i hope hexbear will be ok
Community for all women and non-binary people.
Some ground rules:
- Read the Code of Conduct.
- No bigotry of any kind. This includes but is not limited to: Transphobia, Non-Binary Erasure, Sexism, Racism, Ableism, Homophobia etc.
- No Harrassment. This includes but is not limited to: stalking, harassing and threatening posters.
- No Sexually Explicit Content Because of potential doxxing posting sexually explicit content of yourself will be removed.
- Don't Be a Lib No capitalism and imperialism apologia.
looks like the bus factor is now zero on the hamsters running the site
Hexbear has fallen, time for Hexbeanis to rise from the ashes
Is there a way for Lemmy to not autoplay gifs that are blurred with the nsfw filter? There was a post the other day that had a flashing gift that still flashed through the blur so it can still cause issues for people
Who the hell decided on implementing the romanisation system that Lib island has now? How does 星 ("xing" in pinyin) equal "sen"? Boy I sure do hope somebody got fired for that blunder
(yes I know they used a few competing systems in the past and iirc now a version of pinyin, but place names haven't been changed to fit the new system for some reason hence stuff like this)
like I get why they did it, but not being able to trade the newest set on TCG pocket is really irritating. I have a gastrodon full art card, my wife LOVES gastrodon and the theme the cards always have with the 2 formes hanging out. I want to trade her the card from one of the full arts I don't have that she does like regigigas, but I just am not allowed
Voyager's The Thaw shows that we're perfectly safe from Rocco's Basilisk because it will simulate Kate Mulgrew who has acted this all out before and will scare the shit out of it until it fucks off.
live reaction of the possum I was inches from running over tonight but I slammed on the brakes and EVERYTHING WENT FLYING in the van
Bit idea: get a bunch of people with dyed hair outside of like town halls and stuff with banners that say "women can get pregnant!" so we get the chuds to say "no they cant libs"
why does ralph fiennes pronounce his name "rafe"? is that normal in england?
Kanye's twitter has vanished. I repeat, we are now Ye-less.
ugh I'm sick this sucksssss
there's an auction for hexbear.bet domain https://www.sav.com/auctions/details/7073489/hexbear.net
Last mega locked
Largely, yes. Misty is the most egregious element of it. There are other ways the water type can generate extra energy, but some other types have similar methods, and others don't need the extra energy as much.
But yeah Misty is dumb as fuck, you can play her and with even a meager amount of luck instantly kill your opponent on turn 1 - if that's not busted, nothing is. I wonder why half the fucking decks I play against are water decks.
Yeah if that's the state of the game, then it doesn't appeal to me. I thought with the short play times/iteration it would encourage experimentation, because it's easier to tweak and try out new combos and get immediate feedback, but the upshot of having a stale meta means that you have stale counterplay and less variety to try your builds against.
Little mouse who brushed my foot,
I can't begrudge you to live.
I would let you eat the seed and scraps
From my table
Until you were fit to burst.
But could you never touch me,
And set off my terrible mechanism of fear
Such that I feel I have to wash my foot
Just for the meeting of
Fur and flesh?
I would set out a little greens and
rice for you,
And you could be a companion,
But because we cannot speak,
We are set at odds.
Flee mouse.
Make your home and dinner
Where I cannot see it
So I can stay the trap
So I can not begrudge your living.
got like a half hour before bed time......what's something naughty & mischievous my rascal ass can post in such time??
Putting a little Joe Biden I did that sticker on my essay so I cant be accused of using chatgpt
Un jour je serai de retour près de toi.
Cracker Barrel but instead of being a breakfast place its a breakfast place that's barrel shaped
got lady gaga abracadabra stuck in my head
Big fan of butterflies and their stupid noses
shitting where you eat
finding organic bonds of romantic love that grow gradually with people you're in community with, having at once greater risk but also greater accountability to the other should things not work out, and overwhelmingly being a more fulfilling and spiritually nourishing process in the lead-up to said bond of romantic love
guys wtf happened to my fucking hamster why does he look like this now????
Absurd to me that we've still not figured out a way to perfectly organize music in 2025. I want my albums sorted by original release date (even for remasters) and I want albums to stop playing once they get to the bonus tracks. Is that so much to ask???
woke cops be like: hand in your BADGE and PRONOUNS!!! 🤣🤣🤣