kamala was too progressive!"
"Muh post-covid incumbent party disadvantage!"
"Latino people will never vote for a woman because of machismo."
I made this point on a TikTok comment and a liberal double downed with the idea that Latinos in US are fundamentally different from the ones in Mexico
i mean the person is not entirely wrong there, much of the latino diaspora in the US are petty bourgeoisie of latin america.
In the context of blaming Latinos for the election of Trump it’s disingenuous. Sure there are some right wing Cubans in Miami, but as an entire demographic it makes no sense to claim Latinos could never vote for a liberal woman — which was the real content of the claim
that's the fascinating that about grouping latinos together as a voting block. the conservatives in miami are vastly outnumbered by the latino evangelicals throughout the southwestern united states; but most only consider miami.
the person you responded to is right that a significant majority of the middle and upper class latinos (aka the public figures you see on legacy media) have petite bourgeoisie origins in latin america; sheinbaum would be one of them if she had immigrated to the united states.
however it's the latinos in the lower classes (especially the working poor) in this country that are the overwhelming majority that drive downward the american socioeconomic indicators that re-enforce the stereotypes and justify the treatment of latinos as people of color in the united states; their voices are both at odds with upper class' amplified voices and what helped trump win.
Oh for sure, his base is still the white working class and petty bourgeoisie. I just wanted to clarify that Trump won the vote of many of these minorities precisely because they're petty bourgeois and are completely chudified. The US is the stronghold of the worldwide petty bourgeoisie.
Go read Defectors by Paola Ramos.
liberal woman
Considering Kamala was a ghoul of the second highest order, you are right, Latinos could never vote for a liberal woman president, because none have been offered to them.
Yeah that's true though. Miami Cubans are different than Cubans too
Latinos in US are fundamentally different from the ones in Mexico
To an extent yes, because the options offered to Latinos in the U.S is "be white supremacist adjacent" or be a "loser liberal".
machismo catholic culture
atheist jewish woman runs for president on a detailed platform going above and beyond her predecessor
wins 60% of the vote in a multi-party system
tells spain to go fuck themselves until they apologize for colonialism, breaks tradition of inviting their king to inauguration
does morning press briefings every day
amends constitution to require the majority of energy and electricity be nationalized
amends constitution to limit an overstepping supreme court's power and require judges be elected by popular vote
nationalizes train services and mandates expansion of ports and passenger rail; starts construction of 3000km electric train rail
passes labor laws to protect gig workers, strengthen union power, erode the 48-hour work week, and eventually guarantee universal pensions
increases minimum wage by 12% and orders this to happen every year automatically
passes strict climate change policies, laws against deforestation, and allocates billions for renewable energy
expands relations with latin america and BRICS to break from the great satan's grasp
creates task force to target govt corruption and misuse of funds, and re-structures/merges/simplifies a bunch of agencies to control bureaucracy
embeds indigenous rights, gender-equality, and a strong social safety net into the mexican constitution
pushes for extensive trans and non-binary rights
creates universal welfare for the elderly/disabled and parents of kids in public school
creates justice committee for black and indigenous mexicans and implements national strategy for fighting gender violence
expands the universal healthcare system by creating a nationwide door-to-door health census directing health workers to make regular home visits to elderly and vulnerable populations for screening, preventative care, and free treatment/medication
approval rating soars around 80%, nearly 20pts higher than her already popular predecessor
even a majority of people who voted conservative now have a favorable opinion of her
only been president for 4 months
american liberals: DOES NOT COMPUTE
Please keep talking
Libs when populist platforms are popular
no you can’t say you want to bring production back to your country and kick out foreign enterprises that’s literally communism. mr. president trump please kick out foreign enterprises and bring production back home so that you can stop her
Being leader of the free world ain't easy
The only mexican left-wingers I know adore her, more than AMLO. And she polls higher than AMLO ever did
she takes indigenous socialism a step further than amlo ever did and that's her base; if she can avoid getting assassinated or mexico can avoid destabilization from the american empire, she could become the next trump (if trump were socialist)
as long as they move mexico further left, and cater to the indigenous peoples, I'm all for it
i know people that are actively choosing to live in the us instead of coahuila and i legitimately do not understand it.
I mean waiting for stuff to set in doesn't seem the worst if they're fairly comfortable
I'm out of the loop, what did President Sheinbaum nationalize?
@mar_k posted some good stuff above of what she's done so far
Oh man that was a good list.
so far in or first 100 or so days: pemex, the judiciary, healthcare expansion; and social security
My president